
Trying to escape

"Who is it?" Raymond asked in almost a whisper.

"It’s the bodyguards." He replied, and his eyes widened.

"Go hide, they are trying to break down the door." Mr. Josh stated, and Raymond ran into the bathroom and ran out. He looked outside the window and sighed. And the bodyguards started hitting the door continuously.

Raymond knew they would walk in any moment from now, so he hid under the bed, immediately. 

And the door burst open with two bodyguards who were well built with a broad chest, wearing black suits and glasses.

"Where is Mr. Raymond?" One of them inquired, looking at Mr. Josh.

"He is not here, I swear." Mr. Josh said, putting up his hand, and they ignored him and started searching for the house. 

"It seems you are right." One of them said they were walking towards the window when Raymond stretched his legs under the bed. The bodyguard in the window wanted to go when he stubbled over Raymond’s feet. And he looks back immediately. 

"He is under the bed!!" he yelled. And the other bodyguard ran to the bed. 

He held Raymond’s leg and dragged him out of the bed. Raymond smiled at him, and Mr. Josh hit the bodyguard on the head with a vase. He opened his eyes wide and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

The other bodyguard attacked Raymond, and Raymond grabbed the bed-sheet and tossed it to him, and it covered his face. He ran outside the villa with Mr. Josh and got into the car, driving away as the bodyguard ran after them. 

Daisy arrived at home and walked to her mother, who was sitting on the couch and hugs her, tightly. 

"Good evening, mum. How was your day." She asked, sitting next to her on the couch and grabbing a cookie off the table, putting it in her mouth.

"It was boring, just sitting at home and watching Christmas movies about Christmas," she replied, and they both heard the sound of the doorbell. 

Daisy squealed and ran to open the door. She opened the door and her eyes landed on a man in his thirties. He was wearing a shirt with pants and had a bouquet of rose flowers in his hand.

his hair was stylishly parked, and a pair of red ice skates were in his left hand. She ran into his arms and hugged him tightly, closing her eyes with her hands wrapped around his waist. 

"Merry Christmas, baby." He murmured and she pulled back from the hug and he scanned her with his eyes. She took the flower from him, sniffing it.

"You look stunning, baby. Did you dress like this for me?" he inquired, looking at her ball gown. And she rolled her eyes.

"It’s Christmas and I went to a wedding," she beamed. 

"No wonder you look stunning, Daisy. I know you don’t dress like this." He declared, and she scrunched up her face.

 "What are you trying to say?" She stated, with pouted lips.

"That you look good in anything you wear." He beamed, smiling from ear to ear.