

Emily grew up in a great family with a loving father. But everything changed when he past away and left them in debt, her mother worked hard to provide for them with food but sadly got admitted due to a heart problem. As much as it hurt, Emily knew she had to push her limits and take care of her mother, she needed a job and the only job that would pay well was being a maid in the price family. A family that had mysteries and secrets. She hated to work there but what drew her more to the place was Jason Price, he was cold and always grumpy, but also very handsome. And kind when he felt like, to her he was the man she was secretly in love with. But something felt weird, every night of the full moon they all would lock themselves up, and Jason went as far as to threaten Emily to stay away, she wanted to, but her curiosity couldn't let her, so she went and took a peek in that same room at the night of the full moon. What I saw completely changed my life forever.

Kathrine_Kayz · Teen
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6 Chs

5. Ruined connection

Emily's p.o.v

"Home sweet home," I whispered immediately I walked in the house. Jason was right behind me acting like nothing had happened between us when it did, I confessed how I felt for him and surprisingly he didn't laugh at me or scold me, he actually held me like I was something precious, he waited for me to calm down that's when he let me go.

"Hurry up and pack what you want to pack," he ordered coldly.

I went into the bathroom and moved to the wardrobe, I pulled it open and got one of my favorite dress that brought back happy memories.

My birthday was usually like a normal day to me, I rarely celebrated it and it didn't matter to me, what mattered was to see my mother happy and healthy.

The day I turned 16 years old my mother shocked my by surprising me with the same beautiful dress, I was so happy and in tears over her kindness, she told me how much the dress wasn't what I deserved but it was what she could afford for me, I cried even more because it was never about the dress. The fact that she remembered my birthday and wished me more happiness than before made me feel so proud to be born from such a woman, I promised to do the same for her birthday but then she got admitted and it then seemed impossible to do just that, every penny I was going to make working as a maid was going to be reserved for her medical bills and food.

"Are you done staring at that creepy old dress?" Jason asked behind startling me.

I quickly turned and glared at him.

"It's not an old creepy dress, this dress was my 16th birthday present from my mother, to me, it's the best dress one could ever get for me, and why the hell are you in my bedroom?" I asked loudly.

"You were taking a lot of time to come out of the room so I had to follow you," he answered.

"Can you please now leave, because I want to be alone while packing my things," I said seriously.

"I'm not going anywhere, and when you say things, do you mean those clothes in your wardrobe?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, is there something wrong with them?" I asked angrily.

"Yes, they look like an old lady's clothes," he answered.

"And I don't care much about your thoughts Jason," I answered loudly.

He stared at me speechlessly, I wasn't going to let him say bad words over my clothes.

"If you want the job you will ditch your grandma's clothes here," he said seriously.

"They are my clothes you jerk, not my grandma's!" I yelled loudly.

"Are you that desperate to lose your job in just a few hours, do you even realize that you are yelling at your master you damn brat?" He asked loudly.

I gasped when I realized he was right, he was the one that actually had hired me.

I quickly moved closer and brushed his shirt gently.

"What are you doing?" He asked in surprise.

"Fixing your wrinkled shirt master, in no time it will look perfect on you, you know, my mum once complimented me that I had hands of iron. So I will fix this up in no time," I answered with the perfect smile I could come up with.

He leaned in closer as I tilted my head backward.

"If you want to make yourself useful, how about you remove your hands from my body before I fucking kiss you by force," he said huskily.

I quickly dropped my dress and covered my mouth.

He looked at me with a smirk then chuckled softly.

"You have never kissed anyone before have you?" He asked.

I wanted to point my finger at him and laugh like crazy calling him a fool but I couldn't, something in me was more than willing to tell him the truth.

"No," I murmured.

"What?" He asked.

I dropped my hands then shook my head.

"What's with shaking your head, are you dumb?" He asked, as I angrily glared at him.

"I said no asshole, what's with you pissing me off?" I asked loudly then whined in pain when he pinched my lips.

"You are getting too comfortable around me rude girl, I'm your master, should I remind you with my body," he asked as I fell down dramatically.

"What the hell are you doing!" He asked in a low growl.

"I'm sorry master, please forgive me," I said while faking the crying.

"Sure, I will after you tell me if you are innocent or not," he answered.

I looked at him then frowned.

What did he mean, did he think I was a thief or some bad girl just because I was disrespectful to him.

"Oh no, I'm not thinking that you are a girl or thief in any way," he answered as I gasped loudly.

"Can you read minds?" I asked in shock.

"Yes," he answered as I quickly stood up.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, I heard all the bad names you called me, how can you even go as far as cursing on me," he said.

I bite my lower lip nervously and felt guilty.

"You also called me a fucking sadist," he said.

I pointed a finger at him furiously.

"You are a liar!" I yelled.

He laughed loudly, all my anger vanished, he had the most beautiful laughter I had ever heard before.

"It was easy to trick you because you are stupid, I saw it written all over your face how you misunderstood me, that's why I took advantage of the situation," he said between laughter.

I laughed Softly then held his hand.

"I guess I'm stupid," I whispered.

He stopped laughing then looked at my hand on his, he angrily pushed it away and walked out of the room furiously.

I looked at the door in shock at how upset he was, not a second ago we were laughing and seemed to be on the same page despite arguing

over stupid things, but now he was pushing me away like we didn't share a connection.

As it was I didn't want to cry or feel bad over his treatment, dealing with my mother's condition was breaking me down every day slowly by slowly. I wasn't going to let him contribute to that no matter what.