
Hard Heads Bump Beds

Chapter 12 - Hard Heads Bump Beds

Kamila woke early this morning with an odd feeling. For some reason her senses were telling her that she should stay in bed for a bit longer until whatever her body felt passed yet she knew she had a job to do. Just because she had a feeling did not mean that she was going to not do her job and be lazy. So with that she threw the blankets off of her and rolled out of bed. The house today was warm, no doubt from Donnie or Mikey coming in to turn on her furnace even though she told them she didn't need it on yet. Don't get her wrong she wasn't complaining. She loved that the house was nice and toasty but it was the fact that she didn't want to waste wood before the first snow started to fall.

When she was on her feet she made her way to the dresser and pulled out a thick pale pink dress and added an extra layer with a larger under slip. The pattering on this one was modest. A small ring of flowers lined her sleeves and the sigil of the Turtle Spirit sat happily on the collar. Once her clothes were on she grabbed a gray ribbon and tied up her hair in a high ponytail. This allowed her scales on her neck and ears to be seen in plain view.

Fifteen minutes after dressing and getting herself ready for the day she went to start her normal routine. She would start in the main house today first. Get the hardest part done then she would work on cleaning the laundry and harvesting the rest of the vegetables before the snow got to it first. Leaving the house she started to make her way towards the front when she heard arguing. It sounded heated as both parties shouted bloody murder towards the other. It was quite worrisome and it caused Kamila to go and investigate on whom it could be that were arguing so early in the day.

Rounding the corner she peeked over the side of the house to see that it was Raph and Leo that were the ones that were bickering with each other. Leo was leaving Raph's building and was heading towards the main house when Raph stopped him. She watched as Raph roughly grabbed Leo's arm and turned him back around to continue the argument. That's where she saw them get violent with each other for the first time. Leo was the one to strike first sending a well calculated punch to Raph's gut causing him to stagger back a bit. But that wasn't the end of it. Before Raph could look up Leo spun around and landed powerful kick that sent Raph crashing into the workshop. Kamila saw the building shake from the force and as she looked up at the sound of a rope snapping she instantly knew that Raph was in danger. Kamila ran from her hiding spot ad rushed over to Raph. She needed to get him up fast however when she grabbed ahold of his arm and was able to get him to his feet she suddenly felt the ground disappear.

Raph thinking that it was Leo pulling on him flung his arm away in the hopes of getting him off yet when he felt small hands leave his shoulder and arm he knew he fucked up. When he turned to see the small figure hit the pile of boulders he heard the snapping of the metal beam above him and managed to get away in time only to be placed into another dangerous situation. For in that moment Donnie had came to check as well what the commotion was all about just in time to see Kamila be thrown and land into the boulder stack just twenty feet away.

Donnie dropped the items he had and raced over to Kamila in a blink of an eye. Clambering over the first two boulders he found her lying on a smooth one near the center. From first glance she looked alright but Donnie's eyes caught the small wet area starting to form on her head. This caused him to scurry over to her faster. Getting to her he checked her over before lifting her and laying her across his lap. Doing so caused her to groan. Here eyes were unfocused but she was trying to correct them. However this was a battle she was not going to win and started to slip into unconsciousness.

"Kamila! Kamila you need to stay awake." Donnie explained lightly tapping the side of her face to try to keep her awake.

"Is...Raph ok?" She tried to mumble out.

"He's fine but you aren't. You need to keep your eyes open." Donnie pulled her closer so that he could pick her up yet as he stood he felt her go limp. "Shit!' He cursed and quickly spun around to take her to the main house.

Raph tried to follow his brother but was stopped when Leo got in front of him.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Leo barked.

"Fuck off! If you had gone to Splinter first this wouldn't have happened."

"I was giving them more time!"

"Time for what? She has to know so she won't lose her shit when he leaves!"

"She's not like you! Do you think she would be so ill tempered like you to not understand what's going to happen? Besides, we all know it takes at least a week before it comes so what if I hold onto it for two more days? Actually, she might not even get to spend those with him since you sent her flying! The hell were you thinking!"

"I thought it was you!"

"You know damn well that once your down I won't go after you!"

