
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Chapter 8 The Plague

Once Kaneid lit his pipe and once again and as he started smoking it he started to wander off in his own thoughts again

'Should I activate the spell now or should I wait till I reach town?'

It has already been nearly 3 hours since they had departed and were nearly there only about 2 more hours and they would have reach Felador the town they were going to was currently being ravaged with a disease but that didn't make Kaneid fear the small town in fact he wanted to arrive even faster than before

"I wonder what is the cause of such a Plague?"

Steve thinking Kaneid was talking to him replied by saying

"I honestly have no clue it's as if it just appeared over night, not even the village doctors now the cause of it" Steve said

"Hmmm sounds like a great misfortune has been brought over these peaceful lands" Kaneid replied

But while Kaneid said this he had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't caused by natural means

'Let us hope it is not the plague carrier for if it is I doubt the people in these quiet lands can deal with such a demon'

The Plague carrier is a powerful foe in the Dark Lords army and is used to cause disarray and mayhem in the smaller villages or kingdoms to lower food productivity and other supplies from supporting the war effort and he is usually used as a distraction or a set back so Amanthel is to preoccupied to focus on the dark lords forces expanding

Once Kaneid was thinking on what his next plan of action should be he started to look up in the sky and it was a clear day with no clouds in sight until similar to what happened when Eredeti's body disappeared strange pure black clouds with some green mixed in started to form again but this time they were miles away from where he died

"Stop! Steve"

"Uh? stop, what for?" Steve said confused

"Just listen to me and stop for now!"

"alright fine"

Once Steve pulled the horses to a stop Kaneid quickly jumped out and started running to where the clouds were forming and as he left he shouted

"Steve wait for my return and don't leave until I get back"

"Fine by me old man!" Steve shouted loud enough so Kaneid could hear him

'Maybe he saw something? who knows' Steve thought as he started setting up camp and let the horses take a rest

POV switch Eredeti

After experimenting with the souls he had he decided to merge the 2 goblin souls and left the rest of the brood souls as they were and he was quietly waiting for the timer to tick down as he was waiting he started to organize the information he had received and came up with one plausible answer as to why the brood and the Dark lords armies were searching for something

'Their has to be a powerful relic of some sort nearby but where?'

As he was thinking more of where this object of power could be he thought it could be in the forest where he came from

'No if it was there they would have already found it theirs no way they could have missed it, so where could it be?'

Even though it didn't involve Eredeti he thought it would be a good idea to get something that could make himself stronger so he could at least survive if something happened because he hated the feeling of dying and having to wait in this place of pure darkness

'Ahh this is more trouble than it's worth I should just focus on gathering more souls'

Eredeti then decided to just lay down and look at the pure darkness around him making every second feel like a hour what he didn't know was he was perceiving every second like it was a hour which made it truly be a eternity but while he was staring into the darkness a single emotion kept coming up out of him

'AGHH why am I so mad right now'

Eredeti tried to clam himself down but nothing was working its as if the very existence of everything surrounding him was making him angrier but what he didn't know was his soul was fluctuating constantly like a light going off and on until finally he calmed himself down

'What was that?'

Eredeti thought this to himself over and over but he never found his answer so he decided to ask wrath

'Wrath what was that?'

'Your soul was gaining more power due to increasing the quality of souls you posses, however due to the specific nature of the souls only certain stats have increased'

Eredeti was confused about what he just heard so he decided to check out his stats



Name: Eredeti

Race: ?

Level: 6

HP: 0/180

MP: 0/370






Wrath points: 4-More Info

Skill point: 2-More Info


'Wrath why is it that only strength and speed increased?'

'Due to the goblins lack of intelligence but increased strength compared to humans you strength stat increased, However the spiders speed is superior to humans so you have gained a stat on each of the strength and speed categories'

'Hmm I guess that makes sense, Well since I'm already here might as well use the wrath points I have'


Name: Eredeti

Race: ?

