
The Shadow of Kyoshi (ATLA)

non- canon When crisis strikes the Earth Kingdom, longing to continue her carefree time with loved ones makes Kyoshi hesitate to respond. Can she clear the fog of doubt and defeat this new threat without abandoning the connections that sustain her? With Rangi and comrades at her back, passion and purpose need not feud.

Pennyyy · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Into The Dark

The sun slowly set, casting a crimson glow over the terraced rooftops of Gaoling as Kyoshi stood at the towering study window lost in thought. Behind her, Governor Yunju rambled on about revised policies, but she only half-listened. Her mind was preoccupied with her own plans. 

After their encounter earlier that day regarding mutated wildlife plaguing nearby villages, the rest of the day had passed without much incident. But Kyoshi knew better than to let her guard down. She was determined to uncover the source of these dangerous creatures under the cover of nightfall.

As she tuned back into the room, Kyoshi noticed the governor wrapping up his proposals and extending a hand towards her with a smug smile. He praised her for her influence and impartial wisdom, believing they had come to an agreement thanks to her support.

Kyoshi greeted his extended hand with a firm shake and a steady gaze. "I am pleased to see that we have been able to reach an equitable resolution, Governor Yunju. Your leadership has been instrumental in this matter...I will leave any remaining formalities in your capable hands."

The governor bowed deeply before leaving, his surprise at her deference barely concealed in his eyes. But Kyoshi maintained her composure, hiding her excitement at the real objective she had planned for tonight - finding out where these twisted forces were spawning from and what other secrets Yunju was desperately trying to hide outside of town.

Even after Governor Yunju had left, Kyoshi remained in the dimly lit study, surveying the shelves filled with scrolls and ornamental weapons that lined the spotless walls. If there were any clues to be found about regional mysteries, they would surely be hidden in the governor's inner sanctum.

As she stepped into the flickering lamplight, Kyoshi carefully scanned every inch of the room for any concealed latches or gaps that could potentially hide secret passages. She highly doubted that the cunning governor would leave any incriminating evidence out in plain sight.

Her instincts proved right when she discovered a small compartment behind a lacquered writing desk, concealed by carved mahogany paneling. With a triumphant grin, she triggered the spring-loaded catch and revealed a narrow cavity stacked with bundles of yellowed writings.

Gently handling the fragile pages, Kyoshi unfurled them under the lamplight and squinted to make out faded characters spelling out ancient spirit world incantations alongside sketches of anatomical creatures and maps marked with X's corresponding to nearby villages. It was clear that these were ritual spells for some heinous biological experimentation...exactly what she had feared.

Feeling her heart racing, Kyoshi rolled up the thick occultist parchment and quietly made her way back through dark corridors to her guest suite. But just as she was about to reach her destination, she almost ran into Rangi who was exiting their shared bedchamber.

"Are you okay? Did His Eminence bore you with talk of settlement clauses?" Rangi asked in a hushed voice. Upon seeing Kyoshi's tense expression, she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and furrowed her brow in silent concern.

In hushed tones, Kyoshi recounted her shocking findings from studying the governor's office. Rangi's eyes flashed with anger as she processed the implications. "Despicable sorcery being used against innocent creatures...and the townspeople have no idea," she seethed.

Kyoshi nodded in agreement. "There is a vile conspiracy hiding right under their noses, fueled by some unknown power that is causing mutations in wildlife. We need to find the source tonight!"

Rangi squeezed Kyoshi's hand, her expression fierce and protective. "Then we will go together at dusk...and may Agni help whoever is behind this darkness."

Kyoshi felt a surge of gratitude for Rangi's unwavering support, her heart filled with a mixture of determination and apprehension. As they prepared to embark on their covert mission under the veiled cloak of night, Kyoshi couldn't help but marvel at how their destinies had intertwined, two souls bound by duty and love.


Their steps were silent as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors of Governor Yunju's estate, shrouded in shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of treachery and deceit. The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air, each breath a testament to their courage in the face of unknown dangers.

As they neared the outskirts of Gaoling, where the boundary between civilization and wilderness blurred into an eerie fusion of darkness and mystery, a sense of foreboding settled over Kyoshi. She knew that whatever awaited them in the depths of the forest would test not only their skills but also their resolve.

