
lost and found

At this point I haver no choice but to face my fears. My heart was racing and those sounds were creeping closer and closer. I looked around and I grabbed the closest weapon like object I could find. I ended up finding a stick that at most could stun whatever had been chasing me. I figured that giving it a good whack would at least give me a chance to run.

I wait ready to strike when unexpectedly all sounds in the forest came to a sudden stop. Startled by the sudden silence I throw the stick I had into the bushes to see if I could scare whatever had been chasing me away, but to my surprise nothing ran out of the bushes like I had expected.

I didn't understand what was going on so I decided to investigate the bushes to see if I could find anything weird but I only found that whatever had been chasing me had disappeared and it did so without making a single sound.

It wasn't long before the realization of my situation came. I was chased into the forest by something capable of vanishing into thin air, it was night and a fog had just rolled in. The thing that scared me the most was the silence.

There wasn't a single sound in the entire forest other then the sounds that I made. Normally there would be a few crickets and birds or something, but oddly enough there wasn't I single sound. The forest was giving of a vibe like I had never felt before. Something inside me was screaming I shouldn't be here. I had never felt so unwelcomed anywhere in my life.