
The Story Of Aumter

Aumter crouched down, meeting the child at eye level. "Sometimes, young hearts wander, seeking refuge from their fears. But remember, a mother's love is a beacon, always guiding you home. Let me help you find your way back."

Dylan_Williams8 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Path to Narvan

The sun cast its golden rays upon the village of Grendell, where Mikey, a new and ambitious apprentice, eagerly awaited the arrival of his mentor, Aumter. Aumter was known throughout Grendell for his vast knowledge of magic and his ability to harness its power with unmatched precision. Today, Aumter would impart upon Mikey the ancient wisdom of magic's origins.

As they sat in the humble hut that served as their training grounds, Aumter began his teachings. He explained that magic, in its purest form, stemmed from the elements that governed the world. There were four primary types of magic: fire, water, earth, and wind. Each element carried its unique characteristics and granted those with a connection to it extraordinary abilities. In the village of Grendell, fire magic prevailed, for it was situated in the heart of the land of fire, where flames danced in harmony with the people's spirits.

However, Aumter warned Mikey about the delicate balance of magic. While it possessed great potential, it also had its limitations. Magic drew from the life force within individuals, and there was only so much one could bear. To overindulge in magic was to risk losing oneself, to become consumed by its overwhelming power. Aumter emphasized the importance of temperance and control, urging Mikey to use his abilities wisely and sparingly.

Their training took an unexpected turn when Chief Touma, sought Aumter's aid. Narvan, a neighboring village, had fallen under the oppressive rule of a notorious group called Ignition. Touma, burdened by the weight of leadership and sensing Aumter's unparalleled skills, requested that the wise old man and his devoted apprentice journey to Narvan and assist its beleaguered residents. In return, Touma pledged to safeguard the resting place of Aumter's beloved brother, a promise that touched Aumter's heart.

With determination and a sense of duty, Aumter and Mikey set out on horseback, leaving behind the familiar comforts of Grendell. The path before them wound through verdant fields, and treacherous mountain passes. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they discovered the vastness of the world and the challenges that lay ahead.

After a day's travel, they found themselves within the embrace of Roiland Forest, a place where sunlight struggled to penetrate the dense canopy above. Weary from their journey, they decided to halt their progress and set up camp for the night. Under the starlit sky, as the crackling fire provided warmth and solace, Mikey's curiosity got the better of him.

"Master Aumter," Mikey began tentatively, "there is so much we don't know about you. The village speaks of your incredible power and wisdom, but your past remains a mystery. Might I ask you to share a glimpse of your history?"

Aumter's gaze softened as he looked upon his devoted student. He knew that Mikey deserved to understand the depths of his mentor's journey and the lessons learned along the way.

"Young Mikey," Aumter sighed, his voice carrying the weight of forgotten memories, "my past is one that carries both regret and redemption. There are deeds I am not proud of, decisions that have left scars upon my soul. But, fear not, for the time will come when I shall unveil the tapestry of my life, the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped me into the person I am today."

Mikey nodded, a flicker of understanding and respect in his eyes. They agreed to table the discussion for another time, knowing that revelations held their own weight and required a suitable moment to unfold.

As the night wore on, enveloping them in an ethereal darkness, a sudden disturbance shattered the tranquility of their camp. Rocks came hurtling through the air, aimed with deadly precision. Aumter's senses, honed by years of experience, reacted swiftly, propelling himself and Mikey out of harm's way. Determined to confront their assailant, Aumter demanded the figure lurking in the shadows reveal themselves.

Emerging from the darkness was a formidable figure—a man of imposing stature, dressed in finery that belied the poverty of the land. His face concealed behind a mysterious mask, he bore two gleaming swords upon his back, a testament to his formidable skill. It became evident that he possessed mastery over the element of earth, his command of the element evident in the very air around them.

"I am Ryzer," the man declared, his voice brimming with confidence. "I have come to end your existence, Aumter."

Without hesitation, Aumter summoned his fiery arsenal, conjuring fireballs that descended upon Ryzer from above. But the intruder, his reflexes as keen as his resolve, raised an impenetrable barrier of earth, shielding himself from the onslaught. Sensing the danger, Mikey, fueled by his determination to protect his mentor, moved to intervene, but Aumter swiftly restrained him.

"Not yet, Mikey," Aumter cautioned, his voice laced with concern. "This battle is mine to fight."

As Ryzer's defenses held strong, he forged a suit of earth armor, invulnerable to the fireballs' explosive impact. With measured steps, he closed the distance between himself and Aumter, brandishing his twin swords with deadly intent. Yet, Aumter's years of experience and his innate agility allowed him to evade Ryzer's swift strikes, gracefully dancing away from the path of the swords.

With a subtle shift in his demeanor, Aumter unleashed a unique form of fire magic—combustion style. The air around him crackled with energy as he channeled his power into explosive bursts. Each explosion shattered the earth armor that encased Ryzer, forcing the man to retreat momentarily, his confidence wavering.

Infuriated by his crumbling defenses, Ryzer mustered his remaining strength and declared with grim determination, "Know this, Aumter, I may not succeed today, but I shall return. I shall hunt you down until the last breath escapes your lips."

And with that proclamation, Ryzer vanished, engulfed in a cloud of smoke created by his well-placed smoke bombs. His presence, though fleeting, left an indelible mark on Aumter and Mikey.

As the haze cleared, Mikey approached Aumter, his eyes filled with a mix of awe and concern. "Master Aumter, why did you stop me from aiding you? I could have helped."

