

After being pushed to his lowest point in his life, Peter tries to find a way to keep moving forward. Both as Spider-Man and as Peter Parker.

Jay732 · Others
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4 Chs


At Mid Town High, Mr. Warren calls out for attendance. Everyone says "here" except for one student, Peter Parker. Mr. Warren turns around and sees Peter's empty seat and sighs.

"No Mr. Parker again, I see."

When Mr. Warren says this, Gwen Stacy, Liz Allen, Randy Robertson, even Flash Thompson and Sally Avril are sad to hear this, everyone except for Harry Osborne who is secretly happy about Peter's absence. Later as class let's out, they all meet in the hallway, including Sha Shan Nguyen, Flash's girlfriend.

"Anyone hear from puny- Anyone hear from Peter, yet?" Flash asks.

Everyone shakes their heads with disappointment, except for Harry.

"What about his place? Anything?" Randy asks.

"No. Me and Liz stopped by a couple of times, and- Nothing." Mary Jane says.

Liz sighs.

"Maybe we could, stop by again- after school?" Liz suggests.

Everyone agrees, including Gwen which frustrates/worries Harry.

"Uh, actually, me and Gwen had plans to- visit my dad. You remember, right Gwen?"

Gwen slightly sighs, trying to force herself to smile.

"Yeah, of course Harry."

Harry smiles, grabbing Gwen by the hand and pulling her away from the group, making everyone scowl at him.

"I'm really starting to hate Osborne." Flash says, everyone else quietly agreeing with him.

As everyone leaves, Mary Jane stays for a minute longer, staring at Peter's locker with sadness.

"Where are you, Tiger?" She asks.

Meanwhile, a high speed chase is taking place through the city. The criminals shoot out the tires and windows of the police vehicles. At that moment, Spider-Man swings in, landing on top of the car.

"Oh crap, it's Spider-Man!" One of the criminals yells.

"I told you guys this was a bad idea, the web heads been at it twenty four seven ever since he put down the Goblin." Another criminal says.

"Just shut up and shoot him already!" The driver yells.

One of the criminals aims the gun out of the window, but Spider-Man webs the gun up then throws him out of the car, webbing him to a light post. The hero then switches sides and does the same to the second criminal. As the car swerves, Spider-Man quickly jumps up, goes through the passengers window, and kicks the driver out of the car and into a web that he made. The car then flips into the air but the hero quickly jumps infront of it, catching it with his bare hands, slowly putting it back down on the ground. Captain George Stacy and other police officers arrest the criminals responsible for all the chaos, as Peter slumps down, trying to catch his breath. A cop who's familiar with Spider-Man comes up from behind him.

"Hey, thanks for your help, Spidy. Good thing you were here." The officer says.

Peter doesn't answer for a minute, then starts walking away.

"No problem."

He then webs away, confusing everyone, including the criminals.

"Woah, not even one joke. What's up with him?" One of the officers asks.

Meanwhile Captain Stacy watches Spider-Man swing away, thinking to himself. Peter swings on top of a building, trying to get more rest before something else happens. He then looks at his phone and sees multiple messages from his friends from school, and a voice mail from his Aunt May from a few months ago. Before he could play the message, he hears someone screaming about a fire, causing him to sigh and put his phone away.

"Gotta keep moving." He says to himself, swinging into action.

Back at school, As Gwen stands by her locker, all she can think about is her and Peter agreeing to be together and breaking up with Harry and Liz. She then flashes back to the last time the two talked to each other.

"I'm sorry, Peter. But Harry needs me right now... It's just not the right time... for us."

Peter sighs, grabs her by the hand and smiles.

"It's ok Gwen, I get it. You need to be there for Harry right now, I don't think he could handle another loss. Just know that I'll always be here. I can wait."

Gwen blushes, falling even more in love with him when she stares into his eyes, but pulls away from him.

"I should- get back to Harry." She says, disappointingly.

As she walks away, she wipes a single tear from her eye.

"Gwen." A voice says, snapping her back to the present.

She turns around and sees Mary Jane.

"Oh, hey MJ."

"Listen, I think we need to talk about you and Harry."

Gwen sighs, closing her locker.

"Look, I'm not having this conversation again, Mary Jane."

"Come on, Gwen, look at you. you're so unhappy, even Flash can tell. And plus, Peter is the one who needs you now."

Gwen stays silent for a moment, unable to respond.

"I gotta go, Harry's waiting outside."

As She walks away, Mary Jane looks on in sadness. Back with Peter, he just finishes saving people from a burning building. After he puts two kids on the ground safely, he hunches over and coughs, trying to catch his breath. A fireman then approaches him.

"You should take a break, you don't look so good, son." The fireman suggests.

Peter doesn't answer for a moment, hearing two other firemen talk about someone getting trapped on the fourth floor, another person that Spider-Man couldn't save. He then stands up straight and starts walking away, still trying to catch his breath.

"Can't stop. Gotta keep moving."

He then webs away as Captain Stacy watches in his car from a distance. Soon when Peter swings by his house, he sees Mary Jane, Flash, Liz, Randy, Sally, and Sha Shan at his door. He swings in a tree nearby, without them noticing.

"Come on Parker, open up!" Flash says.

"Listen Parker, I know you're going through a hard time right now, but we can help you deal." Randy adds.

"We're your friends, Peter. Please... open the door." Mary Jane says.

"Come on, Petey." Liz adds.

They wait for a moment, unaware that their friend, the one that they're worried about is behind them listening. Peter is saddened by not only his friends being here, but also that Gwen isn't. Sally then let's out a sigh, and puts her hand on Randy's shoulders.

"Maybe we should go. He- might need some more time." Sally says.

As they all walk away, Mary Jane looks at the tree where Peter was, seeing no one there. While Peter swings through the city, his mind starts to race.

"They're better off without me. I was a terrible friend, a worse boyfriend... a lousy Nephew. From now on, Peter Parker is gone. Forever. I'm Spider-Man, full time." He thinks to himself.