

Gaia, the mother of the land had turned it's back against the humans when they made deals with the sea people. They sought greater power and man was introduced to sorcery. A power that seemed far greater than magic. Magic was of the earth and it and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole mana from Gaia without returning it back. Magic was of the earth and it took and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole from Gaia. Man had one king at the time and he/she was known as the world King. A being strong enough to rule the world. At the time, the 3rd world King was a witch known as Latifah. She mad a deal with the strongest being of the sea people called THALISAA and together they yielded great power. But on the night of her ordination as the world King, she betrayed THALISAA for power and the land was cursed. The moon turned red and the sea covered the lands reaching the mountain tops. Man had no way of living on the land and moved over to the mountain tops but that did not save them. They were hunted down by the sea people, killed and taken as hostages. Man was going extinct. As a last resort, Latifah created a sanctuary for man in the skies. A sanctuary as big as two continents and each were made at each region. The western, southern, northern and eastern regions became sanctuaries for man and they were able to live away from the prying hands of the sea people. Man began to live in the sky and lost the right to rule the lands.

Tofi_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

The moon began to fade away as the sun began to shine its rays at the sea.

Ruby slowly opened up her eyes due to the piercing sun gaze as she slowly yawned. She closed them almost immediately as she began to arrange her thoughts. 

"..." she opened them again and then closed them again and once again opened them. 

It felt like time had stopped when she stared at what she didn't want to believe. It was a creature with blue skin, fin-like ears and bulging eyes. It had two small slits for a nose, gills on its neck. Its hands and feets had webbers and they had just four fingers. It was half naked. Clothing only the necessary part. 

It smiled at her, showing its perfect row of white canine teeth. 

" No !" She yelled attempting to move away from the creature when she noticed she was stuck. 

She finally turned around to observe her surroundings. 

"Ls ! Hsv szh zdzpvm"(Oh ! She has awoken)  the creature cried out gibberish as it ran towards another one. 

"Oh no…." 

"You're finally awake…".

She turned to her left to find Nathaniel chained up to the ground. He had scars and bruises all over his skin and blood slowly dripped down his lip. 

"Our sleeping beauty seems to have awoken" Gregory muttered. He was in an even worse situation. He had lost an arm. 

"...how..?? When ?" She attempted to move again when the chains held her back. She looked down and finally noticed the clubs and handcuffs. 

"How ? We put up a barrier ?!" 

"Quiet down Human !" A creature suddenly walked up to her and slapped her. He looked exactly like the others, only a lot taller. About 7 feet 6.

A loud eerie sound echoed in her ears as she could feel the burning, stinging pain from the hit. She could feel something slowly dribble down her cheeks to the ground and on observing closer she could see clearly that it was her blood. 

"Leave her alone !" Nathaniel screamed out as an electric shock suddenly sparked from the chains and ravaged his body. He screamed out in pain and dropped his head down as it finally stopped. He panted heavily. 

"Insignificant beings…the whole lot of you" it said as it turned towards the rest. "Can't believe you let two escape !" 

"Dv szw ml rwvz gsvb dviv hgroo zdzpv".(we had no idea they were still awake)

Another creature said with a similar feature as the rest. It was about 7 feet and with more feminine features. 

'Serina and Chuck escaped….that's a relief….but…because of me…" she slowly turned towards her partners. 

"...why….why didn't they escape with them ?" She muttered to herself. 

"Tsk ! I'm sure you know how much they're worth in our lands. I can't believe you still let them escape" it clicked its tongue as it walked away from them. "Did you call for the pick-up crew?" 

"Yes…they should be on their way". A fourth one said. A little taller than 7 foot 6 and more masculine than the rest. 

"I still find it funny seeing sea people speak human language" Gregory said with clenched teeth. 

It was surprising that he was still standing alive even with all his wounds. 

Ruby could no longer stop herself as tears came running down her cheeks. "..I'm so sorry…" she muttered. 

"Tsk" the first one said. He seemed like the leader of the crew and he was. "Petty beings….crying over something so trivial" 

"I wonder how they'll taste if we tried cooking them," a fifth one said. It was a female and the shortest amongst them. She also seemed like the youngest. She walked up to Ruby as it patted her head like a pet. "Can't my father buy this one…I like her" 

"We'll talk about that after we see the chief priest". The leader said, sighing. 

"Hklqg orggv trio"(Spoilt little girl)  the female said as she spat to the ground. "Sld olmt wl dv szev gl hgzb sviv ?" (How long do we have to stay here ?) 

"It won't be long now…Serafina…you have to be patient" the leader sighed. 

The little girl ignored Serafina and continued staring at Ruby. "What's your name, human..? I'm known as Loria in human tongue" the girl sea creature said. 

Ruby turned away, still crying. That's when she noticed one more thing she forgot about. Her wyvern. Four wyverns were dead, Including hers. She could at least guess that they escaped with one.  "T…Tika…..???" The pain from her voice was evident in the tears that poured out more now and the slow moans that escaped her lips. 

"Don't touch her !" Nathaniel screamed out in anger glaring at the girl. 

She ignored him and looked at the wyverns. "Sorry about them…we couldn't let you guys have a means to escape now…could we ?" She said, patting her head. 

"OUUHHHHUUHHU !" A weird funny sound echoed in their ears as they all turned toward the source of the noise. 

"Oh…they're finally here" she said as she got up from her squatting position. 

"We're going now right? Thuh?" 

"That's captain Thuh to you !" The leader stared at her with a puzzled expression. 

"Funny how we use human standards in our customs…why would I call you captain ?" She looked away from him. 

"As despicable as humans are, we can't deny they had a far more civilized society…it's only right we use them if we want to prove our superiority" the bulky sea creature said. "And yes...they're finally here". 

About a hundred miles from them, four sea creatures seemed to me floating towards their location. They were all seated on four different whales all tied to a submarine-like structure behind them. 

"The Whale-sub" thuh said with a sigh. 

"Ivnrmwh ble lu gsv low wzbh sfs" (reminds you of the old days huh) Serafina said as she placed her iron spear on her shoulder. 

"Yeah…." Thuh turned towards the shortest Male sea creature. "Lor, Loosen the chains on the ground and hold them tight. These humans are pretty deceiving so be careful". 

"Emwvihgllw(Understood)". He nodded his head as it walked up to Ruby first, loosening the chains to the ground. 

"Won't they try to run into the water ?" 

"Well, they could if they wanted to die," Thuh replied laughing out loud. "They're incapable of swimming and they cant Last long under water but their lives are precious to them so they won't want to die so easily" 

Ruby stood stiff. She was far gone in her thoughts. She could hear someone walking towards her with the sound of chain shaking. 

"....you've really outdone yourself this time" Gregory glared at her as Nathaniel and Gregory walked up to her. 

"I'm…I'm really so sorry….I..I..didn't"-"save your excuses" Gregory spat on the ground and walked away from them. 

Tears rushed down her eyes as she looked up at Nathaniel. He had a sorry expression and a soft sigh escaped his lips as he looked away. 

"Tsk…these humans" Thuh picked up his spear and was about to walk towards them when he was stopped by Loria. 

"What would you gain by taunting them more? They've lost everything now that we've captured them. Let them have their final moment". She said avoiding the annoyed gaze of her captain.  

"...if..you insist ... .princess" he unwillingly yielded. ".....let's just get off this stinky island".