
The Seeker System

After the 'Century of Phenomena', humanity had declined by more than two thirds it's population and eventually pushed back into 'Zones' where they were forced to live in 'District Cities'. The world outside the zones had become desolate wastelands inhospitable for them. The 'Century of Phenomena' brought plagues and destruction. Turning most plants and animals into horrid mutant beasts, unleashing monstrous creatures from 'Gates', and turning undead, the fallen population of humanity. But, it also brought hope for the survivors to endure the warped landscape. It brought forth an explosive advancement in technology and filled the earth with magic. Humans even experienced 'Evolutions' only seen in fantasy. It took half a century before that Hell unleashed and forced humans back. Now, evolved/awakened humans are known as 'Seekers' that delve into the wastelands within their zones to scrounge for treasures, artifacts, and anything useful. They also clear 'Gates' to procure the same. Life within the 'District Cities' was almost the same as before the Phenomena. Seekers are the heroes of society, and hold much influence. Connor W. Michael is one such Seeker. But, he is the weakest to ever awaken. Abused as a lowly 'Porter', he endures things worse than any mutant, monster. or zombie... Human Cruelty. But this is his beginning, the beginning of his journey from The Weakest to The Strongest.

FallunKing · Sci-fi
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38 Chs

Down We Go!

Ivory had climbed onto Connors shoulders for more comfort, every now and again she'd lift her head up and cock it to the side while moving it around.

"I am so confused. It's an Undead, for sure, but it looks so human." Robert finally decided to speak again. The group was deep into the second floor, and it was getting more decrepit and dirty as they did so. The floor was wet and slimy, as well as the walls. A strange purple mold clung to all the surfaces, sometimes an occasional red mold accompanied.

"Her name is Ivory." Connor corrected. Ivory turned and looked at Robert, her face as blank as Connors. She stuck her blue tongue out at Robert and then turned and rested her chin back on Connors head. Robert just looked on in astonishment.

"Ivory. A lovely name..." Robert gave up trying to make sense of the anomalies that happened around Connor. Connor stopped and put his hand out, stopping Mina from going further. In front of them, was a hunched figure, digging into something with sickening squelched noises. Ivory began to growl.

The Ceiling had fallen in that particular spot, and the lights were out. The figure, having heard the growl spun around. It had dull glossy white eyes, it's skin was pale gray with no hair anywhere. It's ears were long and pointed as was it's nose. It opened its mouth and shrieked with a high pitched shrill.

Ivory was off of Connors shoulders in an Instant, that same instant shut the shriek off. Ivory returned to Connor, the creatures head in her hand. The body fell forward behind her.

"Good work." Connor patted Ivory on the head. Ivory leaned into his hand, her eyes closed.

"She's like a cat!" Mina looked on with an invisible flowery aura around her. Ivory tossed the head away and went back to the body. She began to tear it apart, the sickening sounds of flesh tearing caused Robert to blanche. The rotten smell of death finally hit the group, and Robert finally lost it. He began to vomit violently to the side. Mina retreated a few steps.

Connor, instead trudged forward, mainly curious as to what Ivory was doing. She wasn't eating it, she was looking for something. Connor stood over her and looked down curiously. The creatures guts and organs were laid out of its body, each one tore open.

Ivory held up a purple stained hand, two different colored orbs where in her hands. One purple, the other red. Connor took them and studied them. He'd never seen them before. Ivory looked up hungrily.

"Well, if you want them. I don't know what they are." Connor held them out for Ivory to take back. She instead opened her mouth wide and chomped down on Connors entire hand. Though it was light, it still broke skin, and the cold slimy feeling was rather unnerving.

[Ivory's loyalty with you has increased.]

[Favor Increased with Morta.]

"I'm in awe of how you can just stand there calmly while an un- while Ivory puts your hand in her mouth." Robert commented.

"Its not that bad. Wanna try?" Connor asked.

"I'll kindly decline that offer, I still have a human constitution." Robert passed on Connors offer.

"Rather than being chewed on, I'd love to pat her head!" Mina once again had a flowery aura around her, though it wasn't visible, it was surely felt.

"You can try." Connor shrugged. Ivory had finally let go of Connors hand and happily munched on the orbs and blood mixture. Connor wiped his hand off on his shirt.

"Oh come on!" Robert complained when he watched Connor do so.

"Its just some kid slobber." Connor continued to wipe his hand until it was dry.

"Logic is impossible with you... hah, isn't it?" Robert sighed. Mina was petting Ivory's head with the most content look on her face, as if her life had finally been fulfilled. Ivory, while still crunching her meal, stared forward indifferently.

"Let's move forward." Connor began walking, stepping over the corpse of the creature, and the corpse of what it was digging in. Connor looked down, it was another undead, but more grown and male. Ivory had climbed back onto Connors shoulders, and Connor continued forward.

"Why do they look so human?" Robert commented as he passed over the corpse.

"Like I said. We will find out as we travel further." Connor answered. He had been checking each room, but the only contents were a toilet, sink, and cot. The doors were made of steel and operated on an automatic operating system. All of them were open, as far as Connor could tell.

"Do you at least have any speculations?" Mina inquired.

"Am I the only one allowed to think?" Connor replied.

"This place is like a prison, the children must have been miserable." Robert stated.

"That's the obvious, but also the only, observation available." Mina responded.

"For now." Connor answered, he was looking at another staircase leading down. It was at that moment, the sounds of glass shattering and doors being slammed open followed by shrill shrieking echoed from above them.

"Down we go! Move along!" Robert sprinted passed and down the stairs. The other two followed quickly after.

*Ten Minutes prior, Portal entrance to the Facility*

A group of well dressed, and armed, men stepped through the Portal, followed by a fancily dressed woman. The same people Connor had escaped from.

"Ugh! This place became so filthy! What was that bastard doing? Go! Find The boy! And if you find Edward, bring him to me! I left him in charge for a reason, and it seems he's neglected his duties." The woman ordered. More men began to pour from the Portal. They rushed forward and began kicking doors down, causing the small glass windows to shatter as they did.

Immediately after, shrill shrieking echoed throughout the corridors. The men readied their varied assortment of weapons. The pitter pattering sounds of many running feet slapping against linoleum could be heard. It wasn't long after when a Horde of small creatures besieged the first of the men.

Now the screams of men and squelched tearing sounds of flesh accompanied by the crunching of bones mixed with the shrill screeching of the creatures.

"Magnificent! Look at how they've multiplied!" The woman exclaimed. The men were too busy killing and dying to pay her any attention.

"Miss Sarah, we can't hold them off indefinitely. I suggest we leave here, it's far too dangerous." The B Rank leaned over and told her.

"Hmm, oh no need, Victor. Just burn them with fire magic. That should do the trick." Sarah dismissed. Victor sighed and moved forward while the others fell back. As soon as the last unswarmed member retreated behind, Victor raised hand up, a spark ignited in his palm and raging flames spewed forth down the corridor. The heat melted all the surfaces around it, and the creatures turned to ash within moments.