

Gaia, the mother of the land had turned it's back against the humans when they made deals with the sea people. They sought greater power and man was introduced to sorcery. A power that seemed far greater than magic. Magic was of the earth and it and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole mana from Gaia without returning it back. Magic was of the earth and it took and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole from Gaia. Man had one king at the time and he/she was known as the world King. A being strong enough to rule the world. At the time, the 3rd world King was a witch known as Latifah. She mad a deal with the strongest being of the sea people called THALISAA and together they yielded great power. But on the night of her ordination as the world King, she betrayed THALISAA for power and the land was cursed. The moon turned red and the sea covered the lands reaching the mountain tops. Man had no way of living on the land and moved over to the mountain tops but that did not save them. They were hunted down by the sea people, killed and taken as hostages. Man was going extinct. As a last resort, Latifah created a sanctuary for man in the skies. A sanctuary as big as two continents and each were made at each region. The western, southern, northern and eastern regions became sanctuaries for man and they were able to live away from the prying hands of the sea people. Man began to live in the sky and lost the right to rule the lands.

Tofi_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

The guards paused as they all turned towards the source of the code. 

"My..my princess !" They all bowed, stopping in whatever ploy they had. 

Ruby felt relieved as she pushed herself back away from them. 

" ….is this how you plan on protecting the sea ?" Loria asked with her hands crossed.

"...." they couldn't reply to her words. Well if they did, it could be seen as treacherous and their heads would be cut off almost immediately. 

"We apologize..my princess….we had no idea what came over us" 

Loria sighed as she turned around and yelled.  "Guards !" About six sea men walked over to her. "Capture them and lock them up" 

"My princess ?!" They yelled as they were being captured. "How could you!"


Loria sighed as she walked over to Ruby with a blanket one of the guards brought over. 

"Here you go…" 

Ruby whimpered as she accepted it. "Tha…thank you so much" she muttered as she covered herself up. 

Loria patted her head as she hugged her while turning towards one of the guards. 

She smirked at him and he nodded, walking away immediately. 


"It's alright….." 

"Loria…please…can I…can I request something from you?" she asked struggling with her words. 

"...what is it ?" 

".....I don't want to be apart from you anymore…can I ...can i be with you forever ... .I want to follow you wherever you go…I'll aid you however I can…I can manage. I may not be good at mundane tasks….but I can be helpful…so please".

Loria sighed and continued patting her head. 

"It's alright…I don't mind…the burden may be disturbing… but not something I can't deal with…" . 

Loria slowly looked up as her smile grew into a wide grin. 'Oh….you're much easier than I thought'. She thought. 


The next day came as fast as it could as Loria stretched herself around while she looked out the window. 

She heard knocking at her door and turning towards it, she said. "Open up". 

"Excuse me, my princess" Aria walked into the room. "Your bath is ready". 

"..oh right on time..and Ruby ?" 

"She's preparing for her departure with you" 

"Oh good". She smiled at herself. 

"....your plan worked flawlessly" 

"Of course it did…what kind of female would like other males they have nothing to do with to have their way with them…" 


"Just prepare everything necessary…we'll be going to the town" 

"...but she's a human…". 

"...I'm well aware ... .I need to bind with her if I want to ensure she used her powers for me and me alone". 

"..my princess..why can't you use a slave contract on her ? 

"A contract ? That should be the best solution….but my dear Atia…..they're some things you can never get through forced subordination…..I'm sure you're well aware…."

Aria bowed her head. "I apologize for the unnecessary question". 

"Whatever ! Just handle the preparations.  I can't trust Rifila and Marny when it comes to that human" 

"As you wish" 

Loria sighed. "Today's gonna be really fun". 


About an hour later, Loria walked down the long series of steps with a smile on her face when she noticed familiar voices walking up the stairs. 

She stopped in her tracks and her expression suddenly turned gray. 

"...Good morning, Father" 

The chieftain walked up the stairs with three other sea men walking with him. 

"Oh…if it isn't our little sister" one of them said with a smirk on his face. 


"I heard you're going on a walk with your pet," the chieftain asked on reaching where she stood. 

"Yes…..I've decided to take her in". 

He smiled as a soft chuckle escaped his lips. 

He continued walking up and the three sea men followed quietly. "Don't think you're the only one that sees it". 


Loria froze on the spot on hearing her father's words. "As expected of the strongest sorcerer. He sees all". She muttered to herself as she continued walking down the stairs. 


"My princess" Aria called out as she rushed towards her. Loria ignored her and turned towards Ruby. 

".....did…they do anything to you ?" She asked. 

Ruby shook her head. "He only….commended me for being able to resist his hypnosis…" 

'...she….resisted his hypnosis….even though her mana has been sealed off….' 

