
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

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The Boy Who Lied!

Minister Fudge glanced at the envelope and opened it with a smile.

"Let me see what surprises Mr. Grindelwald has in store."

Maybe it was because of the extra 50,000 Galleons, but Fudge already changed his frown just now and his mood became very good.

However, once he took out the photos in the envelope, the smile on his face gradually faded and his expression became incredulous.


"The photos of the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets, Minister Fudge should be in great need of these, right?"

"Is Rita Skeeter your person?"

Fudge looked at the boy in front of him with a serious expression, but there was also a hint of fear and anger in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Lucas smiled and shook his head: "You seem to have misunderstood something, I bought these from Rita Skeeter for a lot of money."

"She was about to sell the pictures for a good price when my people found her."

"It's fine if the newspaper buys it, but if your opponents buy it, the minister might be in big trouble."

Lucas finished speaking and the office became quiet.

Fudge flipped through the photos in his hand and found that there are notes behind each photo.

After reading these remarks, he also learned about the situation in the secret room.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Grindelwald, please forgive my recklessness."

The smile reappeared on Fudge's face.

After apologizing, he put the photos back into the envelope and planned to put it away.

But a hand suddenly appeared and pressed the envelope under the palm of their hand.

Fudge glanced at Vinda Rosier beside him, then turned his gaze to the blond boy on the opposite side.

"Mr. Grindelwald, what do you mean?"

"Minister Fudge, I do intend to hand you these photographs, but I would also like you to do me a little favor."

"I think the Minister should not refuse, after all, I spent a lot of money to buy these photos."

Fudge's heart sank, and he frowned and asked, "A little favor? What's the favor?"

"It's just a small matter for you."

Lucas put down the tea cup in his hand, took a paper bag from Vinda and took out a few documents inside then handed them over.

"I have some friends who are down-to-earth and hardworking. I hope you can accommodate me and help them find a few positions in the Ministry of Magic."

Fudge made a rough calculation, the information in hand is not just as simple as just a few friends.

He's afraid there are as many as a dozen friends.

"Isn't that too much, and I have no right to place people into jobs at the Ministry of Magic."

"Minister Fudge must be joking, don't worry, I don't ask for any important departments, have you seen the three documents at the top?"

Seeing Fudge nod, Lucas continued: "I would like to ask you to arrange for these three people to enter the International Magical Cooperation Department, the Magical Transportation Department, and the Magical Sports Department."

"As for the others, you can just give them any job, how about that?"

Fudge didn't immediately agree and it could be seen from his frown that this "little favor" seemed to be giving him a headache.

Lucas gave him a few minutes to think about it.

When the time came, he spoke again: "Minister Fudge, think about those photos, they can help you get out of your current situation."

"Besides, my three friends going to these departments is also good for our business. You also know that some of our business is related to them."

"If there are some friends in these departments, it would be beneficial, right?"

"By the way, I also heard that the 422nd Quidditch World Cup next year will be hosted by us in England."

"The Saints Investment Group can sponsor some Galleons, but we need to obtain the right to operate the Portkeys."

"Minister, this is a good opportunity to make a fortune. If we have the help of people from these departments, we can make a lot of money."

Fudge was silent for a long time.

The fact he can become the Minister of Magic shows that he's not a complete idiot.

But with 50,000 Galleons and those photographs as an incentive, he was already a little shaken.

He also thought that those were just unimportant departments and as long as Lucas isn't placing people in the Law Enforcement Division and the Wizengamot.

He wouldn't have much to worry about.


Pyne Carrow pushed open the door and walked in.

"Minister, are you looking for me?"

"Enter the information of these people in the Ministry of Magic staff directory, and then notify them to come to work next week."

Taking the information in Fudge's hand, Pyne Carrow respectfully exited the room.

Seeing this, Lucas motioned to Vinda and she also let go of the envelope that had been pressed.

"Minister, happy cooperation!"

Lucas raised the tea cup in cheers to the Minister.

Fudge also gave a relaxed smile.

(Grindelwald Manor, Wiltshire.)

Lucas sat in the garden and looked at the "Ancient Black Magic Records" brought back from Rowena's library.

The more he studies, the more he discovers the magical charm of the dark arts. It's no wonder old Grindelwald was so obsessed with studying them back then.


Hestia flapped her wings and flew from the sky.

She was away for a long time this time.

After returning, she dropped the envelope and got into her own den.

This is a letter from Nurmengard.

Looking at the contents of his father's letter Lucas showed a knowing expression.

Who in the world knows Dumbledore best.

That was undoubtedly Gellert Grindelwald who was facing the wall inside Nurmengard Snow Mountain Castle.

The two understand each other even more than their respective relatives.

"With this letter, the chances of convincing Professor Snape are greater."

Keeping the envelope close to his body, Lucas got up and walked towards Malfoy Manor.

At this time, Draco was having afternoon tea in the garden with his mother, Narcissa Malfoy.

As he saw him coming, Draco immediately got up and greeted him.

"Father is in the study, he has been waiting for you for a long time."

The two embraced briefly, and Draco took Lucas to the study.

The guy hadn't stopped complaining since he knew Lucas had gone to the Ministry of Magic yesterday.

