

It wasn't long untill the first guest arrived and to my surprise it was someone I knew. The guy that showed up was my good friend Seth. Seth seemed just as surprised to see me I was to see him.

He Began to unpack when I asked him how he knew the birthday girl and as it turns out, she was actually his cousin. He said he never mentioned it to me because he knew I didn't like her. We continued to talk for a while about her and the rest of the guest that were supposed to be coming. Once he was done unpacking we decided to go back to the campfire and tell stories about weird things that happened to us.

As we told story's slowly the rest of the party guest arrived. The first person to show up was a girl named Eve. The birthday girl gave her a stick with a marshmallow and we continued our conversation.

My first impression of Eve was that she was a rather reserved and quite. She seemed like the type of person who would take a secret to their death bed.

The next person to arrive was Yamuna or Yamu for short. She seemed to be really open and friendly. Yamu is also a rather blunt person. When she arrived she looked straight to me and said, "Who's this guy, he doesn't look like they type of person you wanna make friends with." Followed quickly by a completely original, "No offense."

Ignoring her rather rude statement I introduced myself.


"Hey I'm Josh, the main character." I said as I offered my hand for her to shake.

"The main character?" she asked in a puzzled tone.

Shaking her hand I said, "Ah, don't worry about that it's an inside joke."

"With who?" She asked.


I responded only with silence.

I had no idea why I had said that.

It didn't even feel natural it felt like it was scripted for some reason.


Amongst the confusion, I released her hand and offered mine to the next guest who had just arrived. Her name was Abby. Abby was short, stubborn and had a really weird personality. All things considered tho, Abby was a good match with my personality so we became friends rather quickly.

We waited to see if any other party guest would arrive, but none showed.

We had been in the forest for a while and I had to go to the restroom pretty bad at this point. I told the group I would be back and went into the forest to find a place to use the restroom.

As I finished up I heard a sound coming from the bushes nearby. Startled I ran as fast as I could untill I tripped over a rock and had no choice but to face my fears.