Kyoshi and Rangi ventured into the dense forest, their movements swift and deliberate as they followed the trail of disturbed underbrush left by the mutated creatures. The forest whispered around them, the sound of nocturnal creatures adding an eerie soundtrack to their mission.

As they delved deeper into the heart of the forest, the air grew thick with an otherworldly aura that made Kyoshi's skin prickle with unease. She exchanged a knowing glance with Rangi, their unspoken bond strengthening their resolve to uncover the source of these dark machinations.

After what seemed like hours of tracking through the winding paths of the forest, the duo finally stumbled upon a clearing bathed in an unnatural glow. In the center stood a towering tree, its branches twisted and gnarled like contorted limbs reaching out in supplication to an unseen force.

Kyoshi's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the scene before her. Nested within the branches of the cursed tree were grotesque cocoons pulsating with a sickly green light, each one promising a new horror waiting to be unleashed upon the world. She exchanged a grim look with Rangi, silent communication passing between them as they prepared to confront whatever ancient evil lurked within.

With a shared nod, Kyoshi and Rangi readied themselves for battle, their bending abilities crackling to life as they stepped into the clearing. The air hummed with malevolent energy, sending shivers down their spines as they faced the monstrous abominations that emerged from the writhing cocoons.

The mutated creatures hissed and snarled, their twisted forms a grotesque parody of nature as they lunged towards the two warriors. Kyoshi's fans sliced through the air with deadly precision, sending gusts of wind to knock back their foes, while Rangi's firebending bathed the clearing in a warm glow as she danced around the attackers, her movements fluid and precise.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Kyoshi and Rangi fought with a fierce determination, their bond as steadfast as the earth itself. As they exchanged blows with the mutated creatures, Kyoshi felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, fueling her every movement. Beside her, Rangi unleashed torrents of flames that licked at their enemies, driving them back with an unyielding ferocity.

But just as they began to gain the upper hand, a guttural roar echoed through the clearing, freezing them in their tracks. From the shadows emerged a massive figure, its hulking form wreathed in shadow and malice. Kyoshi's heart sank as she recognized the unmistakable aura of dark energy that surrounded the creature.

The creature loomed over them, its eyes glinting with malevolent intelligence as it unleashed a wave of dark energy that sent Kyoshi and Rangi sprawling. As they struggled to regain their footing, the creature advanced with a predatory grace, its claws poised to strike.

Kyoshi gritted her teeth as she leapt back to her feet, her mind racing for a strategy to counter the formidable foe before them. Rangi stood at her side, her fiery determination undimmed despite the odds stacked against them.

Drawing on her connection to the spirit world, Kyoshi summoned all her willpower and focused it into a powerful earthbending move. With a swift motion of her arms, she sent a shockwave rippling through the ground, destabilizing the creature's footing and buying them precious moments to regroup.

Rangi seized the opportunity, surrounding their adversary with a swirling maelstrom of flames that danced and crackled with an intensity that matched her inner fury. The creature howled in frustration as the searing heat licked at its dark form, momentarily driving it back.

Seeing an opening, Kyoshi lunged forward with unmatched agility, her fans slicing through the air with a lethal precision that left shimmering arcs in their wake. Each strike was calculated, aimed at exploiting weaknesses in the creature's defenses as she pressed the attack with unwavering resolve. Rangi's flames surged in tandem with Kyoshi's movements, creating a dazzling display of elemental prowess that illuminated the clearing with a fiery brilliance.

The creature staggered under the onslaught, its roars reverberating through the forest as it struggled to counter the coordinated assault of the two warriors. Kyoshi and Rangi fought as one, their movements synchronized in a deadly dance that spoke of years of training and mutual trust.

As the battle raged on, Kyoshi could feel the tide turning in their favor. With each strike, each blast of fire, they wore down the creature's defenses until finally, with a final, decisive blow, they incapacitated their adversary.

The creature let out a pained howl before collapsing to the forest floor, its dark form dissipating into a swirling mist that dissipated into nothingness. Kyoshi and Rangi stood panting, their bodies covered in sweat and dirt.