Aumter's gaze softened as he regarded his devoted student. "Mikey," he began, his voice laden with a mix of tenderness and wisdom, "I stopped you because I knew that your safety was of utmost importance. In the heat of battle, there is little room for hesitation or missteps. I acted to protect you, to ensure that you did not get caught up in the explosions or Ryzer's wrath. Forgive me if my actions appeared harsh."

Understanding dawned upon Mikey, gratitude mingling with remorse. "Master Aumter, I... I apologize for questioning your judgment. I see now that you acted out of concern for me."

Aumter's weathered face shifted into a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection for his student. "There is no need for apologies, Mikey. Our journey is fraught with dangers, and we must rely on each other to navigate the treacherous path ahead. For now, let us rest and tend to our wounds. We are safe, but our real mission is far from over."

And so, amidst the flickering embers of their campfire, Aumter and Mikey found solace in each other's presence. They knew that their encounter with Ryzer was only a precursor to the challenges that awaited them on their quest to aid Narvan. With renewed determination and an unbreakable bond forged through fire and trust, they steeled themselves for the battles that lay ahead, their hearts aflame with a shared purpose to bring hope to those engulfed in darkness.

The rays of the morning sun illuminated the path ahead as Aumter and Mikey resumed their journey towards Narvan. The events of the previous night still lingered in their minds, and curiosity gnawed at Mikey. Unable to contain his eagerness any longer, he turned to Aumter, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

"Master Aumter," Mikey began, his voice tinged with curiosity, "I can't help but wonder—how did you manage to break Ryzer's formidable armor? It was incredible to witness."

Aumter's eyes crinkled with amusement as he entertained Mikey's query. He understood the hunger for knowledge that burned within his apprentice, eager to unravel the intricacies of magic. With a patient smile, he responded, "Mikey, within each of the primary magic elements, there exist sub styles—variations that possess distinct properties and capabilities compared to the base element magic. What I employed against Ryzer was a sub style of fire magic known as combustion style."

Mikey's eyes widened with fascination. "Combustion style? I've never heard of it before. Why haven't you taught me such advanced fire magic?"

Aumter chuckled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "My dear Mikey, advanced fire magic requires both skill and experience. You are still in the early stages of your training, mastering the basics of fire magic. Sub styles like combustion style demand a deep understanding and control over the element. Fear not, for in due time, as you grow in proficiency, I shall guide you towards these advanced techniques."

Mikey nodded, a touch of embarrassment colouring his cheeks. "You're right, Master Aumter. I still have much to learn. I apologize for my impatience."

Aumter placed a comforting hand on Mikey's shoulder, his voice brimming with reassurance. "No need for apologies, my young apprentice. Your thirst for knowledge is commendable. Embrace the journey of growth, and the secrets of the sub styles will reveal themselves to you when you are ready."

Their conversation was interrupted as they rode further along the winding path. To their surprise, they came across a carriage lying on its side, seemingly abandoned and forlorn. A sense of curiosity washed over them, prompting Aumter and Mikey to dismount their horses and investigate.

As they approached, they noticed a middle-aged man, dishevelled with a bald head and a distinguished moustache, slumped against the carriage's wreckage. He appeared unconscious, his condition uncertain. Aumter and Mikey hurriedly moved to his side, attempting to rouse him from his stupor.

Gradually, the man stirred, his eyes fluttering open to meet the concerned gazes of Aumter and Mikey. He mustered a weak smile and expressed his gratitude for their assistance. "Thank you, both of you, for helping me. My name is Take, and I am a merchant."

Aumter introduced himself and Mikey in kind, a sense of camaraderie forming in the wake of their shared encounter. Curiosity piqued, Aumter inquired about Take's destination, hoping to gather information that might prove useful.

Take, still somewhat dazed from his ordeal, replied, "I have a shipment that needs to be returned to Narvan, the village you mentioned earlier."

A spark of realization ignited within Aumter's eyes, his mind racing with possibilities. He mused for a moment before turning to Take. "If you don't mind my boldness, Take, might there be a way for us to ride with you in the carriage? Our horses could assist in moving it, and it would expedite our journey to Narvan."

Take's expression brightened, grateful for the offer of help. "Certainly! I would be more than happy to accommodate you both. Your presence would be a welcome company."

Mikey couldn't help but interject, his curiosity getting the best of him once again. "Master Aumter, why did you ask for a ride when we have our own horses?"

Aumter's eyes gleamed with an all-knowing glint, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "Mikey, my boy, it is all part of a plan. Once we are settled within the carriage, I shall reveal my intentions."

With their arrangement settled, Aumter, Mikey, and Take climbed aboard the overturned carriage. As the wheels creaked into motion, the steady clip-clop of horses' hooves accompanying their journey, Mikey couldn't contain his anticipation any longer.

"Master Aumter," Mikey pressed, his eyes fixed on his mentor, "when will you reveal your intentions?"

Aumter chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Patience, young one. All in due time. For now, let us enjoy the respite provided by this carriage and the insights I have yet to share. Our destination awaits, and Narvan holds many secrets we have yet to uncover."

And so, nestled within the carriage's embrace, they embarked on the next leg of their journey. As the landscape unfolded before them, mysteries danced in the air, and the promise of the unknown beckoned them ever forward, their hearts filled with anticipation and the shared determination to bring hope to the village of Narvan.