
Purple Glow

Chapter 11- Purple Glow

Everyone took to Kamila coming to dinner for the first time in a long while exceptionally well. Although there was a bit of nervous tension between most of the boys. Leo and Donnie made sure that she didn't cook everything. Of course they allowed her to help in 'some' things but if she wasn't adding spices or tasting she was, forced really, to sit at the table and supervise. Mikey and Splinter seemed to be the only two to happily chat away with her at the dinning table now. Raph stayed quiet but lifted his head every now and again to see the bright smile on Kamila's face when Mikey joked with her.

When dinner was done Splinter had called Leo and Donnie to his study leavening Raph, Mikey, and Kamila to clean up. Mikey was wiping the table clean while Raph and Kamila were washing and cleaning the kitchen. Kamila had her hands in the semi hot water scrubbing a plate that was being stubborn. The sauce that was stuck to it did not want to dissolve or wipe away. It was actually annoying her. Taking the rag she scrubbed the plate with the wrath of a thousand suns until her arm stung. When she thought she had got it she lifted the rag only to find it still there like is was before. Her brow twitched. This plate was really asking for it.

Raph seeing her struggle placed the dry plates back into the cupboard and came over. He came up behind her and looked down at what she was fixing to break. Before she could chuck the plate out the kitchen he pried it from her hand. "Whoa there. Don't break it." He said as she turned to look up at him.

"Its being stubborn."

"Ah can see that." He chuckled. "Here. Give the rag."

Kamila handed him the rag and watched him try to clean it. What happened made her scoff. With only one wipe it came off completely. Raph looked at her with a smirk before showing her the plate, which she took and glared daggers at where the damn sauce once was.

"How did you do that!?" She groaned dunking the plate in the clean water to rinse it.

"Ya just got ah know how to." He teased leaning against the counter. "Ya could've let it soak. Would have came off in da water."

"Yeah well I don't have the patients to spare on plates soaking. Besides I haven't lived with Mikey long enough to acquire the patients you all have." She joked. Both turned when they heard Mikey shout.

"I heard that!"

Raph and Kamila both chuckled. Turning back to the sink she poured the bucket of dirty water out. She was glad Donnie wasn't fussing over her coming out for dinner. Although it took a great deal of convincing on her part. She was shocked though when he honestly had the look on his face that told her he didn't want to allow it. She knew he was concerned for her, but wasn't he telling her the other day that she needed to move around more? Meh, she would leave it be. Besides she had a different turtle to question.

Raph had been fiddling with his rag for a while now. She could tell that there was something on his mind. Yet he obviously wasn't going to spit it out.

"What's on your mind Raph." she commanded rather than asked. She knew if she gave him the option to keep quiet he more than likely would.

"Noth'en. Just glad ya are back."

"I'm glad I'm back as well. I wanted to join you all for lunch but Donnie and I didn't get back in time."

"Ya didn't miss much. Mikey made his usual barf meals." He explained a look of discomfort on his face as he recalled the horrid meal he had hours ago.

Kamila chuckled. "Well if and when Don and Leo give me back the reigns to the kitchen you'll be eating what they make."

The two grew quiet then. It wasn't an awkward silence but it did leave Raph feeling a bit weird. Rubbing his head he looked away from her.



"Are... ya really ok? Ah mean, shit, what happen to ya and all..."

"Yes, Raph, I am." She said looking up at him. "I mean it hurt me sure but not as bad as how I thought you guys would look at me afterwards. I know Leo and Mikey did not see me when I changed but you and Don did."

"Yeah, remind me not to piss ya off." He teased.

"Sure, but because of you and Don seeing me like that... I thought you two would have said something to the others to despise me. I had kept being a Siren a secret from you all and I even killed someone."

"Why-" He stopped when she held a hand up at him.

"I lived by myself for a long time in a village that saw me as a witch. They treated me like the plague and wanted nothing to do with me so naturally when you guys accepted me into your group I tried to hide what I was so you would not see what they saw. I prayed you wouldn't see what they saw... but you did. I didn't want to feel that you would abandon me yet my mind got so swept up in 'what if' that I believed that you did."

