

Gaia, the mother of the land had turned it's back against the humans when they made deals with the sea people. They sought greater power and man was introduced to sorcery. A power that seemed far greater than magic. Magic was of the earth and it and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole mana from Gaia without returning it back. Magic was of the earth and it took and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole from Gaia. Man had one king at the time and he/she was known as the world King. A being strong enough to rule the world. At the time, the 3rd world King was a witch known as Latifah. She mad a deal with the strongest being of the sea people called THALISAA and together they yielded great power. But on the night of her ordination as the world King, she betrayed THALISAA for power and the land was cursed. The moon turned red and the sea covered the lands reaching the mountain tops. Man had no way of living on the land and moved over to the mountain tops but that did not save them. They were hunted down by the sea people, killed and taken as hostages. Man was going extinct. As a last resort, Latifah created a sanctuary for man in the skies. A sanctuary as big as two continents and each were made at each region. The western, southern, northern and eastern regions became sanctuaries for man and they were able to live away from the prying hands of the sea people. Man began to live in the sky and lost the right to rule the lands.

Tofi_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Small drops of liquid falling to the ground echoed in a closed dark room as three people in particular remained silent for a while as they contemplated different things. Ruby, Gregory and Nathaniel were all tied up at one corner away from each other and it seemed like all hope had been lost for them..but even at that They were all alive. At least physically. 

Ruby had cried to the point she had no tears left to shed. Well, it was a situation she couldn't help but feel sorry for. 

"....you shouldn't have left the fire all night… Nathaniel murmured but the dark empty room was able to project his voice closely and sternly. 

"Well…it can't be helped now. Can it ?" Gregory took a glance at Nathaniel with a frown. "I warned you….".

Nathaniel looked away ignoring his words. 

He took a glance at Ruby slowly and seeing her vague expression, he couldn't help but let a small sigh escape his lips. 

"Ruby….you know what the 2nd code of the wyvern riders is right?" 

She slowly looked up from the floor. "...wy…wyvern riders don't give up…"

"I know right ? Honestly … I always thought that was an absurd thing to say to others. I mean, a person should know where his limits lie and give up when he reaches that limit. It's absurd to think a few words could actually affect a person's morale". His lips curled into a sad smile. "But now…I think I get it….we may be captured now, but we can gain our freedom once again….somehow..one way or the other….so Ruby….don't give up hope just yet" 

Ruby could see his vague expressions even while it was dark. It was obvious those words were nothing but empty promises to fill the hole in her chest, but sometimes we need a little lush like this when we stumble up. 

"Tsk….you really are a lost cause….though if we do escape from this…." Gregory chuckled. "We're definitely gonna come back and give ten fold of what these bastards did !". He wasn't particularly interested in his empty words. It was just a way of comforting himself that he could…probably..escape. 

Ruby's lips curled into a small sigh as she tilted her head up resting it on the wall. She felt a lot better but it wasn't enough to raise the strangling feeling in her chest. 

Silence filled the room once again as they could hear a distant whaling sound and a thud. It felt like what they were on had finally stopped moving. 

Tension began to feel in their heart. They were actually going to be sold, their families and friends that were waiting for their safe return at home. It felt sad knowing they may not be able to see them ever again. 

Light pierced through their eyes and they struggled to protect the blinding light from themselves. They could hear distant footsteps suddenly getting closer and on looking up, they could see their fates. 

"Alright round them up, Quickly and take them to the market" Thuh said as three sea men came in and picked up each of them. 

"Didn't we agree that I would take the female" 

Thuh sighed as he slowly turned around. 

"Don't think I can't shut that mouth of yours…..Just because you're the chieftains daughter…" 

"....deals a deal, Thuh" Loria ignored his comment and repeated her earlier statement. 

Ruby felt a chill down her spine but also relief. She felt Loria was a little kinder than the rest but her friends….she didn't know who they would be sold to or how she could find them afterwards.

Her gaze which was once fixed on the ground suddenly turned around to observe her environment. Her expressions froze in shock at the sight she saw. "....beautiful…" she murmured. and it was, the sea people were a close species of creature that harnessed all sorts of cultures over the centuries and it was evident in their structures and building references. 

They were underwater and a large dome protected them preventing water from seeping through but even with that, at every corner of the dome she could find sea people using mechanical machines to float up into the water. 

The building structures were similar to the olden days where wood was used and they had different statues of water gods built at every central square in the town. 

The blue color of the ocean also illuminated the city, giving it an appealing blue shade. It was truly beautiful. 

"Hey you" She heard the familiar voice belonging to Loria and turned towards the exit of the Whale-sub she had just come from. 

The sea man carrying her came to a stop and turned towards her. 

"I've bought that one, so let it go" 

'IT ?!' Ruby thought to herself. 

The sea man stared at her and slowly looked up at Thuh. He had a dark expression but even with that. He nodded. 

He slowly dropped her to the ground and walked up towards thuh as they left. 

"I hope you're happy now" he muttered as he walked past them together with the rest of the sea people still carrying Nathaniel and Gregory. 

Soria stood still folding her hands as she stared at Ruby weirdly. 

"...is…is there something wrong ?" She asked. 