Level: 6

HP: 0/190

MP: 0/385






Wrath points: 0-More Info

Skill point: 2-More Info




Appraise lvl 5 +

Wraith Weapons lvl 1+

[Locked lvl 10]

[Locked lvl 25]

[Locked lvl 50]


Eredeti decided to put his 2 skill points into his Wraith Weapons and then just went back to laying down while thinking of ways to further increase his stats he then decided to just go ahead and combine the spider souls he had in his possession he only had 5 left so he combined 2 of them and left the single one alone for now

And similar to what happened last time he started feeling a immense feeling of hatred but he fought the best he could and soon calmed down and looked back to his stats to see his speed reach 22

He decided that he would just wait for the timer to run out for now and while waiting for the reminder of his 7 hours he started to speculate again where the relic could be although he gave up on it but if he could he would love to have it or at least be there if a fight was to break out between the 2 forces looking for it then he would have a great boost in power from just absorbing the souls

Eredeti then looked back at how much time was left


Resurrection in progress 3:17


'Finally I'm almost free from this forsaken place'

Eredeti just waited for the time to pass and didn't do anything much except for lay down and wait and eventually


-Resurrection Complete

-Searching for catalyst to create a resurrection point

-Catalyst found

-Resurrecting process Initiated 13%....39%....68%.....88%...Complete


Eredeti then saw the same hole suck him out of the pitch black world he was in but what caught him by surprise was his body didn't move unlike last time where he didn't look back this time he did and still saw his body standing their and he only caught a glimpse of it before he opened his eyes

*gasp* "UGHHH"

The same thing happened last time its as if he was revived from drowning he started gasping for air as fast as he could and finally calmed down and stood up and looked around just to realize he had no idea where he was

"Where am I?"

POV switch to Kaneid

Kaneid quickly kept running through the forest and as he was doing this he started to cast a spell on the piece of Eredeti's shirt that he held in his hand "Let me find those who are Forsaken or Lost in this world Fostildon"

Eredeti's piece of his shirt then started to glow with a blue light and started to float and evntually slowly fly towards the black and green clouds and Kanied closely followed from behind going as fast as he could

But while he was running towards it a number of animals were running past him seemingly trying to get as far as possible to try to escape the black storm above Kaneid however ignored the animals and kept running towards the eye of the storm but as he got closer the wind kept increasing in strength

Once Kaneid was nearly there the amount of pressure he felt was increasing even further and a eerie feeling was felt almost as if his body was telling him something horrid was in front but he forced his way through and cast a spell "Oh the mighty Ablion give me speed to traverse through the lands Spodious!"

Kaneid's speed was increased and he quickly tried to get to the eye of the storm and as he was getting closer and closer the feeling he had before was getting stronger but he ignored it once again and finally he broke through, he reached the eye of the storm and as he was running he eventually saw a young man who appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties standing there but what was off was that this person seemed lifeless as the storm that was around him formed a tornado around him that lasted quite a while

The storm all of a sudden stopped and disappeared as fast as it came and once it disappeared Eredeti then fell to the ground gasping for air Kaneid decided to just watch for now even though he wanted to go to help him he chose not to, Eredeti then got up and started to look around confused and Kaneid could hear him say "Where am I?"

Kaneid then rushed up to him and Eredeti saw him and said


Eredeti barely had anytime to speak before Kanied gave him a bear hug and said

"My boy I thought you were dead what happened to you?"

Kaneid then let go giving Eredeti some space to talk

"I honestly don't know I thought I was dead as well"

Once they greeted each they quickly departed once more while catching each other up on the current events

"I have some troubling news, I believe the dark lords army and the giant spiders are searching for some powerful relic"

"What!? the dark lords army? this is very troubling news indeed!"

"I also believe whatever they are looking for is of grave importance, but I don't think they have found it just yet"

"what ever it is must be of grave importance, But we currently have another problem on our hands for their is a great Plague spreading amongst the lands"

"A plague is a common occurrence I don't believe we should worry of such a thing for now"

"That is what I believed too but when I heard of you speak of the Dark lords army you conformed one of my biggest fears, For if it were just a regular Plague I wouldn't worry about it as much but since the Dark lords army is on the move I believe it is a existence that is know as the Plague bringer"

"What is that?"

"It is a being who's power is to bring disease and ruin to lands he is a powerful lieutenant of the Dark lords army and the disease's he brings can't be cured by normal means"

"Indeed it does sound like a very troublesome being but currently we must find the object or at least make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands"

"I am sorry to say Eredeti but I believe we must focus on the Plague bringer for I have already made arrangements to the next town to find any clues to where he might go"

"Very well we shall go investigate this Plague bringer of yours"