
The Sovereign: (Conquering the heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away The M.C Wallace Huo is the only son of a man with an ancient fey bloodline and a lady with a sacred bloodline and as a result he had a powerful bloodline. Read along to know the advantages and disadvantages he had because of the bloodline and the way he will rise to the peak ____________________________ Pls this is my first novel support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter fourteen: Beginning of special training (2)

He (Wallace) stopped on his track. His scalp tingled while his senses shouted danger at him. "Whoosh" Utilizing minute movement he disappeared from view and appeared thirty meters. He turned around and saw a white beast. The beast was half as tall as human with white glistening scales surrounding it's body. It has a deep menacing red eyes that can strike fear in any of it's opponent.A white wolf. He read information about it when he was still in the sect. He was known as one of the most intelligent candidate in the clan. He already read information about different beast. This is the cub of an ice wolf, they are the only beast that has terrifying control over their element except from divine and sovereign beasts. Their cub are advanced beast.Feeling something, he jumped away from that position. An ice spike emerged from the ground. He looked at the beast surprised, it was still in it's cub form so it is supposed not to gain. any intelligence. "Second rule do not underestimate your opponent, it might cost your life" Su Yao said. The beast continued its assault on him, they kept clashing but Wallace was the one in disadvantage. The beast was blessed with innate superior strength and hard scale which made it hard for Wallace to gain the upper hand. It al's has extreme agility which is making it hard for Wallace to keep up with him.

"Bang" They separated after another clash. Wallace staggered backward, he regained his footing and jumped backward. An ice spike appeared where he was standing before. His back was drenched in sweat while the sword in his hand was showing sign of breaking apart. The sword was already damaged from his fight with the pick of wolves and now it intensified due to his continuous clashing with the wolf. It was already showing signs of breaking apart. The wolf wanted to pounce on him when Su Yao intervened. "It's ok for now". The wolf stopped on it's track, puffed its chest out and walked to Lin Xintong's side. It turned into a small white puppy before jumping on the latter bosom and slept peacefully. Wallace widened his eyes, he could not believe that the white wolf that was giving him problem was a perverted beast. His lips twitched uncontrollably. Su Yao tossed something at him. He looked at it and noticed that it was a scroll and two discs. He looked at the scroll " Body tempering sutra" He read out. Body tempering techniques are rare to come by but a cultivation that practice it will gain a huge increase in strength, they will be able to crush their mate. Wallace could not help but take a good look at the old man again."Rest for today and digest the information on the skills I gave you, starting tomorrow, you will be practicing the tempering method in the morning, sparring in the afternoon and also practicing your sword in the evening. Lin xintong will be your coach" The old man told him and threw a weird at him. The sword was white in color and long but it gave off a deadly feeling. "You are to provide your food by yourself" The old man told him again before disappearing. Lin Xintong also left him.

He went back to the cave to check what he was given. He took out the body refinement sutra scroll. "Body tempering is divided into four stages. They are the flesh tempering, bone tempering,organ tempering,and marrow tempering" He continued reading. He could not help but take a deep breath after he finished reading it. When cultivated to the marrow tempering, the cultivating blood will become very thick while their blood will also have rune in it. The flesh tempering method will allow a cultivator to have an almost indestructible skin. Not many things will be able to pierce their skin, the bone tempering section will allow them to have runes in their bone turning it hard, at that moment a casual punch thrown by them will be able to crush cultivator of the same level. The organ tempering will allow their weak organs to become tough. That technique is an heaven defying technique. He looked at the two discs, he took one and injected qi into it. A projection appeared in the air, a man wearing black that gave off unfathomable feeling and also holding a sword appeared, Wallace felt a stifling pressure, he looked at the man with respect. The man wield his sword, he could not even see the process, all he could just see was a huge scar formed on the air. He looked surprised, despite sitting close to the projection he sold not even understand it. "I will also become strong" He thought to himself while clenching his fist in resolution.