
Wedding drama

And he smiled at me, and suddenly I have forgotten how to speak.

"Are you okay? That was quite a fall," he said sexily.

"Hnddgh." I mumbled.                               

He grinned and scooped me up in his arms, and there was this strange tingling feeling everywhere. Everywhere. He had a Mahican cut and scythe-shaped eyebrows. His Roman nose and half-dome cheekbones sat above an oaken jaw.

His wrestler’s shoulders were part of his burly physique. He walked with a tiger-like tread, and his jade-green eyes twinkled. They were Saturn's round. His bass voice was a big part of his ambitious character.

He was wearing an expensive white suit with a red handkerchief neatly placed in the pocket. His spicy aroma was appealing, I need to stop admiring this man, I have a boyfriend, snap out of it Daisy, I scold myself.

He glared at his bride. 

"Sofia, apologize to her!" he snapped. And all the guests turn to us.

She gnashed her teeth and looked at me, I know, as a matter of fact, that saying sorry wasn’t on her agenda. She walked away with her eyes burning with fury, and he turned back to me.

"I am Raymond Kingston. What’s your name." he inquired.

"Bincigkaddd sligjg." I couldn’t make up a word of what I was saying, I couldn’t speak.

He wanted to say something when a man dressed in a suit ran up to us. 

"Sir, your dad, wants to see you." He stated, and Raymond looked around and looked back at the man.

"Where is he?" he inquired 

"He is in his room." The man replied, and he walked away with him.

He is so handsome and dreamy, snap out of it girl you love Chris don’t you. I scold myself. My gaze landed on Richard, who was staring at me.

"Where can I find the bathroom?" I inquired 

"Come with me, I will show you the way." He said, leaving the girls and I walk away with him.

                                                              Author’s POV

Raymond walked up the stairs with his bodyguard and arrived in front of his dad’s room with two bodyguards standing at the side. 

"Stay here. " He told Mr. Josh and walked into the room.

Mr. Kingston was sitting on the bed.                    

"Dad, I heard you called for me." He stated, and Mr. Kingston looked up at him. 

"Why do you have to show the world, that you are not happy with his marriage?" He inquired, his eyebrows slightly raised. 

"I don’t know how to pretend and you know that," he replied, folding his hand.

"Is that why you disgraced Sofia, in front of the guests today!" He half yelled.

"I didn’t disgrace her dad. We were all trying to save ourselves," Raymond muttered. 

"Trying to save yourself, and Sofia told me that, you always treat her badly." He added.

"How does she expect me to treat her, with love or what?" He said, lifting his upper lip in disgust. 

Mr. Kingston stood up from the chair and glared into Raymond’s eyes. 

"Yes, treat her with love." He stated in a deep voice.

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