

Gaia, the mother of the land had turned it's back against the humans when they made deals with the sea people. They sought greater power and man was introduced to sorcery. A power that seemed far greater than magic. Magic was of the earth and it and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole mana from Gaia without returning it back. Magic was of the earth and it took and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole from Gaia. Man had one king at the time and he/she was known as the world King. A being strong enough to rule the world. At the time, the 3rd world King was a witch known as Latifah. She mad a deal with the strongest being of the sea people called THALISAA and together they yielded great power. But on the night of her ordination as the world King, she betrayed THALISAA for power and the land was cursed. The moon turned red and the sea covered the lands reaching the mountain tops. Man had no way of living on the land and moved over to the mountain tops but that did not save them. They were hunted down by the sea people, killed and taken as hostages. Man was going extinct. As a last resort, Latifah created a sanctuary for man in the skies. A sanctuary as big as two continents and each were made at each region. The western, southern, northern and eastern regions became sanctuaries for man and they were able to live away from the prying hands of the sea people. Man began to live in the sky and lost the right to rule the lands.

Tofi_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 4

"Now, explain to us what happened in detail.." 


Chuks sighed on hearing the words a second time. 

"That night…..




Ruby laid softly on the wyvern as she snored lightly when footsteps could be heard approaching her. 

"Did their watch guard seriously sleep off ?" 

"Oh it's a girl" 

"Dszg z krgb (what a pity)" 

"Cast a sleeping spell on the girl first before she wakes up"


Five sea creatures surrounded her and the white wyvern that she slept on. One of them flipped her fingers as she said "Gsu lmv lu gsv hvz bfrvow nb xzoo: Hovvk (The one of the sea yield my call: sleep). A sparkling white light shimmered over her fingers and danced its way into Ruby's body. 

"Should we go captu-". They were caught short as the green eyes of the White wyvern suddenly opened. 


It quickly rose up from the ground, pushing Ruby at the same time and gave out a loud warning roar.



Almost immediately, they came out of their tents. "Fuck ! Sea people !" Gregiry yelled as he grabbed a mace from his tent charging at them almost immediately.

"Shit !" Chuks pulled Serena back inside. "Quickly, put on your clothes and get my wyvern and take it to the back…wait for me there" 

"But a healer ? I'm our healer…you guys need me" 

Chuks sighed, putting on his clothes at the same time. "Serena dear, this isn't a fight we can win". He grabbed a sword and quickly ran out. 

"Chuks !" Serena clenched her fists as she cursed under her breath quickly putting on her clothes as well.


"Humans are pretty weak these days huh" 

" Shut it" Gregory yelled, slamming his mace at the former position of thuh. 

"How dare you attack our camp". 

The ground vibrated as rocks protruded out slamming thuh some few feet back.


"You're getting yourself pushed back by a human ?" Loria cried out as she waved her hands "I call upon the sea ! Grant me your powers". Her skin began to glow bright blue and her blue silky hair shimmered with brilliance. 


"Wind storm !" A strong thrust of wind suddenly swept up and surrounded her and she held up her hands blocking the wind.

"Tch ?!" She looked up to find a eather cocky looking human Male with glasses. "Shouldn't have done that human!".

She forcefully swung her hands and the wind dispelled. 

Nathaniel surprised but not affected, he swung his magic wand and a flame began to form increasing in size with each second. 

Loria jumped up into the sky reaching a height unattainable by human standards.

"....." Nathaniel focused on her every movement the whole time not taking a single look away when he suddenly felt a breeze past him. 

"Dszg prmw lu dziili trevh zm lyerlfh(what kind of warrior gives an obvious opening) ?" A sea female suddenly appeared besides him with a spear as she aimed for his chest. 

He spun his wand around and a piece of flame struck down at her while he suddenly floated into the air. 

He looked down from above to search for her when he heard a crackling noise. 

"Should have paid more attention ! Human!" Loria yelled as she came down with lightning sparks emitting from her body 

"Tch ! Heat storm !" He spun his wand around and wind gushed around the flame he had formed, amplifying its power as it spread around like a heat wave. 


It pushed loria back as she flipped around and landed on the ground on her two feets. "What ?!" She cried out as she suddenly charged at him furiously. 


Nathaniel spun his wand around and six large bullets began to form around him. "Magic missiles!" He cried out as he shot them at her. 

She changed her direction of movement and one struck the ground causing an explosion, she changed again and another struck.

She slammed her hands together. "Gods of the sea ! Lend me your aid ! Water of the gods !".

The sea answered to her call and a large wave formed into a large ball about a truck big. 

She dodged another and spun around as she waved her hand. 

The large mass of water rushed towards Nathaniel at a speed he couldn't dodge it. 


He cursed under his breath flipping his wand and shielding his face as it slammed him to the ground. 


He coughed out water when he felt heavy footsteps. He turned towards the direction and the other sea female, Serafina, was already above him, her spear long into the side of chest.

"Aaaarghhhhhhh !!!!" He cried out as he held unto the spear. 


"Nathan !" Gregory yelled as he slammed his mace across slamming thuh further away from him. 

He was about to go to help when another seaman, much taller and bulkier  than the one he had just faced appeared before him. 

"I apologize human ! But we cant let you do that" he said as he swung his leg slamming it at the side of his chest. 

Gregory spat out blood as he felt the rush of blood in his eyes. "So strong….but ! So WHAT !" He cried out as mana suddenly burst out of his body. 


"Aaarghhh !!!" He cried out as he rushed at the man with his head. "Answer my call Gaia ! Let the earth feel my wrath ! Ground breaker !" He pulled him into the ground and dragged him across the harsh soil. 


"Tch !" The sea man cursed as he struggled to get free. 