Fortunately, the study room is not far away.


Looking at the closed door in front of him, Draco looked very helpless.

It's not known when he'll be able to join his father and Lucas in their conversations.

In the study, Lucius Malfoy was busy flipping through today's Daily Prophet

He's been in a bad mood these days, but upon reading today's report his mood improved a lot.

"Sit down, Lucas!"

The two went to sit on the sofa and the house elf offered tea consciously, looking nervously at them.

Lucas glanced at Dobby who was shivering beside him, curious as to why the Malfoys kept him.

"What's wrong with this elf?"

Seeing Mr. Malfoy's questioning eyes, Lucas guessed that Draco must have been hiding what Dobby had done.

What a kind boy!

"It's nothing, I came today to talk to you about the dividends, and I also want to ask Uncle Lucius to help me hand over Mrs. Zabini's share to her."

Bringing up dividends, the smile grew wider on Lucius Malfoy's face.

He didn't expect that the business of those 15 shops would be so good, and this is still the result of several people sharing profits.

Don't forget, there are three other properties in Knockturn Alley.

Of those three places, only Grindelwald and Malfoy were involved.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me, I didn't expect to earn so much money in just one year."

"Thanks to your business philosophy, it's no wonder you can manage a group as big as the Saints Group at such a young age."

"I will have to trouble you to help Draco more in the future, although that child has matured a lot, most of the time his thinking is still very naive."

"And he and the savior, Mr. Potter..."

Lucius Malfoy didn't finish though, but Lucas already understood his concerns.

The Malfoy family used to be Voldemort's most loyal subordinates and one day, if Voldemort returns and discovers Draco's friendship with Harry Potter.

The snake-faced man might lose his mind and probably throw a killing curse to Draco on the spot.

"Don't worry, I understand your concerns."

Responding to Lucius in a flat tone, the two naturally diverted the topic elsewhere.

"I heard that you arranged a lot of people to enter the Ministry of Magic this time?"

Facing Mr. Malfoy's inquiry, Lucas didn't hide it.

He knew he couldn't hide it from these pure-blood families.

These people who have few eyeliners in the Ministry of Magic.

"That's right, I just arranged some idle jobs. In addition, three people were placed in the International Magic Cooperation Department, the Transportation Department and the Sports Department."

"Next year's Quidditch World Cup will be held in England. This is a business opportunity so I need to arrange it in advance."

Lucius Malfoy nodded: "That's right, every time the World Cup is held, businessmen can make a lot of money."

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Malfoy expressed cryptically that Lucas can use his contacts in the Ministry of Magic, but there is a price to pay.

The two briefly exchanged views on the Ministry of Magic and then the topic turned to today's newspaper.

"Did you read today's Daily Prophet?"

Lucas asked knowingly.

When he came in just now, Lucius was still holding it in his hand.

"Of course, what a joy, I didn't expect Minister Fudge to have such abilities."

"This can be regarded as a big relief for me. Dumbledore caused me to lose my position as a school governor. I will have to return this hatred sooner or later."

Today's "Daily Prophet" front page headlines were: "Harry Potter, the boy-who-lied!"

Although the reporter who wrote the Article was not as sharp as Rita Skeeter, his guiding of the masses was done well enough.

The reporter published the photos of the Chamber of Secrets in order and added descriptions for each photo.

Letting the majority of wizards understand what he wants to express simply and clearly.

If ordinary children do such a bragging thing the public will only take it as a joke, and forget it after a light smile.

But Harry Potter was different, he was the Boy Who Lived that defeated the Dark Lord.

Since more than ten years ago, the wizarding world has been promoting his great achievements.

Such a celebrity that can even be said to be the savior of magical Britain shouldn't be a liar.

Especially the points mentioned in the article.

"Is the child chosen by Dumbledore really the savior?"

"The Boy Who Lived? Maybe Just The Boy Who Lied!"

"Why does a young child become a hero? Because he has great parents!"

No matter which point of view, they all seem to be questioning Harry Potter's identity.

But anyone with a discerning eye can actually see that this newspaper is actually questioning Dumbledore.

Because more than ten years ago, after the Dark Lord was eliminated, he announced the existence of Harry Potter.

It was he who hid Harry the Savior Potter and didn't let him return to the wizarding world until last year.

For so many years, Harry Potter's great achievements have been spread more from Dumbledore's mouth. (Hagrid's really, but he's Dumbledore's man through and through)

Lucius Malfoy read out the contents of the newspaper in his characteristic, drawn-out tone.

He put the newspaper aside and said with a smile: "Dumbledore must be having a headache."

In fact Dumbledore was really annoyed right now, especially with that annoying Rita Skeeter.

~Bang bang bang!~

"Father, Lucas; Professor Snape is here."

Draco's voice came from outside the door and the two people on the sofa got up and walked out.

Lucius Malfoy said: "I invited Severus here as you requested, and I'm curious about what you want to do with him."

"But I guess you won't tell me, will you?"

Seeing Lucas nod, Mr. Malfoy opened the door with a smile.

Lucas looked at Professor Snape who walked quickly into the manor, and took a deep breath.

Instigate Severus Snape plan, start now!.

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