
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


All their was, was silence in a dark place with no light or sound until a single thing rung in Eredeti's head

"Wake up Eredeti"

'Huh? Who was that?' Eredeti thought to himself

The sound was so silent like a whisper or a passing wind that you wouldn't pay attention to

'It doesn't matter, Just let me sleep'

"Wake up Eredeti!"

This time the voice was screaming as Eredeti jumped up to see the familiar darkness that surrounded him

"Who was that?" Eredeti asked himself

"I said wake up!?" The voice said again

When Eredeti heard the voice again he flinched up to see the towering being once again but it disappeared as fast is it came like a vague memory that he could barely remember and as Eredeti looked around he could see the familiar valley of souls he was used to seeing after dying as he looked to the left and then to the right trying to find where the being went or if he truly just hallucinated it

But all he could find was a black window with green writing saying


-HP Restored

-SP Restored

-Hunger levels dangerously low

-Seek imitated intake of food

-Body loss imitate


"What?! I guess I better hurry up and then" Eredeti said

Eredeti then once again reentered his body but once he woke up he was dangling on Steve's shoulders unmoving which looked creepily tasty right now but a sudden pain hit him in his stomach which felt different from any pain he has ever faced before he immediately got off his shoulders which spooked Steve a bit

"Woah Eredeti your awake now" Steve said

Kanied then looked back to see Eredeti wobbling struggling to stand as he quickly reached to find his back

"Where is my bag?!" Eredeti yelled in pain with drool dripping from his mouth

As Eredeti was looking around he saw strangely short people who had large feet who didn't wear shoes but what shocked him more is that he thought they looked rather delicous

'Ahh it's fine if I take a bite after all I'm literally dying of starvation right?!' Eredeti thought

Eredeti then put his hands on his head trying to shake off his weird thoughts

"No, I need something to eat right now!" Eredeti said

While he was struggling trying to find his bag the Hobbits passing by or busy doing their daily chores looked at Eredeti weirdly

"Hey, what's wrong with that guy?" A passing hobbit said to another

"I don't know just ignore him" The other responded

Once Kanied saw how bad Eredeti's state had got he quickly reached out to his bad and pulled out a piece of jerky

"Eredeti clam down my boy, I'm afraid your attracting a bit too much attention" Kanied said

Eredeti quickly took the piece of meat and stuffed it in his face as fast as he could but it wasn't enough

"ARGHH" Eredeti grunted in pain and fell to his knees

"Kanied where is my bag give it to me right now!" Eredeti said

"Here if you need it that bad" Steve said

Steve then threw Eredeti's bag to him, Eredeti quickly grabbed it opened it and started to eat all the food he had saved from hunting the numerus beast he was eating it as fast as he could not worrying about anything else although they were starting to get weird stares

Once Eredeti was done with all the food he saved up it still wasn't enough although it made the pain a lot easier to deal with he could tell it wasn't going to be long before his stomach would go back to that state

"Kanied is their any more food anywhere?" Eredeti asked

"No worries my boy, I know just the person" Kanied said with a grin

Once Eredeti heard this he felt relived, he didn't know why his stomach felt like a endless pit that wouldn't fill no matter what but he knew he had to get rid of it before he started to have thoughts about eating people again just thinking about it gave him chills

Eredeti then got up from the ground once Kanied saw he was in a better state than before hand he continued down the road with Steve following and eventually Eredeti stated to follow them as well although he was a bit slow it didn't particularly matter now since they were in safe hands now

They continued down the road passing houses until they reached a house that was bigger than the previous ones they passed by before Kanied then went to the door knocked a few times

"I'm coming, I'm coming" A voice said from within the house

Once the door was opened Eredeti saw a Hobbit that looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties but one the hobbit saw Kanied he immediately tried to close the door but Kanied was fast and quickly stopped it before it could close quickly

"No, no, no not again you will not be staying here again with more people like last time" The Hobbit said in a panicked voice

The Hobbit kept trying to close the door but Kanied didn't give up and pushed it open making the Hobbit fall down to the ground

"What do you want know you accursed wizard!" The Hobbit said

"Come now is that anyway to treat a old friend?" Kanied said

"An old friend wouldn't just invite a whole party in my house without my permission! And letting them drink all my ale and eat half of my food supply!" The Hobbit said

