
The Story Of Aumter

Aumter crouched down, meeting the child at eye level. "Sometimes, young hearts wander, seeking refuge from their fears. But remember, a mother's love is a beacon, always guiding you home. Let me help you find your way back."

Dylan_Williams8 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: The Ignition Of Flames

The gates of Narvan stood tall and imposing, guarded by three stern grunts of Ignition. Take's carriage came to a halt, the wheels grinding against the cobblestones as the tension in the air grew palpable. One of the grunts stepped forward, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Why have you come to Narvan?" the grunt demanded, his gaze fixed on Take.

Take's expression morphed into one of worry as he stammered, "I-I'm here to deliver food supplies. I have the necessary documentation." With trembling hands, he reached for his merchant badge, holding it up for inspection.

The grunt scoffed, his skepticism apparent. After a moment's pause, he signaled for the gates to be opened, allowing Take entry into the city. With relief flooding his features, Take skillfully maneuvered the carriage and parked it near a bustling tavern.

Aumter and Mikey emerged from beneath the tarp within the carriage, their identities hidden until this crucial moment. They stepped out, gratitude emanating from their voices as they thanked Take for his assistance. With a nod and a smile, Take bid them farewell, driving off to deliver his supplies.

Mikey turned to Aumter, admiration gleaming in his eyes. "Master Aumter, I must say, I'm impressed. Your plan worked perfectly."

Aumter chuckled, a twinkle of satisfaction in his gaze. "Indeed, Mikey, sometimes a little creativity is all we need. But our work has only just begun. We need to gather information and understand the situation within Narvan."

A flashback danced in their minds, taking them back to the journey in the carriage. Aumter had explained to Mikey that Ignition wouldn't permit just anyone to enter Narvan, necessitating a stealthy approach. They had hatched a plan to hide within Take's carriage, concealed under the tarp, using it as their means of entry.

As the flashback dissipated, Aumter smirked, his eyes glinting with determination. "Now, Mikey, it's time to put our plan into motion. We need to learn about the current state of Narvan. The tavern seems like a good place to start."

Mikey nodded in agreement, his curiosity piqued. They entered the tavern, its rustic charm and lively atmosphere enveloping them. Aumter led the way, guiding Mikey to the closest table to the bartender. The tavern was filled with patrons enjoying their drinks, laughter and conversations filling the air.

The bartender greeted them with a warm smile as they took their seats. Aumter leaned forward, his voice low and measured. "Tell me, my friend, what has been happening in Narvan lately?"

As Aumter engaged the bartender in conversation, Mikey found solace in the bottom of a mug, quickly losing himself in the allure of the alcohol. The bartender's voice carried a somber tone as he responded.

"The group known as Ignition, led by their fearsome leader Klaus, seized control of Narvan. They killed the former leader and forced their way into power. Anyone who defies them faces either death or imprisonment."

A wave of disgust washed over Aumter at the mention of Klaus and his brutal methods. Without hesitation, he pressed further, his gaze unwavering. "Where does Klaus reside? We need to find him."

The bartender, taken aback by Aumter's intensity, pointed a trembling finger in the direction of the previous leader's cabin. "Klaus is protected by a formidable force of Ignition members, and he stays within the cabin of the former leader. Approach with caution."

Aumter absorbed this crucial information, gratitude etching itself onto his features. "Thank you for your assistance," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. He rose from his seat and, with a firm grip on Mikey's arm, practically dragged his inebriated apprentice out of the tavern.

They walked through the city's labyrinthine streets, guided by moonlight as they searched for a place to stay the night. Aumter's mind buzzed with thoughts of strategy and the weight of the responsibility that lay ahead. Narvan was in turmoil, and it was their duty to restore balance and bring justice to the village, even if it meant challenging the tyrannical rule of Klaus and his Ignition.

As they settled into a modest inn, exhaustion mingling with anticipation, they prepared themselves for the trials that awaited them. Tomorrow would mark the beginning of their clandestine mission, a quest to liberate Narvan from the clutches of darkness and ignite the flames of hope once more.

