
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter fourteen: Beginning of Special Training

I'm really sorry for not publishing the remaining chapters last week. An unexpected situation came up. Don't forget to drop your review on my novel


Wallace sat down on the floor breathing hard, even though he did not receive any injuries, his internal organs were hurting badly. He was given a one sided beating for ten seconds. He looked at the smiling lady who was dusting her fist. He could not believe that this was the devil that almost beat him to death some minutes back. "Anyways my name is Lin Xintong" The lady (Lin Xintong) said smiling. "Why don't you let me leave" He asked the lady. "No you've not beaten me, I'm sure master will be interested in you when he sees you" Lin Xintong said while looking at him like a scientist that has found a worthy lab rat. Since the situation has gotten to this, he could not do anything but curse Quinn and the remaining for putting him in this kind of situation. He only sighed and closed his eyes so that he can recover.

Some minutes after he closed his eyes, he felt a presence at the entrance of the cave. He knew that the so called master of Lin Xintong has arrived. He opened his eyes and looked at the entrance. There, he saw a frail old man who was standing with the aid of a walking stick. The man was not giving any dangerous aura like a cultivator will give. If not because of his tingling senses, he would have thought that the man was a mere old man. "Welcome master" He heard Lin Xintong voice. The old man looked at him with an interesting gaze. "What again" He thought internally while looking back at the old man. "You really found him" The old man told Lin Xintong. "He was lying down battered in the forest and I just helped him not knowing that he is the one. In fact I just found out when battling with him that he had ultra instinct and also a gifted adept" The lady said while looking at Wallace. Wallace could not help but feel annoyed. They were talking about him in front of him yet he could not do anything. "Well it will make our work easier" The old man said and turned to Wallace. "Kid will you be my disciple" The man said. Wallace lips twitched. This old man came from no where, in fact they've not even met before yet he was telling Wallace to be his disciple. "Did this old man hit his head or something" He thought "Well I will take your silence as yes" the old man said. His lips twitched uncontrollably. "My name is su yao" The old man introduced himself. "My name is Wallace huo sir" He said. "You will be undergoing a special training from us as from tomorrow" The old man said. He could not do anything now except for accepting his fate.

Ultra instinct is a term used in cultivation. A person that develop ultra instinct will be able to sense danger with all their senses and their body may also unconsciously respond to it. That was what saved Wallace from the wolf pack. Only very few people posses this sense, it is another form of sense. A gifted adept is a person that can grow in battle. They will be able to grow stronger in battle and they may also learn a couple of natural techniques. A gifted adept only comes once in a century because the talent if used well will not have any problem regarding cultivation. Wallace was left alone in the cave that night, he huddled up in a corner thinking about the clan, the bullying he endured when growing up, no one came to his aid. "What am I" He even thought to himself. Two silhouettes stood outside looking at him. "He must have passed through a lot" su yao said. "Why didn't you take him with you" Lin Xintong asked su yao. "He must experience the world for himself" Su yao answered her.

"Whoosh, bang, aargh" A scream was heard in the cave the following morning. Wallace stood up with a bump on his head and glared at Lin Xintong. "First rule, you must wake up five in the morning, you must not slack off" Lin Xintong said. He glared at Lin Xintong and mumbled. He used to practice a lot when he was still in the clan but yesterday event put a toll on his mind so he slept tiredly in the midnight. "Do whatever you want to do and meet me outside in ten minutes" Lin xintong said and left him. "Bitch" He said angrily

Lin xintong "What did you say"

Wallace "Nothing"

He looked round and saw a cooler and also water there. He quickly wash his face and dug into the food. He was famished. He finished eating and went out, he met su yao and lin xintong waiting for him.