

Gaia, the mother of the land had turned it's back against the humans when they made deals with the sea people. They sought greater power and man was introduced to sorcery. A power that seemed far greater than magic. Magic was of the earth and it and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole mana from Gaia without returning it back. Magic was of the earth and it took and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole from Gaia. Man had one king at the time and he/she was known as the world King. A being strong enough to rule the world. At the time, the 3rd world King was a witch known as Latifah. She mad a deal with the strongest being of the sea people called THALISAA and together they yielded great power. But on the night of her ordination as the world King, she betrayed THALISAA for power and the land was cursed. The moon turned red and the sea covered the lands reaching the mountain tops. Man had no way of living on the land and moved over to the mountain tops but that did not save them. They were hunted down by the sea people, killed and taken as hostages. Man was going extinct. As a last resort, Latifah created a sanctuary for man in the skies. A sanctuary as big as two continents and each were made at each region. The western, southern, northern and eastern regions became sanctuaries for man and they were able to live away from the prying hands of the sea people. Man began to live in the sky and lost the right to rule the lands.

Tofi_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Ruby slowly regained her vision as she laid down on a rather uncomfortable bed. She felt a presence over her but her memories were still recollecting to think about the moment. 

"Oh…I nearly got killed by the Chieftain" she muttered as new information began to rush to her brain. She shrieked due to the pain from her now fixed bones. 


"Don't move too much…it took a while for the herbalist to treat your bones" 

The familiar voice recollected in her brain as she turned to her left. 

"....Lori…a ?" 

"Oh ! You remembered my name…well that's a start" 

"....why…? Why are you doing this to me ?...why me ?" 

Loria gave her a mischievous smile. 

"You're interesting. The rest of the squad couldn't tell but I could. That's why I made sure they casted a sleeping spell on you first…" 

"..you…." Ruby stared at her in dismay. 

"You can use both magic and sorcery can't you ?" 

Ruby's eyes widened in shock and her instinct told her to back away but alas.

"Don't be too wary…km telling you this because I like that. I knew I wanted to have you, the moment I saw you…it's a good thing too…you could have found a way around Shmuk's speed".

Loria walked up to a wooden table and sat comfortably on the chair next to it. 

Ruby took the chance to observe her environment. 

"...this room…" 

"...yes…it's your new home…well…nit like you have a choice" 

Ruby could feel a stingy pain from her eyes as a drop of tear streamed down her cheeks. 

"Hah….humans….what makes you think, crying will fix anything" loria said with a rather amused chuckle. 

"....why…why can't I use my powers ?" Ruby asked. She noticed it from the very beginning but the clubs and chains they had used to chain them up as well as the rope they changed to were restricting them from feeling any mana. Even now she was unable to feel anything. 

"...." Loria smirked at her. An amused and playful smirk that could get on your nerves a million times over. "And why would I tell you that….you're smart….I can tell that much" 

"....you…." Ruby could feel her blood boiling but she didn't seem to be able to do anything about it. 

"Look….all I need from you…is to serve me as your master from now on" 

"...why would I?!"

"...." Loria sighed. "Well, I'm even giving you a chance so you should be happy about that…". She giggled. "Well…just one month…I'll give you one month of freedom and if you still refuse to abide by me….then I'll use a slave contract on you.." .

Ruby gripped the cloth on her bed as more tears came rushing down. 'Why…why won't these tears stop….is it because I don't seem to be able to find hope…' "....i….I refuse" 

"...well, I'm sure you would". 

Loria turned around to face the window. "....you should be glad you caught my attention….if you knew what happened to most female humans that are captured you would hate us even more…". Her voice sounded troubled. 

"..." Ruby remained silent. 

"....your friends…they're all alive…I ensured they were bought by good people…at least by my standards. They will still be working and nothing is going to stop the racial discrimination but as prisoners…you will live a fairly decent life…" 

Ruby felt relieved. She didn't like the sea people but at least she was able to like this one Even if it was by a little. 

".....give me time…." She muttered to herself but loud enough for Loria to hear. 


