
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
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44 Chs


Once the fire was lit and the preparations were done they started to eat into the meal that was prepared by Balderic as they were all enjoying their meals especially Eredeti who at this point had ate 3 whole plates by himself

"Woah Eredeti clam down theirs plenty to go around" Steve said while also stuffing his face

"I know, I know I was just so hungry that I couldn't stand it anymore" Eredeti said with a mouth full of food

"Alright, alright settle down and eat after all we have a adventure to go on tomorrow, that reminds me Balderic shall we go have the talk now?" Kanied said

"Sure" Balderic replied

Kanied and Balderic then got up from the table and walked towards the living room while Eredeti kept eating and Steve turned to him

"Hey Eredeti what do you think their talking about?" Steve asked

"I don't know? anyways it doesn't really matter now does it?" Eredeti said

"I'm just curious especially since they decided to talk in private" Steve said

"Well we shouldn't bother in others affairs now should we" Eredeti said

"True however I'm still curious" Steve said

"Just eat for now we'll ask about it in the morning" Eredeti said

"Alright" Steve replied

POV switch Kanied

Once Kanied and Balderic sat down on the couches Kanied looked Balderic and said

"We have gained favor of the Zoldivolk kingdom" Kanied said

"Well that sounds good and all but what for?" Balderic asked

"We plan to task another raid on the dragon Baloug" Kanied said

Balderic's face instantly stiffend

"What?! you still plan to take on that beast!" Balderic said

"Yes I do he is a calamity that is untamed we can't just let it do as it pleases especially since it burned down all the villages near the old dwarven country however that's not the worst part," Kanied said with a pause

"Well then? out with it" Balderic said

"We believe the dark lord has returned with more than enough evidence to support this claim" Kanied said

"What!? that's even worse than I could have imagined " Balderic said

"Indeed it is, its a danger the entire world of Amanthel has feared for the past century since he was sealed" Kanied said

"And what's worse is that we expect him to make contact with Baloug and if he succeeds in bringing the dragon under his rule than I fear that the last great war would be nothing in comparison to the coming one, Thus we must eliminate the dragon before it becomes a even larger threat to the Amanthians" Kanied said

"No! what fool would try such a disastrous attack yet again has the past failures taught you nothing Kanied!" Balderic said

"But we never had the support of the Zoldivolk kingdom before, it would be a substantial addition in power and resources to face the dragon once agian" Kanied said

"But even so a mere army wouldn't be enough to bring it down!" Balderic proclaimed

"That's why we intend to use a small elite force this time" Kanied replied

"Wait don't tell me" Balderic said

"That's right I ask of you my old friend would you join me on this adventure" Kanied said

"No! not after what happened to my father in the last raid 60 years ago" Balderic said

"Balderic your father was the only person known to have left a substantial scar on the dragon and thanks to that its growth of its territory and power was halted, please think about the lives that will be lost and the lives that have already left us!" Kanied tried to urge Balderic

"Even so I have moved on from such things and I never wish to even hear that things name after what it did to my father!" Balderic said

"That's why you must avenge him please come with me you would be a great help to come after all even your own father said you surpassed his skill long ago and if he was able to deal that much damage to it than maybe you can help us take it down once and for all" Kanied said

"That was my father Kanied not me, no matter how much pleading you do I will never forget that monstrosities horror as he slayed my father, After all if I were to die that would put a end to my families blood line and the Hobbits would no longer have the legendary family that gave them a sense of pride and dignity that made them feel safe if I were to fall in battle then what about the Hobbits" Balderic said

"Very well old friend, I shan't continue trying to convince you" Kanied said

"Thank you for understanding Kanied" Balderic said

"Well then shall we return to the dinner i fear if we don't Eredeti and Steve would eat all of it" Kanied said

"Very well" Balderic said

POV switch Eredeti

While Kanied and Balderic was talking in private just as expected Steve and Eredeti were stuffing their faces till only a quarter of the remaining food was left


-Hunger as been satiated


"Finally" Eredeti said

Mean while Steve was so stuffed he nearly passed out in the chair but he forced himself to stay awake and looked up towards Eredeti

"Hey Eredeti what dream were you having earlier?" Steve asked

"Why'd you ask?" Eredeti said

"No reason its just you were turning and throwing yourself around like you were trying to wake yourself up from a nightmare" Steve said

"Did I really?" Eredeti said

"Yeah it was getting worse so Kanied went ahead and woke you up he was planning on letting you sleep for a while longer but it looked like it was getting worse" Steve said

"Sorry didn't know I was such a hassle while I was sleeping" Eredeti said

"Ehh its fine, so what was it?" Steve asked

"What my dream?" Eredeti said

"Well yeah what else would I be talking about" Steve said

"Well it wasn't necessarily bad it was just weird it felt like I was on a battlefield filled with corpses for miles and miles till the eyes could no longer see" Eredeti said

"Well who knows it could be showing you the future" Steve said sarcaticly

"You really think so?" Eredeti asked

"Of course not because if that happens then I fear if their were to be another great war then not even half of the kingdoms or empires would exist any longer" Steve said

"Well who knows only the future can tell us that" Eredeti said

"Well lets hope it doesn't come to that" Steve said

"Yeah all we can do is hope" Eredeti said

Mean while Balderic and Kanied came back from their talk but once Balderic came to see that Eredeti and Steve are more than half of the remaining food

"What?! Are you kidding me!" Balderic said

"What's the matter?" Steve asked

"What do you mean what's the matter! You are nearly all of the food!" Balderic said

"Oh sorry about that" Steve said while patting his full stomach

"Yeah sorry I didn't even notice because how hungry I was" Eredeti said

"How did you not notice! You were practically stuff your face the entire time!" Balderic said

"Ha I told you they would" Kanied said with a chuckle

"I swear every time you bring people over they eat nearly everything I have!" Balderic replied

"Please this isn't nearly as much as last time" Kanied said

"But still I was expecting to save the left overs for later" Balderic said

"Its fine my old friend, come sit and have a drink while we finish our meal" Kanied said

"Fine!" Balderic snorted before he sat down

After they sat down Balderic didn't have no restraints left and started to stuff his face like Eredeti and Steve were once doing while Kanied seemed to be doing the same before long they had finished the rest of the dinner and went to the living room once more while sitting down and relaxing Steve asked a question

"So Kanied what did you ask Balderic?" Steve asked

"Oh I was simply wondering if he would like to join us on our journey" Kanied said

"Oh its that so, so what'd you say Balderic?" Steve asked

"I refused if possible I would like to stay away from any battlefield until I make my own family some day" Balderic said

"Understandable however I have a mission I must accomplish at any cost even my own life" Steve said with a stern face

Balderic shook his head with admiration and looked towards Eredeti

"So what about you Eredeti do you have a reason or family to be going on such a dangerous adventure" Balderic asked

Kanied and Steve both looked towards Eredeti with curiosity after all they have never heard of his past life

"Well I don't have some admirable reason for doing this, Hell I don't even have a family of my own but if the 2 people I've known for a time would fall then I would be sad and alone again so at the very least I can at least be there to help them so they don't fall in battle" Eredeti said

"Very well said my boy" Kanied said

"Now let us have a toast for we don't know the next time we will be able to sit comfortably like this and chat with each other, it may even very well be our last" Kanied said

They all stood to grab a drink and toasted to each others safety in battle and future

"Cheers!" they all said in unison

That night they all thought about their future and past more so than the others until morning finally came