"Come now that was just a simple parting gift before I had to leave, I was just trying to have fun one more time here before leaving" Kanied said with a grin on his face

"Hahh Fine" The Hobbit aggreged

"Good now let us have a feast for my return, why'd you say old friend" Kanied said

"As long as you don't invite half the town again" The hobbit replied

"You won't have to worry about that" Kanied said as he walked in

Eredeti and Steve followed in behind him once the hobbit saw them he looked to Kanied

"Ohh right let me introduce my fellow travelers, This here is Steve and the young man over there is Eredeti" Kanied said

"Pleasure to meet you my name's Balderic Oshgard" Balderic said as he went to shake the twos hands

"The pleasures all mine" Steve said

"Pleasure to meet you as well" Eredeti said

"Now let us feast and tell you of our wonderous adventures" Kanied said

"Alright fine, However clean the mess after your done, I'm not gonna deal with another week of cleaning like last time" Balderic said

"Very well, However I must talk to you in private after the feast is over" Kanied said

"Hmm why?" Balderic asked

"I will talk to you about it then" Kanied replied

"Hmph fine, Now let us cook!" Balderic said

Balderic then went towards the kitchen area as Kanied led Steve and Eredeti towards the living area, once they sat down Kanied went over towards the kitchen to help out with the cooking, But the pain that was constantly barraging Eredeti's stomach throbbing every few seconds reminding him over and over that he needed to eat something, Steve also looked towards Eredeti and saw him slouching on the chair with a discomforting look on his face

"What a nice village this is" Steve said

Eredeti then sat up right when he heard Steve talk

"Ah indeed it is" Eredeti said

"So what was that earlier?" Steve asked

"I don't really know what happend, I was just really hungry" Eredeti said

"You were practically devouring everything you could get your hands on, Are you sure your fine?" Steve asked

"Honestly I'm Practically dying of starvation right now" Eredeti said

"Well I wouldn't worry too much about it since were about to eat anyways" Steve said

"Yeah maybe Ill just sleep a bit more maybe that'll help" Eredeti said

"Yeah you do that I'm going to look around for a bit" Steve said

"Alright, See you later then" Eredeti said

"Alright, see you" Steve said

Steve then walked out the front door and went exploring around the town for a bit as Eredeti slowly closed his eyes to sleep, The instant he fell asleep he felt cold and felt extremely uncomfortable as he opened his eyes he woke to a completely different place he looked around to see corpses everywhere the sky looked dark with clouds everywhere and a familiar scent of iron filling the air and he looked down to see someone grabbing his ankle

"Damn you monster, As I would expect of the empires strongest warrior"

*Cough* *cough*

"But it doesn't matter anymore even if you survived, Every kingdom and even the empire will be chasing you to the ends of the continent they won't stop no matter what! HaHAHAHHAHA"

The man grabbing Eredeti's ankle let out a sick twisted laugh before his eyes went cold and he was no longer breathing Eredeti then looked at his hands that were covered in armor and blood all over his body like he bathed in it as tears that he felt wasn't his feel from his eyes

But Eredeti didn't care about that he looked around and all he could see from miles and miles was the cold dark sky that looked like heaven was trying to shine through and the lifeless bodies that surrounded him with swords, spears and arrows piercing his body but strangely he didn't feel no pain

"Where is this?" Eredeti asked himself

But as soon as he asked himself this he heard a voice

"Eredeti! Wake up the foods done"


Almost as if he was forcefully removed from the dream he was in and plucked back in the real world he woke up looking he saw Kanied shaking him awake

"Hey! calm down already I'm awake" Eredeti said

"Finally! you wouldn't wake up even after all I've done!" Kanied said

"Jeez I was just tired old man!" Eredeti replied

"Alright it doesn't matter now, Lets go eat" Kanied said

Eredeti then followed him into the kitchen where Balderic was standing trying to light a fire to warm up the now cold house and Steve was already sitting down eyeing the food with eyes filled with greed

"Finally he's here can we eat now!" Steve said

"Yeah yeah give me a minute" Balderic said

Eredeti then sat down and Balderic finally started the fire

"Now lets eat shall we" Kanied said

Once Eredeti sat down and saw the food he couldn't help but drool a little after all he was still starving to death after all