

Emily grew up in a great family with a loving father. But everything changed when he past away and left them in debt, her mother worked hard to provide for them with food but sadly got admitted due to a heart problem. As much as it hurt, Emily knew she had to push her limits and take care of her mother, she needed a job and the only job that would pay well was being a maid in the price family. A family that had mysteries and secrets. She hated to work there but what drew her more to the place was Jason Price, he was cold and always grumpy, but also very handsome. And kind when he felt like, to her he was the man she was secretly in love with. But something felt weird, every night of the full moon they all would lock themselves up, and Jason went as far as to threaten Emily to stay away, she wanted to, but her curiosity couldn't let her, so she went and took a peek in that same room at the night of the full moon. What I saw completely changed my life forever.

Kathrine_Kayz · Teen
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6 Chs

4. Mate's pull

                Jason's p.o.v

Was I too cold towards my mate, maybe but I didn't want to be closer to her, ever since I lost my parents and most of our pack members, I was afraid to get closer to anyone and mostly my mate, what if something bad was to happen to her and I failed to protect her, it would not only haunt me for life but kill me too? I was a coward who couldn't even look after his people or rebuilt the pack back to its formal glory, I hated myself a lot and for that, I didn't deserve to be loved by anyone, not even my mate.

"Well sir, this is where we part ways I think, I'm going through that alley on my left because it is the only short cut to home I know of," she said.

I just turned without a word and walked away.

"Jerk," she whispered then walked to the alley.

If not for my sharp hearing I couldn't have picked up her words, I laughed Softly then stopped walking, she really was a fierce one, she spoke her mind and she was frank, I hated to admit it but she was the perfect mate I had once wanted, I didn't care if she was human or not, to me she was just perfect.

"We can still be with her," Vincent my wolf whispered.

I shook my head then ignored him and began to walk, then I heard it, my mate's scared voice.

"Let me go!" She screamed.

"Shut up!" A man's voice yelled.

I quickly ran to the allay were her voice had come from.

I was filled with anger with what I saw, she was held on both sides by two men while the other three stood in front of her, one had a fucking gun pointed at her.

"That's more like it, now take her to the backroom," the one with the gun instructed.

Vincent angrily growled as my bones cracked and rearranged themselves, In just a minute I was in my Wolf form growling angrily.

The closer I got the angrier I became, I was more than ready to rip the humans into pieces for scaring my mate.

The one with the gun dropped it and ran away followed by the rest of them. My mate stood trembling as I moved closer, I didn't want to scare her, so I did the only thing I could think of, I lay down with my head on my paws waiting for her to calm down.

She took in a deep breath then slowly moved closer.

"I'm crazy, yes I am, there is no greater explanation why I could be walking towards a predator," she whispered as I whimpered softly to get her attention.

"Okay," she whispered then moved closer and stood in front of me, she knelt down then lifted her trembling hand and brushed it on my head, the beautiful tingles made my tail wag in approval as she gasped.

"The Beautiful tingles, but how, I have only felt them with Jason," she whispered then laughed Softly and continued brushing my head gently, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to feel the closure of my mate, I couldn't communicate with her through our mind link because we weren't yet mated.

"Thank you very much, you saved my life when I was in danger," she whispered.

I quickly stood up and she too did, I bite her dress and moved backward as she walked in the direction I was leading her. No way was I letting her use the alley, it was dangerous for her.

When we reached the Streets I removed my mouth from her dress, she looked at me carefully then smiled.

"You really want me to be safe huh, thank you again, I will never use the alley, but looking at you now, you don't look like a regular wolf, aren't you too big for a wolf?" She asked boldly.

I turned and ran away in the forest direction, I wasn't going to go back home until I was sure she was safe. I trotted to Miss Benedict's house and in no time I reached there, I shifted back into my human form.

"I need a pair of clothes, I'm outside your house," I mind liked her.

"Right away alpha," she answered.

I walked to the nearest tree there and waited, luckily it was very dark and the moon was a quarter moon, so I was safe to shift and walk around without being noticed, I heard light footsteps then a soft laugh.

"Here alpha," she whispered on the other side of the tree.

"Put them down," I answered.

"Okay, I have put them down," she said.

"Thank you, you can now go," I ordered.

I waited for her to go when she did. I went around and picked up the clothes, I quickly wore them and went back following my mate's scent to make sure she was okay.

Miss Benedict was once a part of my pack before it went into ruins, she was our pack's doctor who was a true kind soul, even when everything happened she never looked at me in a bad way, she was always smiling at me. But one day she left the country.

When I moved to this town I was in shock to find her here, we didn't talk much and we decided to keep away from each other, we also agreed to keep our secret to ourselves, no one knew what we were so far. I wasn't sure if the town had a few Werewolves from my pack, but if it did then they were hiding and wanted nothing to do with me.

I saw Emily ahead standing without moving, I quickly went to her and touched her shoulder, she quickly turned and faced me, her breathing was laboured and her face was wet with tears.

"What's the problem, did anyone hurt you," I asked in anger.

"No, I'm fine," she answered.

"No you aren't, you can't be crying in the streets alone if you are, please tell me, did anyone threaten you?" I asked in concern.

"I went to that alley alone and found some men, one had a gun pointed at me, I was so scared despite trying so hard not to be, I thought of a lot of things, and among those things I thought of you," she cried.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, I too don't understand what I feel for you, I know you are just a stranger but I think I'm in love with you," she sobbed.

I pulled her in my embrace and held her closely, I understand clearly what she was feeling because I too was feeling it.

The mate pull.