
First come first serve

A week before my birthday, I was given an invitation to a birthday party I didn't really want to go to.

Tho when your a kid your opinion doesn't really matter all that much. Due to my mother and her mother being close friends well, I was forced to go despite my obvious hatred of this girl.

About a week later the time for the party came. I still didn't want to go but I decided it was the least I could do. After all her and her family had been going through some tough times.

So I thought it best I show a little kindness.

The location of the party was really weird. Out of all the places she could have chosen to have her birthday party. She chose for her party to be in the middle of a freaking Forrest. Like, how weird is that?! A party in the middle of a forest. I guess since her family does not have a lot of money they chose to have it in place that wouldn't cost them much money.

I figured it was best to not question the location of the party and just go along with it. So me and my mom were on the way to the party trying to figure out where this place was when finally we arrived at a clearing. Well it wasn't much of a clearing it just had enough space for three tents and a campfire and that's exactly what we found there. Three tents and a fire set up and ready to be used.

It didn't really look like much of a party but there were decorations scattered around. I decided to look around to find the birthday girl and wish her a happy birthday. I couldn't seem to find her tho. I decided to check inside one of the tents and to my surprise I found something I did not want to see.

When I opened up the tent I was shocked to find the birthday girl sitting on an inflatable mattress in the nude, playing with herself.

She seemed shocked at my sudden arrival and quickly cover herself up. I apologized and looked the other way and i offered to leave if necessary.

She apologized for her appearance and asked me not to tell anyone about what I had seen. I agreed and said not to worry I will not tell anybody about what I have seen, nor living nor dead.

She seemed relieved.

She then asked that I look the other way so that she could change into some clothes. I agreed and turned the opposite direction. I would't be surprised if she noticed that I was peeking, but I don't think she noticed.

After she had finished dressing she apologized again and said that she wasn't expecting anybody to actually come to this party. All things considered that does make sense, she doesn't really have very many friends and she's not a very popular person at school either.

An awkward silence broke out, so I decided to ask where the rest of the guests were.

She said that I had ended up arriving early and that none of the other guest has arrived yet. The next question I asked was where was her mother and father. She said that her mother and father had dropped her off and left, because they had business to attend to.

I wouldn't be surprised if the real reason was because they didn't really plan the party. I bet that the party was actually her doing which would explain the weird location the party was Held and the lack of decorations.

I decided to go outside and check to see if my mother had left yet and as it turns out, she had. That means now it's just me and this girl. Alone, in the middle of the woods, without supervision.

I decided to take a seat and stare quietly into the fire. She sat next to me and offered me a marshmallow. I accepted her offer and we sat there, ate marshmallows and talked while we waited for the rest of the party guest to arrive.

I asked how many guests she's expecting to have show up and She said, she's expecting at least three of her friends to show up two girls and one guy.

We waited for the rest of the party guests to arrive and greeted each of them with a marshmallow and a seat at the campfire.