"Listen, ah understand but we would never do that to ya. You're our sister. The moment Splinter said ya could stay ya became one ah us. Shit when I saw what was happening I didn't care if ya was different only who's ass I was gana shred." He looked down at her and crossed his arms. "The ones I got probably already eaten by bugs by now." When he finished he saw her emotions change and in less then a few seconds she went from happy smiles to teary eyed babe. 'oh shit.' He thought. Getting off the counter he tried to calm her down. He was a babbling uncomfortable mess but he still tried. He had no idea why she was upset though. Was it because he had told her he killed those guys? Probably. 'Great ya dingus ya ruined the moment.' He thought.

Suddenly Raph felt a chill run down his spine. 'Aw shit.' He cursed before turning to look at the doorway to the kitchen. If there was ever a chance someone was able to see his dark green skin pale he was sure it was right about now. Donnie stood at the doorway. His face looked dark and angry as he assessed what was happening. Kamila was crying again and the culprit could have been none other than Raphael. Immediately Raph put his hands up in a submissive brother hoping he would get the message that he had no intent of her crying.

"What's going on here?" Donnie asked his voice sounding threatening.

"W-well , uh, ya see." Raph stuttered.

"Nothing is going on." Kamila cut in wiping a tear away. "We were just talking an I got emotional."

Donnie looked Kamila in the eyes to see if she was telling the truth and sure enough she was, he could also tell by how fidgety Raph was getting. Seeing as she was fine Donnie let out a relieved sigh. His shoulders relaxed and he uncrossed his arms. Seeing his brother calm down and not kill him for causing her to cry Raph decided that now was the perfect time to make his escape. Stepping over to Kamila he placed his large hand on her head and ruffled her hair a bit. "I'll see ya later girly. Better leave before don tears me ah new one."

Kamila reached up and placed her hands over his with a smile. "Alright Raphael. Goodnight."

"Night." Taking his hand back he made his way out of the kitchen, tiptoeing past Donnie at the door.

Donnie went over to Kamila when Raph left them alone. Coming up to her he smoothed out her hair before speaking softly. "That's the second time I've seen you cry today."

Kamila looked up at him and smiled. "You are right. Maybe its that time of the month for me." She teased. She watched his face as shock and embarrassment set in. She giggled. "I'm joking. Actually its every two weeks." This time Donnie became flustered. She could see the flush on his face and his mind racing a million miles an hour trying to figure out when humans had their cycles. This really made her laugh out loud causing Donnie to look at her confused. she pats his arm sympathetically. "Oh Don, why are you so easy to tease? I was joking again." she saw him calm down but he was still a little nervous. "You don't have to worry about that nor I. Yes human woman do get it every month but I don't and mine is very different. I guess its because of what I am and honestly its the only thing I thank my father for."

Donnie cleared his throat. "If you don't mind me asking, when do you get it."

Kamila waved her hand dismissively. "As long as you are not putting it in your research books I get it every four months. If I think back on it I think my last one was five days after I came to stay with you all." She explained walking around him towards the kitchen's back door. Looking over her shoulder she gave him a sweet yet flirty look. "Care to walk a lady to her home?"

"Would it be considered rude to deny you such pleasure?" Now was his turn to tease.

Kamila's smile stayed but her eyes looked at Donnie as if to say 'Really?'. Opening the door she followed his teasing and began to walk out. Not even five feet out of the main house she felt Donnie appear next to her. His hands gently looping her arm around his. The walk back to her house was relatively short and quiet. It was cold though, she made a mental note to add another blanket to her pile before she went to bed. She could already hear Donnie and Master Splinter berating her about getting sick in her condition. Coming up to the house Donnie followed her up the steps and stopped at her door.

Kamila turned to him. "Thank you ever so much my good sir!" She said sweetly. "I'll see you bright and early tomorrow. Master Splinter said I was allowed to start working again during our dinner." Standing on her tip toes she placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Donnie."

