
The Spirit King Wants a Peaceful Life

I sighed, "I swear if these devils make another mess then I would make them all go extinct" "Contractor, when will you give me my silence" "Akasha, please cook for me. I am hungry" "O Fairy King, when will you kill The Strongest Steel" "Husband, Let's make a child surely a child born from our union will be the strongest deity." "Your Majesty, those Greek guys are chasing us again, please save us" I sighed. Apparently the Valkyries have stolen my boxers for the fourteenth time, just my luck already.

Fahim_Shahriar · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


I am sure I have been reincarnated into an anime world. How can I tell?

First my parents are japanese.At least I think they are considering they speak japanese.

Two, they have exotic colored hair. Mom had light blue hair. While dad have white colored hair like natural white, Not white due to stress.

Honestly with how young my mother is I would assume she got pregnant during her college years at most. She doesn't look a day beyond 19.

My dad too was young actually, now that you think of it, he actually looks younger than my mom. Eighteen I guess.

Usually if a younger my manages to get an older girl pregnant in such cases the older girl can guilt trip the younger man to take responsibility.

Considering I see a wedding band on her hand that might just be the case. Does that make my mother a cougar?

If my appearance were to be taken into consideration then I will probably have a handsome appearance in my teen years.

Damn, do the only thing they do as a hobby is sex. It has not been even a week since my birth and they have been going at it like rabbits.I hope they are using protection. I want to be a responsible elder brother when my next sibling inevitably arrives.

"Hora, Hora! We haven't even started the main course. This is just the appetizer"

"Dame, if you keep going on like this I will go crazy….Ahhh! Ahhh!..."

"Is that excitement I hear? I won't let you have any sleep tonight"

Oh! for heaven's sake, will it kill you two voyeurs to keep the noise low.

These sex fiends won't let me have any sleep or meditation. I take it back it was my dad who was the predator who devoured the innocent senpai that was my mom.

Honestly it has been five hours already. How much stamina does this guy have? My mom lost consciousness several times yet this man kept going at her.

I humbly apologise for doubting you mom. Before, due to my mother's frail health they couldn't continue for a long period of time. But now that she had been healed by me. He showed his predatory nature.

Never had in my entire life I had sympathised with Rudeus Greyrat so much.

My mind has permanently been scarred. Honestly if I am indeed going to live a long life than I will put romance and love at the last position in my list of priorities.

There will be plenty of time for romance. For now try to be powerful enough to be somwone who will be able to protect his lover should I ever have one.

Now that I mention it I have always been rather apathetic towards bonds, romance and friendship.

Despite being a hopeless romantic at heart I used to find modern women to be mechanical and self-driven. Compared to ancient women they have become less family oriented. When choosing a man many modern women tend to prioritize their wealth and financial condition rather than their virtue.

Not that men are any better, with the advancement of capitalism men had abandoned the companionship of nature. Industrialization was founded on the corpse of the world.

This is why I believe ancient people to be better than modern people. At least they didn't destroy nature wantonly.

As days go by, western civilization is becoming more and more hedonistic and mechanical. Bonds are created and severed at a moment's notice. People no longer value friendship and virtues and polite and formal behaviours are mocked and looked down upon.

Parents hardly care about their children and children no longer care and respect their parents. What a depressing life thne westerners lead.

When you realize that you care more about your social networking sites' status than a man who is dying by the roadside, you realize society is deteriorating.

Huh! Thankfully focusing on these depressing thoughts let me take my mind off the voyeurism my parents were committing

Good Lord. They were going at it again. How many rounds had it been. They were going at it like newlyweds.

It's official, unless I find some way to block the sound I will not be able to properly meditate or sleep.


Naruto world's method of senjutsu is very volatile and dangerous. If you take in too much natural energy than you would turn into stone if you take too less.

But first let's get to feel the energy.

I spread my ki outwards toward myself at a 360 degree angle. Like a net catching the energy cluster. Then I made it linger with my skin.

Then like taking a dip I tried to get a feel of it.

It was as if someone had dripped me in sewage water. Polluted and murky. Filthy and dirty.

I vomited instantly.






What on earth was this?

How on earth could natural energy be polluted to such a degree? Why didn't anybody do anything about it?

What manner of horror did they commit for the world to have such abhorrence.

I have always been rather apathetic towards bonds and friendships. But even I realize without the grace of the planet we will be goner. Men can't survive by cutting ties with the planet. The planet doesn't need us but we certainly need them.

It was at that moment I made a vow, I will become the sage who saves the planet.

Indeed not the world of men or the supernatural but the planet. I will live and die for its sake. If the planet survives then men will find a way to survive on its own.

From now on I will dedicate my life to the planet. Not to the beings that lives on top of it. But to the planet itself.

O world, I give my life to you…

But first let's get to work.

Pacifying the planet first…..

Too purify the natural energy of the planet I will first have to take in the polluted energy inside me.

Using myself as a purifying reactor for the murky and polluted energy and releasing the purified energy back into the world.

Dangerous, but not impossible.

Well I did make the vow to give my entire existence to the planet.

First let's take a small amount of energy and start from there.

Baby steps….(No pun intended)

"Do me harder…Harder"

Oh! For God's sake….