"Thats enough!" Splinter commanded suddenly out of nowhere. Both brothers instantly stopped bickering and dropped to their knees in respect. "Both of you head to my study. I will be there after I check on Kamila."

Both boys lowered their heads before answering. "Yes sensei."

It was well into the afternoon when Kamila woke up. The smell of medicine and chemicals stabbed her nose causing her to wake up fully but man did that smell override her system. It was actually starting to make her nauseous. Opening her eyes she saw that she was laying down on Donnie's bed. It was somewhat big but not as large as hers. It was pushed all the way into the corner of the room with a bookcase on each side that was open. The rest of the room was filled with shelves along the walls and a large desk that paralleled the bed. Thats where she found Donnie. He sat there looking over a large stack of papers before hearing Kamila move around on the bed.

In a flash Donnie was up and right next to her. "Don't move around. You hit your head and i'm pretty sure you have a concussion." He explained gently pushing her back down. Leaning over her he checked the bandage he had placed on her head. It was a small cut but he wanted to make sure that she wouldn't get an infection so he had applied an ointment under the bandage.

"What happened?" Kamila asked placing her hand on his arm lovingly. She watched as his face turned from tentative concern to irritated anger.

"You got hurt when my idiot brother mistook your attempt for saving him as a threat and threw you in the worst possible place." He said pulling back a bit to look down at her. Moving his hand he brushed his fingers over her cheek. "Promise me that the next time you see those two fighting you stay out of it." Before Kamila had a chance to say anything he covered her lips with his thumb. "Stay out of it. It's safer for everyone to let them sort it out themselves or wait till Master Splinter stops them himself. Do you understand?"

Kamila sighed before nodding her head. This earned Donnie to smile down at her. Removing his thumb he replaced it with his lips to give her a soft and tender kiss. The kiss didn't last long as a powerful dizzy spell came over Kamila. Lightly tapping his arm she got him to pull away so that she could try and control her breathing.

"What's the matter?" He asked watching as she let go of his arm and place her hand over her eyes.

"I'm dizzy. "

"Ok I can fix that. Lets sit you up first and I'll make you something." He explained. He gently assisted her into a sitting position placing a bunch of pillows behind her to keep her comfortable.

Kamila watched as he moved around the room looking for all the things he needed. He took jars off the shelves and crushed leaves into a small cup before adding a light grey liquid to it. As he made the strange concoction she gently tried to move her body. She was sore but nothing to bad. Other than a cut on her noggin and a bruise here and there she was pretty much ok. Touching the bandage with her fingers she tried to see how big the cut was when Donnie gently grasped them to pull them down so he could hand her the cup of medicine.

The cup of now green goop looked and smelled foul causing her to crinkle her nose at it. Looking to Donnie as if to ask if he was serious she sighed when he nodded at her and gently ushered the cup to her lips. Reluctantly she downed the drink. It was worse than it smelled and she had to try her best to keep it down which caused her body to respond with a disgusted shiver. It wasn't fun to finish it but she had managed to do it earning her a sweet kiss to the forehead and Donnie taking and replacing it with a cup of water. This was an easier drink for her to sip and thankfully to because the after taste of the one before was not pleasant.

As she was drinking the water they heard a knock at Donnie's door. Before Don could open it Raph entered the room. His head was down and he dared not look up at the two that were inside. He looked more like a sad puppy that had been scolded for chewing on a slipper. Before he had a chance to come in anymore Donnie immediately blocked his path. Raph didn't dare budge. He knew that Donnie was pissed off to high hell about what had happened and if he didn't want to get his ass beat he knew to not push his way through.

"It's ok Donnie. Let him say what he needs to say." Kamila said softly.

Donnie turned around to look back at her as if to question if she really hit her head that hard. The look she gave him told him no but if she wanted to hear him out then he would allow it. Only for a little bit though. "Fine. Say what you need to then go." He hissed venomously. Backing off he went back to his desk to meddle with something.

Raph quickly makes his way in and sits on the floor in front of Kamila. He didn't look up at her straight away. You could tell that he was trying to build up the confidence. Hell Kamila could tell that he probably didn't think that he would get this far. More than likely he might have thought that he would be turned away the moment that Donnie opened the door. With one arm over his knee he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand before apologizing. "I'm sorry. Ah didn't mean ta hurt ya." He kept his eyes lowered choosing to look at the bed frame rather than her.

