
The Seeker System

After the 'Century of Phenomena', humanity had declined by more than two thirds it's population and eventually pushed back into 'Zones' where they were forced to live in 'District Cities'. The world outside the zones had become desolate wastelands inhospitable for them. The 'Century of Phenomena' brought plagues and destruction. Turning most plants and animals into horrid mutant beasts, unleashing monstrous creatures from 'Gates', and turning undead, the fallen population of humanity. But, it also brought hope for the survivors to endure the warped landscape. It brought forth an explosive advancement in technology and filled the earth with magic. Humans even experienced 'Evolutions' only seen in fantasy. It took half a century before that Hell unleashed and forced humans back. Now, evolved/awakened humans are known as 'Seekers' that delve into the wastelands within their zones to scrounge for treasures, artifacts, and anything useful. They also clear 'Gates' to procure the same. Life within the 'District Cities' was almost the same as before the Phenomena. Seekers are the heroes of society, and hold much influence. Connor W. Michael is one such Seeker. But, he is the weakest to ever awaken. Abused as a lowly 'Porter', he endures things worse than any mutant, monster. or zombie... Human Cruelty. But this is his beginning, the beginning of his journey from The Weakest to The Strongest.

FallunKing · Sci-fi
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38 Chs


The group decided on the room that Connor and Mina were after the fights. It was secured, and no one would really bother to enter. It also locked from the inside.

Connor pulled the pieces from his Inventory and began sticking them to the wal and piecing them together until it was complete. Once it was, it expanded and the signature red swirling lights of a Portal appeared, replacing the wall.

"Well, here goes nothing." Robert stepped through, followed by Mina, then Connor. The scene beyond was creepy. It was dark, save for a few faintly blinking lights further ahead. What could be noticed right off the bat, was rolling stretchers, darkness, and eerie silence.

"You know, I think I'd rather swim in dead peoples ashes." Robert commented.

"Let's just move on. This is just a corridor, as well as the entrance. Meaning what we want, is further in." Connor stated as he boldly went forward. The other two gulped loudly and followed.


The trio walked through the eerie corridors, finding rooms. Some so horrendous, even Robert refused to enter. Of course, Connor searched through them easily. A few rotted corpses and skeletons didn't bother him a bit.

[Interest Gained with a goddess of death.]

Still, none of the rooms had anything worth noting... Until the reached the staircase. The Lights were still on down the stairs, and for some reason, that was more eerie that the lights being off.

"Look, I'm all for adventures, I'm a Seeker too, but that just screams bad vibes man." Robert vehemently insisted on not going down the stairs.

"I'm going down." Connor shrugged and started down. Mina sighed and followed. Robert, who didn't want to stay in the dark on his own, followed reluctantly.

Robert was right. The moment the down stairs area came into view, Connor saw movement. And it was fast. It vanished around a corner, and a few moments later, the distant sound of a door slamming was heard.

"Uh-Huh. Time to leave. If we are in the wastelands, whatever the flip flapping bird that was, is most likely capable of turning us into the next set of fresh corpses." Robert turned around. Sounds started ringing out in the upstairs as well.

"On second thought, maybe it's friendly." Robert pushed past and into the light. It was a good idea, both Connor and Mina followed suit. Just in time. A desk fell right where they had stood with a resounding and echoing crash.

"Now this is rather peculiar. Nothing happened the entire time we were up there." Connor mused.

"Noise. That loud noise of a door slamming must have woken up whatever is down here and up there." Mina was shaking like a leaf, but managing.

Connor looked around at the surroundings. It was exactly as one would imagine an abandoned hospital to look. Only, the lights were on. Hospital beds were strewn about in the middle of the corridors, doors lined them down each end, and a few bodies could be seen.

Connor walked over to the first one and flipped it over. It wore what once was a white lab coat and blue scrubs, but was now a mixture of grays and greens. A name badge was on his left breast pocket.

"There we are." Connor wiped the grime off of the badge. It was a picture of a man with short green hair and glasses. He didn't look like that anymore. Just a dry skeletal husk with a single tuft of gray green hair attached to the little skin on his otherwise entirely bare bone skull. The name 'Edward McVeigh' was printed underneath his picture with a barcode below that. Connor took it off and pocketed it.

"What do you think happened here?" Robert asked curiously.

"I don't know. But, that's why we're here." Connor replied. He looked into a room, and noticed a fresh print of blood. Connor stood up and walked in. He then knelt down and studied it. It was a child sized hand print, but something felt off about it.

"What did you... oh man. It's a child type monster, isn't it? Do you know how utterly terrifying that is?" Robert and Mina were both leaning down, looking at the print. Connor glanced up to look at them, when he spotted it hanging above them.

"Do. Not. Move." Connor firmly told them. Both froze solid. Robert was indeed correct again. Latched onto the ceiling was a small white haired, undead girl. That off feeling Connor was getting, was her fluorescent yellow iris eyes burning holes into him.

It was not just any typical undead though. The flesh wasn't rotting, and it's blood wasn't green. It's skin was gray like ash, and it look curious more than hungry. Connor slowly stood up. The undead girl growled, it's teeth pearl white and sharp. Connor continued, undeterred.

[Favor Gained with Morta.]

[Morta has bestowed upon you Unique Class Skill: Necromancy (Level: 1)- Summon or Contract the undead. Success depends on Intelligence stat. Number of undead slots available <2>.]

[Please try to Contract the Undead thats in front of you. It took a lot of effort to keep her from mauling you. Thanks- Morta.]

'I'll take that convenience happily. I just hope my face doesn't become a snack.'

Connor held his arms out in a friendly manner. The other two were still frozen solid in fear, especially after they heard the growl.

"H-hey there little girl. Want to talk? I'm friendly." Connor just started talking to the undead.

"What are you doing? Are you a fucking idiot!" Mina hissed. The undead girl dropped to the floor and stood up. Looking directly into Connors eyes. She opened her mouth and pointed.

"Hungry? I mean I feel you there. I wish I had brought some snacks for myself." Connor admitted. The undead girl grabbed Connors hand and bit into it. Connor stared on indifferently.

"I know you're an Undead, but my flesh is off limits." Connor commented. Both Mina and Robert stood up and spun around. Robert shrieked like a little girl at the sight of the little girl.

"Aw, she's actually kind of cute." Mina commented.

[Contract Successful, please name:_____]

'A name? What kind of bothersome... Hah, Ivory?'

[Contracted Elite Undead: Ivory. Slots remaining <1>.]

"Ah, she's an Elite undead." Connor mumbled.

"Connor... I have to ask you something..." Robert stated.

"Yeah?" Connor turned around. Ivory had decided she was going to ride around on Connors back, and had climbed up, her head resting on top of his. Both their expressions were the same indifferent and emotionless look.

"You know what... nevermind." Robert dismissed. He suddenly wasn't afraid of the freakish undead girl anymore.

"Its like your mini me..." Robert mumbled softly.

Just an FYI, the style is based on some of the more popular styles of Korean Manhuas. I just like their flows. Enjoy! I'll answer any questions, if any.

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