
Christmas Wedding 2

Raymond ran and saved himself, leaving Sofia, who wobbled and hit the wedding cake, which had Christmas decorations, and the cake flew and landed on the floor, Sofia fell with a thud on her backside and the bridesmaid ran to her. Raymond stood at the corner, dusting his clothes and appearing unconcerned.

And the announcer moved to the front of the hall.

"Guys, sorry for the inconvenience. We will start the wedding in an hour's time." He declared. 

"It looks like destiny is against this wedding." Raymond remarked.                                                                 

                                                              Daisy’s POV

"Hahaha." This is what I call a wedding disaster, and the groom didn’t even care to help his bride. He was so heartless and selfish, I beamed, looking at the camera as if I captured the moment.

I retraced my steps to the table. I dropped my bag and eyed a handsome guy sitting at the table with two girls. He had blonde hair and his green eyes were sparkling as he laughed continuously with the girls, I know, as a matter of fact, that he is Richard Kingston, the model of the family. He was younger than me, and I always admire him on magazine covers. I never

knew I would have the privilege of seeing him one day, much less being in one room with him. I walked to the table, which was filled with drinks and beverages and lavender-scented candles. And then the DJ started playing Christmas classics. The hall was full of beautiful ladies, elegantly dressed, chatting and dancing with their partners. I am tasty so

, I try to take a bottle of water from the table, trying my best not to look up at him. 

"Take pictures of us." One of the girls said, giving him a light kiss on the cheek, I started taking pictures of them as he put his hand all over their bodies. He is indeed a playboy. I thought lifting my upper lip in disgust.

"Let me see the pictures." One of the girls stated.                

“Wait, I will show you, " I assured and took a bottle of water from the table and opened it, I started drinking the water, and someone bumped into me and spilled a glass of champagne on my dress. I frowned and looked at the person and it was the bride, I dropped the camera on the table and started dusting my dress.

She didn’t even open her mouth to tell me sorry, she was just staring at me. This is how rich people behave. They don’t know how to apologize; if I was not here for work or it wasn’t her wedding, I would have given her a piece of my mind. I try to walk away and trip over my sparkly dress before I hit the floor, a pair of strong arms catch me.

"Be careful," he mumbled.


It is, without doubt, the sexiest way someone has told me to be careful in my whole life. I look up into the face of the most attractive man I have ever seen. Obsidian hair, jade-green eyes, perfectly chiseled cheekbones, and designer stubble. I’m blushing just looking at him. Although he was the groom....



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