
Ice skating

"Come inside, let me change into something else." She said she led him into the house.

"Why do you want to change?" he inquired.

"Because we  are going outside and it’s not appropriate to skate in a ball gown, do you want me to freeze to death." She asked, raising questioning eyebrows, and he nodded negatively and gazed at Mrs. Louis on the couch.

"Merry Christmas, mum," he beamed, giving her a light kiss on the cheek, and she pulled him to sit on the couch.

"You have been dating my daughter for a long time now. Don’t you think, it’s high time you settled down with her." Mrs. Louis stated, looking keenly at him, and he looked away, avoiding her gaze.

"Don't worry, mum; we'll have a grand wedding." He assured.

"That’s what you told me last year." She made a muttered remark.

"I assure you that this year is different….." he said and paused as he hear his voice coming from her phone.

"We will get married in a grand style. This year will be different." That was the sound from her phone and his face flushed, he tries to say something and Daisy walked down the stairs wearing a leotard or bodysuit that looked like a swimsuit and a scarf wrapped around her neck and an ice skate on her left hand. He stood up from the couch immediately and ran to Daisy. 

"Let’s go, babe," he said, leading her outside the house. She was weirdly looking at him, wondering why he was in a hurry.

They both walked outside the house, and he sighed and looked at her.

"Did my mum, make you feel uncomfortable?" she inquired.        

"No, she didn’t do anything." He said stopping a taxi with his hand.

And they both enter the taxi and arrived at a spectacular skating rink, with a lot of couples skating. Chris brought out two pairs of gloves from his pocket and put them on Daisy. She smiled, and they both get down on their knees to put on the ice stake and finish tying their ice skate lace.

and glide across the ice with beaming smiles and interlaced hands. Chris's movements are mirrored by Daisy's as their muscles meet with grace. Chris grabbed Daisy’s hand and spun her around on her feet. He pulled her in by one leg and swung her around by both feet. She smiled from ear to ear and they both start skating around the rink slowly. 

They both got tired and rested in a chair outside the skating rink. 

Suddenly the flamboyant fireworks display illuminated, the many revelers dancing on the skating rink. The colours were so bright it almost felt like daylight.

It was quite dazzling to watch as some of the fireworks shot straight up before exploding, while others quickly shattered into thousands of sparks.

The impressive display of fireworks made their jaws drop. It was an unforgettable sight as they exploded in the sky and filled it with colours and light, Daisy was smiling from ear to ear as she took her phone from her bag trying to capture the amazing fireworks, it was magnificent. 

Rate and review my lovely readers, you can also read LUCIFER'S HUMAN BRIDE by the same author.