

Emily grew up in a great family with a loving father. But everything changed when he past away and left them in debt, her mother worked hard to provide for them with food but sadly got admitted due to a heart problem. As much as it hurt, Emily knew she had to push her limits and take care of her mother, she needed a job and the only job that would pay well was being a maid in the price family. A family that had mysteries and secrets. She hated to work there but what drew her more to the place was Jason Price, he was cold and always grumpy, but also very handsome. And kind when he felt like, to her he was the man she was secretly in love with. But something felt weird, every night of the full moon they all would lock themselves up, and Jason went as far as to threaten Emily to stay away, she wanted to, but her curiosity couldn't let her, so she went and took a peek in that same room at the night of the full moon. What I saw completely changed my life forever.

Kathrine_Kayz · Teen
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6 Chs

3. Black wolf

                        Emily's p.o.v

"Mate, what does it mean?" I asked in a whisper.

"Nothing, you said you wanted a job right?" He asked back.

"Well yes," I answered quickly.

"You are hired," he said as I frowned.

"I am?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, Rhoyda is the one that has decided to hire you," he answered then dropped his hand.

I bite my lower lip and chewed on it, the beautiful tingles I was feeling completely stopped and was replaced by a cold shiver, I hated to admit it but I really wanted his hand back on my skin, it felt so warm and comforting.

"Thank you, sir," I said softly then held his hand in mine and smiled when the tingles erupted again.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a low growl that scared me a little.

I quickly dropped my hand and faced the ground.

"I'm sorry sir," I whispered.

"Call me Jason," he commanded.

"Jason," I whispered his name a few times.

"Your name suits you," I said with a smile then looked at him.

His eyes were darker than they were a few seconds ago, I shifted a bit uncomfortably and tried to look elsewhere but I couldn't. I was suppose to be scared of the fact that his eyes had literally changed from his beautiful usual colour to a dark red, but for some reason, I wasn't.

Looking at him made me feel relaxed and calm.

"Jason!" Rhoyda called loudly startling me.

He turned and faced her then groaned loudly.

"What," he answered.

"Won't you let her come in now?" She asked.

"Whatever," he said then walked inside the house leaving me behind.

"What are you waiting for?, Come on already," she said loudly.

I walked to the door slowly while thinking of what I had to say so that she could let me go back to my place and pack a few things.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I looked at her speechlessly, how on earth did she know that I was hesitant to go in when I wasn't even showing it.

"Since I'm going to be a live in maid, I wanted to go back home and pack a few things, also to say goodbye to my mother," I answered.

"Hey, I know that we are strangers, but feel free to ask me anything, you can go back home and return in an hour or so if you really can't make it or you are afraid of the dark then please don't come back until the next day," she said.

"Thank you so much," I answered happily.

"Now go," she said.

I was about to move when Jason came out of the mansion looking more handsome than before, he was in a white shirt and black trousers, his hair was scruffy in a sexy way.

"And where are you going?" Rhoyda asked while looking at him from head to toe.

"It's none of your business," he answered then turned and walked ahead slowly.

"I'll take my leave too," I said then quickly rushed to him, I caught up with him and walked by his side.

He was quiet and didn't even try to look my way, it felt awkward that we were going to the same place but couldn't even talk about anything, I cleared my throat then took in a deep breath and released it.

"So are you going to do something in town?" I asked.

"No," he answered coldly.

I kept quiet for a minute then smiled, my heart picked and beat wildly, the thought of him escorting me was a little too much but that's all I could think about.

"Are you perhaps escorting me?" I asked.

He looked at me then glared.

"Are you always this annoying?" He asked.

I folded my hands in fists, his words weren't suppose to affect me in any way but they did, I was hurt and sad, I picked up my pace and walked ahead quickly.

"Such an ass," I murmured under my breath.

"I have heard that you damn brat," he answered loudly.

I stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"I'm not a brat sir," I answered angrily.

"Really, my bad. Then how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 19 years old," I answered seriously.

"Still a brat," he said then walked past me.

"Stay calm Emily, you really need the job," I whispered to myself then began walking again.

"I still can't believe this, I'm mated to a small girl, what were you thinking moon goddess," he said softly.

I didn't know if I was suppose to ask him what he meant or not. I didn't want us to argue or exchange bad words so I kept quiet and walked with him until we reached the town.

"Well sir, this is where we part ways I think, I'm going through that alley on my left because it is the only short cut to home I know of," I said.

He just turned without a word and walked away.

"Jerk," I whispered then walked to the alley, it wasn't that dark but it was very quiet. I knew it was dangerous too but I wanted to quickly get home and take a bath then go to the hospital and spend a night by mother's side.

"We have one girl," a loud voice said ahead, I quickly turned to go back but stopped when I noticed two men approaching me, I quickly turned back again and saw three men in front, one of them had a gun.

"Hi sweetheart, what are you doing here all alone?" The man with the gun asked.

"What do you want?" I asked in fear.

"Isn't it obvious," he answered as two of the men who were behind me held both of my hands, I struggled to be set free but their grip couldn't barge.

"Let me go!" I screamed loudly.

"Shut up!" The man with the gun yelled while pointing the gun at me.

I quickly kept quiet and stopped struggling.

"That's more like it, now take her to the back room," he instructed.

My eyes were filled with tears and the only person I could think about was Jason.

They were about to push me to walk when we heard a loud vicious growl that sounded feral and shook the place, we all quickly turned and looked behind, that's when we saw it, a black big wolf with red e

yes, it was slowly approaching us as it's growl grew louder.