Before Kamila had a chance to turn and reach for the door handle Donnie had puled her back close to him and kissed her heatedly on the lips. Kamila squeaked yet allowed herself to swept away in it. Yet just as she had he pulled away slightly to whisper in her ear. His warm breath made her want to shiver. "I'll be counting down the weeks." Was all he said before he completely pulled away and, in such a speed only a ninja like himself could go, disappeared out of sight leaving her there on her porch.

Kamila was puzzled by his words. 'what could he possibly be waiting for that was going to happen in a few weeks?' She thought to herself. It didn't click right then and there. In fact, it wasn't until she had already entered her home and made it half way up the stairs before it dawned on her. When it did her eyes went wide and her body turned as red as it was physically able. Speeding up the rest of the steps she tried to calm down her racing heart, yet it was no use. It made her anxious as she changed and entered her bed completely forgetting that she had wanted to add another layer of blanket. Less to say Neither Donnie nor Kamila got any sleep that night.

The next day Kamila woke up to the first crow of the rooster. She really didn't get much sleep last night for obvious reasons. It made her giddy and also a little nervous. Honestly because she was feeling so anxious about his words she didn't know if she had the ability to face him without blushing and stuttering like a teenager. Yet today she had to work and she really wanted to. She was not going to let this cause her to hide away and neglect her job especially when Master Splinter had agreed she was allowed to start working again.

Throwing off her blankets she regretted her action and immediately threw them back over herself. It was freezing! Her skin prickled and her feet stung from the cold air but she needed to get up. Pulling the top layer off she wrapped it around her securely before rushing out of bed to where her clothes were. Oh how she prayed that lunatic shop keeper made her something thick to keep out such nasty temperatures. Thank the gods he had though. It wasn't to pretty to where she had to be cautious in it yet it was to nice for her to consider wearing it more than two days in a row. But she didn't give two shits about it now. She was freezing and she needed something warm and thick to wear now!

As she got dressed she noticed something on her door. Odd. She didn't remember putting anything on it nor did she see it on there last night. Had someone came into her room while she slept? She wondered about who could have done so while not waking her. Well she could name one person who would. With the last layer on and secured with her sash she walked over to the door and plucked off the note. The paper was clean but there was a slight smell of chemicals that came off of it. Yup, definitely from who she thought it was from. Gently opening it she read what was inside.

Dearest Kamila,

We left early this morning for training. Splinter informed us that it will be off the island so we will not make it back till later tonight. It vexes me that I will not be able to spend time with you today but, hopefully when we return and you are still awake we can. Remember not to overwork yourself while we are gone.

Be safe, D

Kamila found herself smiling at the note. Although she was not going to see Donnie today she was glad he still wanted to and said so in it. That and she could see how hard he tried to work on said note. It was obvious he didn't know what words to use. There were clear words indented into the paper from him having to write the note over and over again. It made her happy though. The fact he was trying for her left her feeling warm even if her toes were still telling her to add an extra layer of socks.

The day had gone by after Kamila left her house. She picked back up her usual routine which, after taking a break around lunchtime, didn't leave her as exhausted as she thought it would. The dusting was the hard part though. Her muscles had gotten familiar to not being used so much so when she had to stretch to get to the higher places they did give her a nagging protest. Now it was well into the afternoon and Kamila had finished her work early. This was supposed to be the part where she went back to her house and rested yet her mind was nagging for something to mentally chew on. Maybe she would be able to find something good in the library? She was still in the main house so it wasn't to far. Kamila walked around the corner to look at the steps that led to the second floor. 'Meh why not.' she thought and proceeded to make her way to the library. However as she made her way up she noticed the darkening sky from out of the window and the soft rumble of thunder echoing in the distance.

"I better close the shutters first." She told herself and proceeded to walk back down the steps.

At this very moment in a quiet part of the woods somewhere off the island Splinter sat on a smooth rock. His staph was resting in his right arm passively as its owner breathed in the fresh scent of rain. He was alone. Or so that's how it looked. He had his eyes closed but just because he looked calm it did not mean that he was ignorant of who was around him.

