
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter eleven: The meeting

I thank those that stick with me from the beginning till now even though I'm not publishing regularly as before for now. I promise that once I tide through what I'm facing now I will start publishing as consistently as before again. Pls for those who are reading this novel, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


Far away in another galaxy where different advanced structures, if anyone had been there they would have been surprised because everything there is more advanced than that of earth. Even though the earth has advanced in technology it still would not hold a candle to this civilization. The galaxy itself is called "the beast planet". A magnificent structure was floating amidst the planet, it is called the divine palace of the beast. A place where different forms of beasts gather if they want to cooperate to achieve a common aim but it is not always easy because they all have their racial difference. Going into this planet were different races. There was a race that reigned supreme, it is the Phoenix race. The Phoenix race is divided into different races, they are the ice Phoenix and the fire phoenix. In the ice phoenix race, the temperature there was frosty, and the structures were white which complimented the frosty aura in the atmosphere. Occasionally, ice will fall from the atmosphere but the people there will not even bother about it as if it was a normal occurrence. Looking at the people residing there, they all had a common feature, their hair was all white. Their beauty far surpassed the beauty of the cultivators of earth. If any of them descended on earth it will cause an uproar, they will be worshipped by the cultivators there because their beauty radiates a godly aura. In the center of the city, there was a tall magnificent structure, it stood tall among other structures there with the statue of an ice Phoenix on top of it.

The inside of the structure was also painted white, everything used there was white giving the whole structure a saintly feeling. It was designed like a large hall with tables and chairs surrounding it. Elders of the ice Phoenix clan were seated in the structure. The elders were many because, unlike humans, beasts have a very long lifespan hence most of their ancestors were still alive. If it were to be human it will be scarce to find a clan whose ancestors are still alive because humans have a relatively low lifespan, they only extend it using cultivation. The elders present were all adorned in plain white robes and the middle of the large hall, an old man with hunched back was standing there. The old man had a long white beard and also long white hair that reached the white marble he was standing on. Standing there he gave the feeling of a weakly old mortal but no one dares to underestimate him because of his value. " Elder Sun what makes you summon us," A lady asked the old man respectfully. "The sacred bloodline has awakened" The old man named elder sun said. Silence descended on the hall. "The carrier of the sacred bloodline is a terrifying existence that when left to grow will allow calamity to befall the divine beast race" The elder named elder sun said. The elders looked stunned, millions of years ago the sovereign beast has been forced to go extinct and another one appeared. "The carrier is an embodiment of heaven-defying rules, if allowed to mature will pose a great threat" Elder sun said solemnly. The elders were all stumped and the meeting did not only take place in the ice Phoenix clan it also took place in many divine beast clans.

"Boom bang" An intermediate beast fell to the floor. Three days already passed since they ventured into the wilderness, they dare not enter deep into the wilderness, they could only go round the wilderness which extended their journey but they did not complain because they know that with their current strength if they are to enter the core of the forest, they will be killed. During their days of traveling they encountered basic beasts mostly and intermediate beasts sometimes. Once they encounter an intermediate beast they will join forces and kill it together and they continued till they got to their present situation. Earlier, they were ambushed by three intermediate beasts, they felt waves of despair but with Quinn's intervention they joined forces and were able to defeat the beast alas with casualties on their side but they were happy and also grateful towards Quinn because if not for him they would have died long ago. There was one person who was not participating with them, it was Wallace, he just sat down on top of the car and continued cultivating as if nothing happened. Mr. Jin came out from the car, "You all did well today I will allow you to rest since we've passed the most dangerous place" Mr. Jin said. They were happy because they'd been journeying nonstop for the past three days to pass the danger zone. Mr. Jin brought out two mobile abodes for them. He also took out a mobile abode and gave them one. "It's a one-bedroom mobile abode," He said. He kept the car in his interspatial ring and entered the second mobile abode. Quinn transferred his yuan qi into the mobile abode since he was the only one with a little amount of yuan qi available. A four soon appeared. "Kid you can't even borrow us some of your yuan qi, you are useless," James said not forgetting to berate Wallace even though he was injured but the latter just ignored him. He also felt a look of disdain sent toward him. Quinn just smiled bitterly, the matter already blown out of proportion. "Everyone let's enter," Quinn told them hoping to salvage the situation.

Wallace also felt that Quinn was trying to save him, he felt grateful even though he was strong enough to defend himself. He never felt this kind of warm feeling from another person before. "Actually uncle Quinn," He said with a low voice but others heard it and turned abruptly to him. "I have a three-bedroom mobile abode I don't mind if you join me," He said. "I don't mind" Quinn answered with excitement visible in his voice. The others looked at Quinn with jealousy, they regretted bullying Wallace, perhaps they should have been a little kind to him, now right of them are going to enter a one-bedroom mobile abode, it was going to be stuffy in there while Wallace and Quinn will occupy a three-bedroom mobile abode. They all reluctantly entered the one-bedroom mobile abode and Quinn withdrew his qi causing the door to turn invisible. Wallace injected his yuan qi into the mobile abode and a door appeared, they entered, and the door and it turned invisible. They entered Wallace's mobile abode, Quinn could not help but be stunned at what he saw there, it was precisely like a castle, and he quickly regained his composure. Wallace did not say a word and went into the kitchen. Minutes later, an aroma quickly filled the air, it was the aroma of food. Quinn begin to swallow his saliva, he did not even get a chance to eat this kind of food ever since he was born. Wallace soon brought out varieties of food. "Uncle Quinn come and eat" His voice jolted Quinn up from his half-awake state. Quinn did not wait on the ceremony and went to the dining room. "Junior brother thank you," He said with gratitude. "You are welcome" Wallace answered him. He sat down and took a spoon, he dug into the food and took one bite from it. "Hmmm," The food melted upon entering his body and he felt warm energy going from his stomach into every part of his body nourishing it and also tending to his injury. It was a wondrous feeling. He continued eating and Wallace also continued eating. They finished all the content and Wallace took the dirty plates to the kitchen before bidding Quinn farewell and entering his room, he fell on the bed tiredly and slept off.

The following morning soon came. They all gathered back in the forest, the others could not help but send looks to Quinn who was enjoying it. He was currently full of energy. They soon set out again. Five days passed, and they did not meet any threat in the forest they only came across basic beasts and a handful of the intermediate beast which they took care of. They were happy and started to talk in the car but Quinn quickly reprimanded them and they kept quiet. After hours of journeying "Awoo" They heard an howl, they quickly came out from the car filled with confidence but their face paled at what they saw.