Kamila looked at him and then at Donnie. He was trying to look as if he wasn't listening but every now and again she would see him turn slightly towards them. It was almost laughable. She sighed. "It's ok Raphael. Just make sure to throw me somewhere softer next time. Ok?" She teased stretching out her hand to poke him in the forehead.

Raph looked up at her in shock. He thought she was going to scold him or atleast tear him a new one yet here she was joking with him. This made him feel a lot better but he still felt guilty about it.

Kamila saw the guilt on his face. "Raph I only have a scratch I'm not going to die." She said. Lowering her hand she opened it for him to take. He looked at it for a few seconds before he accepted it. When he took her hand in his, he was as gentle as could be as if the moment he tried to tighten his hold she would break. It was her that actually tightened it for him. She squeezed his hand to show him she was not weak and to encourage him to relax. "Besides if I was really hurt do you think Dr. Donnie would let you in?"

"Nah, but if ah don't leave soon he might stab me." He said half jokingly causing Kamila to chuckle.

"Or worse, he'll give you that drink he gave me!" She teased scrunching her face.

"Yeah those were never good." This made both of them snicker. "Alright Sis. Ah'll leave ya be." Patting her head with his other hand he let go of her and got up to get out of the room. Donnie immediately got up when Raph did to follow him to the door so that he could close it when his brother left.

Kamila watched him stand there for a bit. He was glaring at the door as if his brother was still there. The fierceness of it obviously showed how jealous and protective he was becoming and it made her heart warm at the thought. "Are you going to just stand there and be jealous or are you going to come here and give me a kiss?"

Donnie immediately turned around to look back at her before swiftly making his way onto the bed to her. Sitting himself next to her he gently lifted her off of the bed to sit on his lap. When she was comfortable he leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss. "I'm not jealous." He lied.

She kissed him again. "Is that so?" She asked teasingly before giving him a kiss under his chin.

Donnie wrapped his arms around her tighter while bringing his head down to her neck. When he got there he breathed in her smell before mumbling an answer. "Maybe a little."

Kamila chuckled. Leaning back she pulled his head back up so that she could kiss him but he didn't give her one. Instead, he cupped her cheek and placed his forehead on hers. Slightly confused she looked up at him. He wasn't doing anything other than just looking at her. It was like he was trying to engrave her face into his memory. "You're so beautiful." He said suddenly.

"Am I?"

"Yes," He kissed her lips softly, "and perfect."

This time she actually did laugh. This caused her to kiss him a bit more tenderly. With her dizziness gone she was able to make the kiss last longer. When she broke away she pecked the corner of his lips before speaking sweetly. "I love you, my Dawn."

Donnie felt his heart explode at her words. If it wasn't for the fact that she was hurt he would have crushed her to his chest and keep her there forever. Yet he knew better than to hold her cooped up when she was a person that was always moving. So instead of practically trapping her body he trapped her lips in a strong and passionate kiss. "I love you to, Dove." And with that the make out session began.

Leo sat in the center of the dojo with his head down. Raph had got off easy earning a small punishment for fighting and harming Kamila which consisted of doing half of her labor load for a week and writing spiritual verses for a month every morning and night. Yet now was his turn to explain why he had been arguing and fighting with his brother in the first place which had been easy to do but when his master had grown quiet he started to get nervous.

"Show me the messenger." Splinter finally spoke.

Leo did as he was told, although a bit reluctantly. Pulling out the small pouch tucked neatly in his sash he opened it and waited for what was inside to come out. It was tiny. Only a small little firefly was inside. It didn't look special at all until it opened its wings and started to glow. The glow was a different color than the normal neon green or light yellow. This little bug had a purple glow that flashed slowly and lazily.

Opening his hand and stretching it out on his knee Splinter looked at Leo. "When did it come to him?"

"Yesterday during training." Leo answered watching the bug fly over to his master. The moment the bug landed on Splinter's hand the purple color faded and the bug disintegrated into a small pile of purple sparkles.

"Send your brother here." Splinter said letting the last of the sprinkles fall from his hand.

"But what about -"

"Do not fret about her. I will talk to her once I speak to your brother."