Donnie sat in the tree above him. Covered by the shadows cast by the clouds above and the thick pine branches no one would notice him if they were just passing by. He had a clear view of Splinter's back. He knew his Master was listening for them and knew better than to attack now. His brothers were around. The moment they left the island Splinter took off and their objective solely was to attack and capture their master. But that was easier said than done. Finding him was easy for Donnie however. Though he had left his brother's behind momentarily to search ahead he knew better than to attack or make any move until they arrived. The wait was a rather good one though. By the time they did arrive it was already drizzling.

Donnie knew they needed to move soon. The thunder that rumbled in the distance was getting closer signifying that the rain would be on them in a matter of minutes. It also made him wonder how Kamila was fairing in that moment. Was she keeping dry? Had she finished all her work? If not was she taking the time to rest before she continued? He hoped so. Unintentionally he let out a sigh and the moment he did he cursed himself.

Splinter's ear flicked towards his direction and in a millisecond the elderly rodent swiveled his body around to throw a rock over into the tree at Donnie. The action and the speed of the rock was blinding. It hardly looked like Splinter had moved at all. Donnie barely managed to dodge the rock by dropping straight down to the next branch below yet he did not stay there. The moment Splinter had moved so did the other Turtles. Raph and Leo attacked from the front, their weapons shining from the tiny rays of sun that stabbed though the clouds. Mikey came from the side and was the first to be chucked across the clearing. As he attempted to climb the rock and attack Splinter grabbed him by the arm with his tail and threw him easily before turning to Leo and Raph. Thinking that this was the best moment to move Don sprung out from the tree attempting to attack him from above.

Easily kicking and knocking Leo and Raph away Splinter turned in time to grab Donnie's boa staff as he had brought it down. The action was smooth and like water easily flowed through with little restraint. The moment Splinter had grabbed the staff he used Donnie's momentum against him. With some unknown force he had managed to toss Donnie around in an attempt to toss him away yet Donnie pushed himself away to safety losing his weapon in the proses. Once Donnie had released the staff Splinter sat himself back down looking like nothing had ever happened. The boy's did not bother to attack again. They knew that they had already lost and to continue would be pointless.

Splinter looked down disappointed at the boys. Usually they would have tried something more complicated than such a straight forward attack and the fact that Don had easily gave away his position meant that he was not paying attention. With a sigh of his own he tossed Don his staff back and stood up upon the rock.

"Have I not taught you that when hunting down an opponent more powerful than you that you must not run head first into a fight?" Splinter barked. "Raphael, I could hear your foot steps. Michelangelo, you are to eager. You should have patients and wait to see how your enemy reacts to an attack from the front before rushing his back. And Donatello. For someone who should have a clear mind yours was just as clouded as the sky. The moment you are dealing with an enemy you must concern yourself only with the enemy and the area you are in. Do I make myself clear?" Splinter asked, his whiskers twitching with annoyance.

The boys agreed together, a look of tired disappointment on their faces. When Splinter saw this he sighed. Rubbing his beard he tapped his walking stick once on the rock before giving the boys one more order. "Let us rest. The rain will be on us in no time." Just as he said that a bigger rumble of thunder could be heard from the distance and the drizzling rain picked up slightly.

The boys all breathed in a breath of relief. Usually when they screwed up this bad they would be drilled again immediately and continuously. Of course once the rain stopped they will be going at it once more but looking at the sky and how angry the thunder sounded they were pretty sure it was going to be a good two or three hours before they would train again. Once Splinter had disappeared, to hide from the rain, the boys wondered over to a thick and sheltered group of pine trees that would no doubt keep them from getting to wet. If it had been snowing it would have been a different story as the thick branches would have made the snow fall away from the trunk and not on them yet rain was nimble and easily ran around an object or in it, finding any and every entrance it could use to get to them. Being a little wet was fine. They could manage a little dampness.

The boys each plopped themselves down around the trunk of the tree. Leo being to the right, followed by Don, then Mikey, and to the left was Raph. Don was digging through a small pack he had brought and handed Mikey what looked like dried fruits. As he was busy with his smaller brother he noticed Leo snatch at something in the air. Turning to him he silently questioned his brother.

"Just a mosquito Don." Leo said and placed his balled fist down to his side and away from Don's view.

"Oh well then I have some repellant here if you would like it."

"Sure. No doubt they'll start swarming once the rain stops."