Loria smirked. A smile too far from being innocent as she slowly turned towards Ruby with a normal expression.

"Good…..so could I at least know your name ?" 


"Oh….ruby…" she smiled to herself. "Like the red jade…I can see why they call you that since with your hair".

She got up from the chair and walked up to the door. 

"You may not have noticed…but you're currently naked right now….". She pointed at the piece of clothes that were on the table. "You have to wear that from now on. I know it's a little showy…but that's the basics for a servant". She opened the door and slowly locked it back as she walked out of her room. 


"How was it ?" Aria asked as Loria turned towards her and the other two maids. 

"Of course, it's going just as planned". 

"...you intend on using her powers for yourself don't you ?". 

"Of course…a being that can use both magic and witchcraft…..even father would be surprised" Loria chuckled as she turned around to walk away. They followed after her. 

"...the competition for the next chieftains is around the corner. I'm sure my sisters and brothers are preparing nicely…I can't afford to let them overtake me now…can I". 

"Yes…the throne should be yours my princess" 

"...it should….those insignificant hypocrites that do nothing but be racial  even with family. They need to be taught a lesson". 

"...as you've said my princess". 


The next morning came in a flash as ruby slowly opened up her eyes. She could feel her body rejuvenated and a yawn of relief escaped her lips as she slowly sat up. 

Her expression turned dark on meeting the two sea women that seemed to have been waiting for her to wake up. 

"Do you intend on sleeping all day ?" Rifila asked as she glared at her. 

"And cover up yourself you slut" Marny muttered loud enough for both of them to hear. 

Ruby's expression turned pink as she used the cloth to cover up her exposed upper body. 'What are they talking about…every single sea woman I've seen looks like models and they dress half naked…so now I'm the slut ?!'. 

"Dress up quickly. Tour work awaits you" Rifila said with a sigh. 


The day went by fast as Ruby was sent on several errands around the compound. She was insulted and used to their delight.

They weren't pleased with anything she had done and there was nothing she could do about it. This was the sea people's country after all. '....sometimes I feel like they're worse than humans'.


She was dusting the windows when she felt a sudden tap on her almost naked behind. She sprung around aggressively to meet the prying eyes of five sea men guards out of the guards that protect the Chieftains home 24/7. 

"Oh…you're right..she does look like a doll…" 

"A real beauty indeed" another one said as they slowly surrounded her. 

"...you..what do you want ... .you're not supposed to be here" Ruby said with a glare as she backed herself to the window. 

A sea man walked up to her and held up her chin. "I want to get a taste of this bitch…" 

"...so do I, Roktan !" Another said as he pushed him away. 

"Now, now". A female voice echoed in the hallway that they stood at and Ruby felt a pang of relief as she turned to find Rifila walking up to them. 

"...we..we apologize, Rifila" they said as they walked back 

"...what are you talking about ? I meant you should be more civilized about it". 

"What…." Ruby felt a pang in her chest as she watched her hope blow up in her face. 

"Take her somewhere else….like the storage room and each take your turns….if the princess finds you guys here. She'll surely have your head". Rifila said with a stern look as she smiled at Ruby. "You like acting like a slut don't you…this shouldn't be any different". 

"...no…." Ruby murmured. 

"Oh ! If you say so then" the sea men smiled to themselves as one of them picked her up. 

"No !" She cried out as she attempted to struggle against them but she couldn't even budge. "Rifila ! Please…." She cried out stretching her hands towards her. 

Rifila smirked at her as she turned around to walk away. 

"Please !". Ruby felt her blood boiling up in fear as she continued struggling to no avail. " i… I will do my job better so please!" She kept begging as tears slowly streamed down her eyes. 

"Tsk…we haven't even started and yet she's crying ?".

The sea men laughed as they walked out of the building slowly making their way to the back of the large castle. 


They flung her down to the sandy ground and pinned her down, stripping her of what little clothes she had left.

"Hope you're ready". They said with a smirk. 

Ruby took a glance at every single person that surrounded her in a last effort to find hope when she saw someone familiar. 

"Oh….the dogs want to have fun with my pet without my permission ?"