
The Shadow of Kyoshi (ATLA)

non- canon When crisis strikes the Earth Kingdom, longing to continue her carefree time with loved ones makes Kyoshi hesitate to respond. Can she clear the fog of doubt and defeat this new threat without abandoning the connections that sustain her? With Rangi and comrades at her back, passion and purpose need not feud.

Pennyyy · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


In the early hours of dawn, Kyoshi stirred in her lavish chambers. She had barely slept after the disastrous end to the banquet, her mind overwhelmed with unanswered questions. Leaving Rangi still asleep, she quietly made her way to the balcony and looked out over Gaoling's waking rooftops. 

Somewhere out there, answers were waiting for her about the strange creature and other mysterious occurrences that the Governor was desperately trying to hide. With the land rights dispute still unresolved, she needed those answers before making any decisions that could determine people's fates and livelihoods. And most urgently, whatever threats were lurking in Gaoling had the potential to spread beyond its borders if left unchecked. 

Determined, Kyoshi gently squeezed Rangi's shoulder and left a brief note explaining her urgent business regarding their investigation. Then, she moved down the dimly lit corridors as quietly as possible towards a servants' entrance that she had spotted the day before. Hopefully, it hadn't been guarded yet. 

A few minutes later, Kyoshi confidently walked through the slowly awakening streets of the city, passing vendors as they opened up their shops. She kept her head low, hoping not to attract attention that would alert Governor Yunju or the political parties about her unauthorized departure from the palace. If she could gather information discreetly, it might shed light on the political undercurrents and strange events that were taking place. 

As she strolled past small shops and stands, Kyoshi noticed that most of the merchants seemed gloomy and worn down. It was a stark contrast to the usual lively atmosphere found in Earth Kingdom trade centers. She slowed her pace and casually approached an elderly woman who was arranging nets on her fish stand. 

"Good morning, madame," Kyoshi greeted politely with a slight bow. The woman looked up at her with a pensive expression. "I suppose so. Things have been tough lately with all our resources being diverted due to that ridiculous land dispute." She added in a hushed tone, "And those unnatural creatures haunting the hills outside of town." 

Kyoshi leaned against the stand. "Creatures? Has anyone looked into why they are causing trouble for your village?" The woman shook her head with frustration. "No one cares about what happens to us rural folk. We're just hoping that Avatar Kyoshi will quickly resolve everything before..." She trailed off, leaving Kyoshi curious to know more. 

As she tried to find a subtle way to gather more information, loud shouts suddenly erupted from the next street over. Sharing a concerned look with the fish seller, Kyoshi hurried towards the source of the commotion. 

They arrived at a warehouse with its large doors flung open. A group of burly men were using poles to prod at a strange, wiry creature stuck halfway through a small window. In an instant, Kyoshi recognized it as the same being she had fought the night before - with its twisted features, leathery wings and sharp claws frantically scraping against the ground. 

"We have to kill this monster before it hurts someone!" One of the men yelled as he viciously poked at the trapped creature. But his face showed more fear and disgust than genuine concern. 

Pushing through the growing crowd, Kyoshi felt her frustration and anger rise. The helpless creature was trying to fly away as it struggled against their attacks. She had seen enough. 

Stepping forward, Kyoshi stomped her foot hard on the ground, creating a barrier between the frightened beast and its attackers. Shocked cries erupted from the men as she glared at them sternly. "That is enough! Can't you see that it's confused and not intentionally harming anyone?" 

"Back off and give it some space!" she commanded firmly. "As your visiting Avatar, I demand that we handle this situation with compassion." Standing tall and authoritative, she watched as the men retreated with their tools lowered. Sometimes, being the Avatar had its advantages.

Kyoshi cautiously knelt next to the trembling, dirt-covered creature after making sure the path was clear. She spoke in a soothing tone as she extended her gentle hands towards the frightened animal, trying to calm it like one would a spooked ostrich-horse. The small crowd behind her murmured while guards kept them at a safe distance as they arrived to investigate. 

Kyoshi continued to comfort the anguished creature, carefully inspecting its contorted body with every movement telegraphed beforehand. As she got closer, she noticed more details in the morning light - wings and claws seemed almost haphazardly attached to its sinewy frame, not naturally designed for such parts. 

A strange odor emanated from countless old scars and lesions marking its matted hide; this poor creature had clearly endured cruel experimentation at the hands of inhumane individuals.Suppressing her revulsion, Kyoshi slowly reached out her caring hands once again. "You have suffered injustice beyond measure, but I promise you will come to no further harm." 

As she spoke, the eyeless face of the creature nudged against her palm. It seemed to be observing her intently before finally giving into exhaustion and folding its battered wings. Trust took many forms - perhaps it sensed Kyoshi's benevolent intentions despite having been taught to always be on guard due to past abuse. 

Feeling her heart stir at the pitiful sight, Kyoshi stood up and turned towards the hovering city patrolmen. "We must both go immediately to my company back at the palace. I believe we can find answers about this unwelcome wildlife threat there."The guards exchanged uneasy looks at the thought of transporting such an unsightly monster through their genteel streets. But facing Avatar Kyoshi's stern gaze left them with no room for debate. 

Soon, Kyoshi strode uphill through ornate gates with the ragged beast cradled gently in her arms, heading straight towards a confrontation with the powers responsible for the unsettling troubles in Gaoling. She just needed to follow the thread.Gasps echoed through the palace as Kyoshi entered, carrying the disfigured creature. She ignored the stunned onlookers and made her way directly to the solar where Governor Yunju was having breakfast with representatives from the silk guild. 

As she swept through the doorway with guards trailing behind her, all conversation ceased instantly. The delegates recoiled while Governor Yunju choked on his pastry, frantically wiping his mouth in shock. 

"Avatar Kyoshi! What is the meaning of this dramatic interruption?" He strained to keep his expression politely neutral.Kyoshi walked over and gently laid the sleeping animal on a nearby divan before turning to face Yunju. 

"I believe you know exactly what this poor creature represents, Governor. The incident last night was not an isolated wildlife encounter."She began pacing around the room as all eyes followed her movements. "Locals have been reporting sightings of nightmarish creatures emerging from the nearby hills for weeks now. And your constant attempts to deflect attention are becoming increasingly suspicious." Stopping behind Yunju's chair, she lowered her voice to a cutting whisper that only he could hear. 

"So I will ask you plainly: what darkness lurks outside of Gaoling that is giving rise to such twisted monstrosities? And why are you trying to hide it?"Yunju sat rigidly in his chair, his nostrils flaring. Seconds passed by slowly before he turned to face her, a fake smile plastered on his face. "Our dear Avatar, always jumping to wild conclusions! This is simply a matter of dealing with a rogue pack of animals. We will increase our defenses immediately." 

But even as he tried to maintain his facade, Kyoshi could see through it. "Oh, I am certain we will get to the very root of this soon enough..."If Yunju's shadow games were not able to bring the truth to light, then Kyoshi would tear away the masks herself - starting with the unknown threat outside of Gaoling that was spreading its rot. For the sake of all the people and creatures in this city, the menacing secrets must be revealed, no matter what dreaded revelations may come next.

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