
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

The Cost of Power


-System upgrade

-Appraisal +5 lvls


'What?! 5 levels for free? just like that' Eredeti thought

Eredeti started to look around once again seeing the souls around him he saw the ten goblin souls floating along with the trolls and orcs

The souls varied in different sizes and shape but Eredeti was sure of it that some races had stronger souls than others

'Is the strength of the soul tied with the strength of the body or is the body the strength of the soul?'

Eredeti thought about this for quite some time but put it aside for now so he could focus on finding his way out. After searching for ways to exit he couldn't find anything useful

"Damnit is their nothing here that can give me some sort of hint?!" Eredeti shouted out in desperation

"Haahh" Eredeti sighed in frustration

'Well since I'm here I might as well combine some of the souls'

Eredeti decided to combine 2 of the orc souls together and the strongest orc soul he used the last 2 souls on it


+1 strength

+2 strength

+1 speed

+1 endurance


"What?! so much stats, is it because that orcs soul was much stronger than the regular one's?" Eredeti said in surprise

Eredeti then moved towards the goblin souls and willed 2 of each to combine once he had 4 larger goblin souls and 1 normal and abnormal one he willed them to combine once more now making 2 more abnormally sized ones he didn't stop their and combined all 3 of them

When Eredeti did this the soul that came out as a result looked like it nearly exploded in light and out came a goblins soul that was the largest one he had


+3 speed

+2 strength


'Hmm not as much as I would expect but I'll still take it'

Eredeti then felt a wave of energy suddenly hit him causing his emotions to spiral out of control

"AGHHHHHHHHHH" Eredeti screamed in pain

Eredeti's head felt like it was splitting apart because the sudden burst of random emotions that completely overwhelmed him he kept trying to fight it off over and over and finally started to calm down

'What was that? maybe it was a side effect of the sudden combining of the souls'

Once Eredeti thought this he looked down at himself and saw his soul grew once again he then looked at the soul of the bug monsters he hasn't touched yet

'Maybe next time, I need to really focus on finding a way out'

"Wrath how do I get out?"

'You can simply will it'

"Will it how do I do that?"


Wrath didn't answer Eredeti

'Huh so much for being useful, Well might as well as try it'

As Eredeti prepared himself to fight once more as he kept trying to will himself out of the dark void and then he saw something a small light he started focusing on that light and willing it to expand more and more until he could see himself it looked like time has stopped as he could still see Steve on the ground while the troll was standing on top of him

This sparked Eredeti's anger once more and finally it felt like he was being pulled back into his body

POV switch Kanied

"NOOOOOOOOO" Eredeti yelled

While Kanied was watching this unfortunate display of the troll he suddenly felt a burst of energy come out of Eredeti

"You'll pay for what you've done!" Eredeti yelled

Kanied watched as Eredeti's eyes turned pure black with his iris's turned a deep orange color that glowed

Eredeti quickly charge towards the troll with a new found speed that completely overwhelmed the troll as Eredeti's sword glowed a bright green Eredeti quickly slashed through the troll's arm completely removing it from its body

Eredeti kept slashing at the trolls body and quickly over whelmed it and all the troll could do was watch as it was being slashed stabbed and cut apart Eredeti started to stab into its stomach the troll then tried to grab Eredeti just to realize his other arm was flying in the air the troll then looked down to see he no longer had his legs

Eredeti jumped on top of the orc and as Eredeti's face contorted with rage as he kept stabbing at the troll but Eredeti wouldn't let him die so easily he was purposely avoiding vital points like the heart, head and other organs he just kept stabbing until Kanied realized that Eredeti was smiling as he was tormenting the troll

"21,22,23,24" Eredeti said with a sick sense of pleasure

Eredeti was counting each and every stab making sure the troll was in pain as the troll started screaming in pain


All the troll could do was curse its own endurance as it only prolonged its pain

"Please just kill me!" the troll yelled out in pain as a tear fell from his face

As his eyes had a pure sense of fear in them however Eredeti just kept stabbing and counting

"50!" Eredeti shouted

"Damn this guy's pretty tough he just won't die no matter how many times I stab him!" Eredeti said with a hint of pleasure

All Kanied could do was watch at this twisted show of revenge was playing out until finally the troll wasn't moving anymore and his eyes rolled back Kanied quickly walked up to Eredeti put his hands on his shoulders

"Enough he is already dead!" Kanied shouted

Once Eredeti heard Kanied he finally stopped as his hands started to shiver and his eyes turned back to their original color

"What? What was I doing again? oh yeah Steve I need to help Steve" Eredeti said in a light voice as tears dropped down his face and he threw up crouching down next to the corpse of the troll

"Kanied what was I just doing? I didn't mean to do that, I didn't want to do that!" Eredeti screamed

However as Eredeti got up again and started to walk towards Steve he collapsed onto the floor next to the cold body of the troll

"This boy he needs some help his power is to great and far too dark for him to properly use" Kanied said

Kanied then walked towards Steve who was still on the ground and checked his pulse it was slow but he was still alive and breathing he then walked towards Eredeti and carried him on his shoulder and rested him on a tree nearby

"We must move before sun down, by then I should have enough mana" Kaneid said to himself

POV switch Eredeti

"You'll pay for what you've done!"


-Skill ????? is taking affect

-Perk 1 activated all stats increased by 35%


Eredeti felt a sudden burst of energy run through out him as he slowly started to lose sight of his goal and only knew one thing


It was like someone was screaming in his head over and over to kill the being before him and all he could do was listen to it as Eredeti charged at the troll it felt like he was conscious of what he was doing but he couldn't control it he just knew he had to make the troll suffer

As Eredeti felt the rage and power build up he rushed at the troll quickly slashing its arms off and started to stab into its stomach and sliced through its legs while slowly but surely making the troll feel the most pain before it left this world


Eredeti couldn't here anything but this he kept stabbing as a weird sense of pleasure and satisfaction washed over him almost telling him that what he was doing was fun and satisfying as he continued to stab he didn't care about anything else and kept stabbing over and over as he kept count

As his eyes were turning to pitch black but it was weird he could still see in fact it felt like he could see even better than before his senses felt better even the small movement of a bug he felt like he could sense it

For Eredeti it felt great if felt like he was free of anything the world could throw at him as if no prison no being in this world could stop him and finally when he reached 50 he saw the troll die and he could even see its soul but he didn't care he had to get out this rage that was building up inside of him he was blinded by it and all he could feel was the rage

Until suddenly he felt a slight touch on his shoulder and a faint voice telling him stop who was that and why did he want him to stop and finally when Eredeti looked Kanied's way his emotions felt controlled


-Skill ???? deactivating


When their eyes met Eredeti's eyes started to slowly gain their color back as he looked around and saw the bloodied trolls corpse that was unrecognizable he got up and threw up immediately

'Did I really do that?' Eredeti thought to himself

But all Eredeti cared about at that moment was if Steve was still alive and as he slowly walked towards Steve


-SP 0%

-Entering recovery mode

-Regeneration increased by 75%

-Using necessary food and water consumption


Eredeti then fainted onto the floor