
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter twelve: Betrayal

I thank those that stick with me from the beginning till now even though I'm not publishing regularly as before for now. I promise that once I tide through what I'm facing now I will start publishing as consistently as before again. Pls for those who are reading this novel, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


Black tall wolves were surrounding the car, they all had deep red eyes which made them menacing. That was not the only scary thing about them, they were all intermediate beasts and a powerful aura was still lurking in the forest. They looked around, the beasts were up to thirty. "Is this the place we are going to die today, we will be a meal for these beasts" James said. "Don't let's lose morale, we can be able to get out of this if we put on a good fight" Quinn tried to encourage them but they started shaking looking at the menacing beast glaring at them. They felt death looming over them. The ladies there could not take the eerie silence again, they gave way and fell to their knees. One of the wolves rushed at Quinn because he talked, Quinn's face paled but he closed his eyes "Wife I'm sorry just take care of our girl" He said in his mind. He was expecting death but what he felt was something falling on his head. "Hmm" He opened his eyes when he realized that he was not dead but he saw the head of a wolf on the floor and looked at his front, it was Wallace. "Awoooo" He heard the angry howl of wolves "Wallace quickly get out of this place, you still have potential in you," Quinn told Wallace but he felt a bloodthirsty aura radiating from him, he was surprised. Wallace quickly utilized the minute movement, he faded with the wind, he already mastered it to a terrifying degree. The wolves quickly turned alert when they felt that the puny human in front of them disappeared. "Aw..." One of them could not even finish its howl before it was stabbed with a sword. it fell dead. "Awoo" The other wolves howled calling to their boss. "Bam" Another wolf fell.

Wallace stood in front of the group, the wolves could not move, they could not move towards him because they were afraid of him, they knew they could not take him on. "Shit is the person I've been offending," James thought. The other's faces paled because they just realized that they were offending a person that can't be offended. He could even kill them without breaking much sweat. "Awwoooooooo" A huge roar jolted them awake from their thoughts. A huge black wolf arrived where they were, it slowly came out from the forest, they recognized it, it was an advanced beast. Wallace broke into a cold sweat. "Get into the car," He told his remaining. They quickly entered the car, they were deathly afraid of the wolf they saw. Wallace threw the sheath of the sword he was holding down. The wolf let out a huge howl upon seeing the dead members. It looked at Wallace as if telling him that you are dead. Wallace stood his ground but something surprising happened, the car drove away, he looked at the car surprised. "Phew," Everyone in the car heaved a sigh of relief even Quinn. "It's just a pity that I could not take all his wealth, I've been deceiving it but all my tactics went for nothing," Quinn said. They were not afraid because they were just some distance from the destination they were going to. "That's the true nature of humans," The guardian told him. He looked at the car that was going farther away from him in disbelief. His sense tingled and he faced the wolf but he realized the wolf was not standing there again. "Whoosh" He utilized minute movement, he arrived thirty meters away from where he was standing before. He saw a huge claw swiping at where he was before. "Shit," He thought and looked at his hand, he could see for deep claw mark on it. He roared enraged at the betrayal and the pain he was receiving from his hand. "Humans are the same" He shouted and utilized minute movement. At this moment, his aura change to that of a bloodthirsty beast. He arrived in from of the beast, he trusted the sword forward but the beast met it with its claw and rammed into him. He was thrown back, he felt his internal organ shake. "Puah" He soar out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. The wolf walked toward him intending to finish him. It got in front of him. "Puchi" a piercing sound was heard.

Wallace looked at the wolf with deep red eyes. The wolf fell and died. "Awooo" The remaining wolves rushed at him when they saw that he was injured, they wanted to avenge their boss. On the beast planet, the divine building of beasts was filled with different elders. They were coming together, it's been a long time since they came together. They only do it when they want to achieve a common goal. The inside of the palace was built using gold, even the chairs, and tables. "I think we may have known the reason we were here before" One of the leaders stood up and said while everyone nodded their heads. "The sovereign beast which even when humans know if it will cause a lot of commotion has appeared and it is even more dangerous" The man continued emphasizing the human part so they can know the gravity of the situation. "So we have to cast our differences aside and achieve this goal together. If we can capture it, we will be a step closer to our goal so we are here to hear everyone's suggestions" The man sat down. Another lady stood up. "Since we've already infiltrated into the forces of those humans we can use our connections to look for him and capture him there and at most, we can send some people who can do the job discreetly," The lady said. They continued to make suggestions till they came to a common one. They agreed to look for wallace and protect him from any dangers in the dark so they'll send forces from their planet to capture him when the time is due.

It was already evening, there was a figure laying on the floor of the forest with different gravity of injuries around him. It was wallace, he was riddled with injuries. He was injured by the wolves, he was very tired, the worst thing was that his mobile abode has been stolen from him by the person he trusted most. "You are a fool, just because he was kind to you you forgot the true nature of humans and decided to trust him only to be betrayed." He thought. The pain he was feeling in his body was not even half of what he was feeling in his mind. He was feeling a sense of betrayal and also hate himself for being so foolish. He trusted deceitful humans that easily and was betrayed. Wood qi was absorbed into his body nursing his injuries. He closed his eyes and fell unconscious. Meanwhile, a car arrived at the border of a city. If wallace had been there he would have known the car, they were his partners. They all got out fro. the car delighted. Me jin also got out of the car. "I want to thank you for helping me till this moment, if it had not been for you I won't have been able to pass the wilderness." Mr. Jin said. "No problem sir it's our work," Quinn said. Me jin invited them into the city, they accepted the invitation. He was smiling about the mobile abode he took from wallace. "That lass must be dead by now," He thought.

Quinn thought that wallace must have been from a rich home the day he saw him, he decided to act kindly to him, he also knew that wallace was a kid so if he acted kind he will be able to gain his love easily so he will get all his wealth and later kill him by leaving a stray intermediate beast to kill him. He was not a kind man, the reason he survived till this day was because of his deceitful nature. The night passed and morning came. Wallace opened his eyes, and he found himself in an unfamiliar place. He felt a splitting headache and closed his eyes. He later remembered what happened to him, his face radiated a terrifying coldness. "Where am I" He said and looked around. He saw that he was in a cave. "Oh you're awake"