The next day dawned with a sense of urgency and anticipation. Aumter and Mikey found themselves huddled together in a room at the inn, strategizing their approach to deal with Klaus, the ruthless leader of Ignition. The flickering candle on the table cast elongated shadows across their faces, heightening the gravity of their conversation.

Mikey, brimming with youthful bravado, blurted out, "Why don't we just find Klaus and take him down with brute force? We're skilled enough!"

Aumter's wise eyes bore into Mikey's, his voice laced with caution. "Mikey, rushing in without knowing the true extent of Klaus's strength would be reckless. We cannot afford to underestimate him."

Mikey crossed his arms, a stubborn expression forming on his face. "Then what do you suggest, Aumter? Sneak into his cabin, catch him off guard!"

Before Mikey could continue, Aumter interjected, his tone measured and penetrating. "Mikey, I must ask you something. What are your intentions towards Klaus?"

Taken aback by the interruption, Mikey hesitated before responding, "We need to kill him. He's caused so much suffering, and it's the only way to ensure justice."

Aumter's features tightened with disappointment. "Mikey, killing is not always the answer. It may seem like the only solution, but taking a life will stain your soul and make you no better than Klaus himself."

Confusion etched across Mikey's face as he asked, "Have you... have you ever taken a life, Aumter?"

Aumter's gaze softened with a tinge of sorrow. "Yes, I have, but it was not a choice I made willingly. There is a story behind it, but now is not the time for me to share it with you."

Mikey's frustration grew, realizing he had no immediate solution to offer. The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon them both. Reluctantly, he nodded in agreement. "Fine, Aumter. I trust your judgment. We'll catch Klaus off guard and strike when the opportunity presents itself."

Hours passed as they brainstormed their plan, dissecting every angle, and assessing the possibilities. Finally, they decided it was time to return to the tavern, a place that seemed to hold valuable information within its walls.

As they settled at their familiar table, Aumter caught the bartender's attention and engaged her in conversation. "Has it been a slow day today? It seems less crowded than yesterday," he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.

The bartender, wiping a mug clean, nodded. "Indeed, it has been quieter. Some of the Ignition members were summoned by Klaus. They've been preparing for something since this morning, but I don't know the details."

A spark of intrigue flickered in Aumter's eyes as he exchanged a knowing glance with Mikey. The situation seemed to be shifting, and they needed to remain vigilant.

Suddenly, the tavern door swung open with a resounding crash, and a frantic townsfolk burst inside. Breathless and wide-eyed, he shouted, "Everyone! Quickly! You have to come to the village centre! There's going to be a public execution!"

Shock rippled through Aumter and Mikey as they swiftly made their way through the crowd, their hearts pounding with a mixture of dread and determination. Elbowing their way to the front, they witnessed a heart-wrenching sight—Take, the kind-hearted merchant they had encountered earlier, knelt on an elevated platform, his face streaked with tears, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Mikey's instincts screamed at him to intervene, but Aumter's firm grip on his arm held him back. "Not yet, Mikey," he warned in a low voice. "We must wait for the right moment."

As if on cue, Klaus ascended the platform with an air of superiority, his presence commanding attention. A detailed description of Klaus's imposing figure revealed a man with piercing eyes, a jagged scar running across his cheek, and a malicious smile that sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers.

Klaus's voice boomed, filled with disdain and cruelty, as he addressed the terrified townsfolk. He insulted them, belittling their worth and mocking their resilience. He announced that Take would pay the price for failing to bring the requested supplies, a grotesque punishment for a simple merchant's error.

The crowd held its collective breath, the tension reaching its peak as one of Klaus's minions lifted his sword, poised to swing it down upon Take's vulnerable neck.

In that charged moment, a barrage of fireballs erupted from the crowd, sending the minion sprawling backward. Gasps filled the air as Klaus spun around, searching for the source of the attack. Emerging from the sea of faces, Aumter and Mikey stepped forward, determination etched across their features.

Klaus's eyes narrowed, a mixture of surprise and anger contorting his face. "Who dares to challenge me?" he growled, his voice laced with menace.

Aumter and Mikey stood their ground, their resolve unyielding. The time for secrecy and anonymity had passed. The battle for Narvan had begun, and they would not falter in their pursuit of justice.


Story will continue after i finish my exams.

thanks for your patience!