"Let me aid you Gregory !" Chuks said as he rushed towards them. 

Gregory nodded as he jumped away. 


"The power of the sky is with me !" He swung his blade up as he stumped his feet into the ground. His sword began to glow a bright blue. " the call of missionary". He stabbed it into the seaman, stabbing him into the ground. 


"ROaaaarrrrr !!!" He cried out in pain and struggled to get out of the clutches of the sword. 

"Go save Nath-". Chuks felt a heavy blow across his face and the force pushed him away. His body slammed into the ground for almost 10 seconds before crashing against a boulder. 


The sea man pants heavily as he patted another seaman. No, it was more like a sea boy. 

The sea boy glared at Chuks and Gregory as he shined his sharp row of canine teeth at them. 

"Tear them open, Shmuk" 


"Bvh hrh !( yes sir !)" He cried out as he suddenly appeared behind Gregory. 


"This speed ?" Gregory muttered as he slammed the mace at where he thought the boy would be. It crushed the ground, raising stones into the air. 

His eyes widened in shock as he felt the overwhelming presence of a predator. 

He couldn't even turn back when he suddenly felt a gush of blood splash to the ground and a stingy pain too harsh to be true. 

An object caught his line of vision and he could see his arm slowly flying into the air. 

He slowly looked down and the rush of information clouded his mind "AAAaaaaaaaaRGggghhhhhhhhhHhhhHh !" He fell to his knee and cried out as tears rushed down his eyes. 


Chuks felt dread as he stared at the event that took place. 'That thing…I saw it move ! No….I didn't see it move…how ? How is it so fast ? Was it supposed to be that fast ? Why ??!'. He felt a gush of wind behind him and his fifth sense kicked in. 


He stumped his feet on the ground and threw his blade into the air. The sea boy quickly retreated, cautious of what he was about to do. Chuks swung his arms up and without caring about his actions. He ran away. 


"Hu ! Hu ! Hurry up and capture him !" Thuh yelled as he limped towards him. 

"Bvh hrh !( yes sir !)" He cried out as he suddenly vanished. 


"...has…has he always been that fast ?! Thuh asked as he helped the sea man up. 

"And you thought I was being a pedo by letting him join the crew" 

"Save it !" 


Almost a second later, Shmuk appeared. 

"Why ? Where are they ?" 

"...R zkloltrav yfg rg hvvnh gsvb kivkzivw zm vhxzkv ilfgv yvuliv R tlg gsviv(I apologize but it seems they prepared an escape route before I got there)" 

"An escape route ?" 

Thuh turned around. "Serafina ! Some of them escaped with a wyvern! Find them!" She nodded as she flipped her fingers.


She whispered some words and black smoke began to form out of her back forming wings. She spread them open as she jumped into the air flying towards the direction he pointed at. 


"Well…we still captured three…" 

"We ? You got your ass handed to you" Loria said to Thuh. 

"They were much stronger than anticipated, right?!" 

"It can't be helped princess" 

"It would have been tougher if that female human was awake and she was on the same level as them" 

"No ...with Shmuk around. It would have been impossible". The sea man said, patting his head. 

Loria stared at him and hissed as she turned away. 

"R zkloltrav kirmxvhh( I apologize princess)" 

"How about the other wyverns ?" Thuh asked as he turned around to observe. A confused sigh escaped his lips as he noticed they were all dead with bite Marks all over them. 

He took a look at Shmuk. 


He smiled at Thuh revealing his perfect row of canine fangs. 

Thuh sighed again. "Tie up the rest". 

"Why are we escaping? We should be helping them !" Serina cried out.

"It can't be helped, Serina ! There was something there that we couldn't defeat no matter how hard we tried !" He said as he patted his wyvern. 

"Faster old boy!".

It screeched as it flapped his wings wither and faster when a black arrow suddenly struck its left side. It screamed as it struggled to remain up. 

"Dsviv wl blf gsrmp blf'iv tlrmt(Where do you think you're going)?!" Serina turned back to find a sea woman flying towards them. 

"They can fly ?!" She cried out. 

"No ! It's just sorcery" 

"Vevm ru blf pmld gszg hl dszg ?!(Even if you know that so what ?!)" Sarafina cried out as she made a black arrow appear.

"Ozmw gszg ufxpvi wldm !(Land that fucker down !)" She cried as she shot the arrow. 

"Serina !"

 "Yes !" She turned around facing the sea female charging towards them as she held up her hand in a prayer position.  

"We beg of you mother Gaia ! Lend us your aid !" A faint yellow light formed around her hands as it spread around the wyvern. 

The dark arrow bounced off the light and the sea female suddenly reduced her pace. 

"Z slob kvihlm ? R gslftsg gszg ufxpvi Gaia szw gfimvw svi yzxp zdzb uiln sfnzmh(A holy person ? I thought that fucker Gaia had turned her back away from humans?)" . She clicked her tongue as she turned around.

"She's retreating …" 

"...that's good" he tapped his wyvern to go faster as a sigh of relief escaped his lips. 


The court remained silent on hearing the story. The judge slowly caressed his face as a sigh escaped his lips. 

"You're telling me….a sea person was able to run as fast as the wind and another one could fly. One of them had enormous strength and then another glowed blue…." He sighed again. "Sounds like something that came right out of a comic" 

"I apologize my honour…but that was what happened…" 

" …it's too early to jump into conclusions. Let us hear what the other one has to say. Then we can discuss further" the judge turned towards James and nodded.

James walked up to Chuks and they walked out of the court as Serina walked in. 

Chuks and Serina stared at each other giving themselves comforting smiles. 

"...it'll be okay.." 

Serina nodded as she walked up to the front of the Judge.