"Hmm…?" Soria stared at her and slowly raised her finger up to her lips. "Shhhh" 

'What...why is she asking me to be quiet?' Ruby slowly turned around and fear gripped her heart as she saw the dead stern eyes she was given by every sea person that walked past them. Stares filled with malice. She dropped her gaze and a shudder went through her spine.

"..you…you're rather lucky you know that"

Ruby turned towards loria as she walked up to her. "Not only were you bought by me, the Chieftains daughter but now you're being protected under me" she had a proud smile exuding her face but ruby couldn't help but scoff. 

" ?! What did you just do ?!" Loria cried out as she pulled her ears. 

"...i… I apologize" she muttered. 

The sea people were far taller than the humans and their strength far superior. Loria may have seemed the shortest out of the crew but she was still tall at six feet. 

"Forget it ! Let's just go home before my father complains" she sighed as she picked up a hanging rope from the one used to tie her up. 

"...you…stay close….got it" 

Ruby nodded. 'But you're holding the end of the rope'. She felt the rope suddenly pulling her and she quickly followed Loria behind. 

"...what about my friends….?" 

".....that's none of my business….human". 

'....I see….I may have been wrong'. Her head slowly tilted as she couldn't help but say small prayers for her friends to be safe. 


It was rumored in the times of old that man had always wanted to fly and all sorts of hypocrites at the time had attempted it. 

Man had all sorts of ideas and this was how science was brought about but that kind of thing didn't work without a full knowledge of the laws of nature and the complexity that came with it. 

Man was studying that thing with the help of magic at the time but with the coming of 

Sorcery and submergence of the land, it was impossible. 

Since the land was filled with water and the sea people below that water, man had found another way to live and prosper and that was the Sky. 

A way to use magic to solidify the clouds to the point they get strong as the earth but even with that, ad time goes by…it will surely continue to wither. 

On one of these said clouds, the western sky castle was the homeland of Ruby and her friends and currently two watch guards stood on a tall tower over a large gate as they noticed something peculiarly flying towards them. 

".....go call the captain '' one of them said to the other and he nodded as he quickly walked down the tower while the other one continued to observe. 'Oh please…..Ruby...make it' 

"We're not too far off now !" Chuks said with a smile as he held onto Serena. 

"Do you think they'll arrest us ?". She asked, clinging onto his chest. 

Chuks looked down at her. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed her black hair. 

"There was nothing we could do..we were ambushed….we barely escaped Serena" 

"I know…but we've been captured by them you know…it just kind of feels…like we abandoned them". 

"We did no such thing…so you don't need  to worry…". 

"...." Serena sighed as they slowly landed their wyvern in front of the gate. Like every city, a dome was surrounding it.

Three men in silver armor rushed out, threw a smaller gate and walked up to them as they came off their wyvern. 

"You two….aren't you the leader of team 6 sent out a month ago ?" A man asked. Unlike the rest, he had a black coloured Cape. 

"Captain James, yes we are" Chuck replied as he helped Serena down the injured wyvern. 

"Then…why is your wyvern so injured and where are the rest of your team mates ?" Another guard asked. The same guard that watched over the gate from the watchtower a while ago. 

"...they were captured by the sea people" 

A small hasp escaped his lips as he suddenly lost his composure and collapsed. "..then..then Ruby ?" He asked. 

Chuks turned his head away as Serena could feel tears piling up her eyes. 

".....you're telling me…only you two were able to escape ?" The head guard asked and they nodded. 

The guard sighed as he pointed at them to follow him. "We shall take this to the higher ups immediately".

Serena took a glance at Chuks and Chuks gave her a reassuring smile. 

He held her tight and a small sigh escaped his lips. "...we're gonna get through this…okay". 

She nodded as they walked behind the guards leaving one behind. 

The guard still on the ground cried as he hid his face with his hand. Yet another person lost to those savage beasts. 

Serena and Chuck were brought to a courtroom as large as an auditorium with several aristocratic members surrounding them.

In front of them was a large podium where a very fat judge sat down graciously and next to him about six feet below was the head guard standing proud. 

"What….did you just say ? An ambush ?" The judge repeated his earlier statements. 

"Yes..your honor" Chuck repeated his earlier statements. 

He could hear the whispers from the aristocrats and the negative vibe they gave off was more than a burden to him. 

"This doesn't change the fact that you left these men in the line of duty. For the two of you to escape soundly and the rest captured…I feel like there is something else to it" 

"No ! It is not like that, your honor ! I swear upon my household and blood line that I'm telling the truth. 

The judge had a disapproving expression on his face as he turned towards the guard. 

"What do you think James?" 

"Your honor..I think we should take caution…they may be telling the truth as well but to ensure they are ... .I insist we interrogate them separately". 

The judge nodded. "Hm. That is a very pleasing idea, guards…take the girl to the waiting room first. I want to hear what this man has to say". 

Chuks held on tightly to serena. He didn't want to let go. He couldn't let go. He almost lost her once but he definitely didn't want to almost lose her a second time. 

He felt the gentle tender hands of his love stroke his face and his eagerness for a fight slowly reduced. He stared at her as a small sigh escaped his lips. 

"Don't get hurt" 

She gave him a small smile and nodded. "I won't" before following the guards that had come to take her. 

"Now..!" The judge struck his gavel.

"Explain to us what happened in detail…."