Her lips curled into a smile as she walked up to her taking her hands in hers. 

"Aria …..you packed all the necessary items right?" 

"..yes…yes I did, my princess". 

She turned towards Aria with a bright smile. "Then we'll be on our way. Please be in charge of my duties for a little while". 

"....as you've commanded". 


Loria turned away from her and stared into Ruby's eyes. "Your eyes are pretty…..let's be sure to have fun today…alright"  

Ruby blushed as she nodded her head lightly. 

"Alright then" she pulled her arm as they walked out of the compound.


"The princess is oddly friendly with that human," Rifila said to Aria. 

"It can't be helped…she's trying to gain her favor by being nice…it's all part of the plan" 

"And that human…what makes you think she's not pretending the way she's acting ?" 

They remained silent for a few seconds before they bursted out with laughter. 

"Enough of your jokes marny. Go and handle your tasks quickly" Aria giggled as they walked back into the building. 

"That human is simple minded to a fault…she could possibly fool a baby but not a child…not to talk of us". Rifila giggled. 


Loria held Ruby's hand tightly as they walked down the busy market road which was filled with noise and sea people selling to one another. Every now and then she could feel their prying eyes stinging into her. 

"Is it safe walking here as a human ?" Ruby asked. Her worry didn't seem to seize and it only grew more as more people stared at her. Sea men especially. 

"It's alright. As long as you're with me, nothing could possibly happen to you". She said with a smile as they continued walking. 

"...is..is there a reason you brought me here ?" 

"....not really..I was planning on stopping at the squad room to meet up with my team members…they're planning on an excavation and I'm sure they'll require my expertise". 

".....true .." 

"Also…I want to get closer to you, Ruby…though we may seem especially predatory towards humans, we're not really bad people once you get to know us". 

"...one person…doesn't make a country…" ruby muttered to herself but yet loud enough for Loria's ears to pick up. 

"....true…" a soft sigh escaped her lips. 

"...but…if it's you…then maybe" 

Loria smiled. She seemed to be beaming with satisfaction as they continued walking down the road. 

"There's a question I've been meaning to ask you…" Ruby said slowly after a short while of silence. 

"Yes ?" 

"...I noticed this…but the maids, servants, the market people all have black silky hair but the royalties….your dad and brothers had blue hair….so why..why is yours white ?" 

Loria remained silent after the question. 

"...i..I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you.." 

"No…it's alright….not everyone brings up the question since it's a known fact…" 


"I'm sure you noticed as well….not everyone is fluent in the human language" 

"...yes". Ruby noticed it on her way here. The whole time she had been hearing them speak their language as they traded with each other. 

"...only the educated get to learn the human language…and they're given important jobs in the society ...every other sea person who can't speak the human language is referred to as barbaric and undeveloped… that's why they're mostly used for battle and scavenges". 

"...." ruby remained silent as she listened closely. 

"That involves our hair color as well…those with black hair are commoners while those with blue are royalty…it's a common law in our society because those with blue hair are blessed with stronger abilities than those with black". 

"...so…what about white ?" 

"...white….hmm…well, I guess you could say it's something like human albinism" 

Ruby's eyes slowly opened up in surprise.

"Though my abilities are on the same level as those with blue hair…maybe even higher…it still doesn't make me seem like one of them since I live the same span of years as those with black hair". 

"...oh….but why does that make you different ? You're all one people aren't you ?".  

Loria suddenly stopped in her tracks as a bright smile slowly grew on her face. She felt a fleeting feeling grow in her chest. "You get it…" she whispered and continued walking. 

Ruby stared at her confused but remained silent as they continued their journey. 


"....you know R"-"GET OUT OF THE WAY !" A loud voice echoed in their ears as a group of people suddenly ran towards them.

"Wha..what's going on ?" Ruby muttered as they ran past them like a herd on a stampede. 

"What's going on ?!" Loria yelled as she struggled to not let go of Ruby. 

"The sea beast meat prices have dropped down to a whole 50% !". They heard a voice through the unnecessary number of people hitting one another. 

'...what ? That's absurd…did…did somebody set this up ! Shit…I can't let go of Ruby !' "Don't let go Ruby '' Loria yelled out as she held onto her tightly. 

Ruby nodded as she held unto her. 

They slowly walked towards each other as they tried to walk out of the crowd. They slowly got to the end when someone suddenly pushed Loria out of the crowd loosening her grip on Ruby. 

"NO !" she yelled as she quickly got up. "All of YOU! Stop this instant !" . Loria cried out. 'Someone educated was in there….this was set up !'. 

She quickly walked towards the direction Ruby was pulled to, struggling with the crowd.