
Left at the altar

"Hmm, so Miss Sofia was left at the altar, although she was boasting of her wedding yesterday at the beautiful saloon." A model muttered.


"She deserves it. Now she has a baggage, she can’t badmouth me anymore." Another one added.


"Daisy, what really happened? I know the media tends to spread fake news sometimes." Mrs. Jennifer said, looking keenly at me.


"It’s not fake news, it’s the truth. He left her at the altar." I replied.


"OMG, anyway, they have already paid for the picture." She said, and I walked to my desk. I was going through the pictures when my phone rang.


 I picked up my phone from the desk and put it in my ear without looking at the caller.


"Merry Christmas, Babe." The person stated, "I knew it was my boyfriend, Chris, and I frowned.


"You haven’t called me since the morning, and you are calling me now." I whined.


"I am sorry babe, I had a lot of work to do." He protested


"So work is more important than me?" I inquired, my eyebrows slightly raised.


"No, it’s not what you think, I will make it up to you, tonight." He declared.


"So is it a date?" I inquired.


"Yes, it is. See you later." He beamed.


"Alright, bye kisses." I muttered, smiling from ear to ear. Then he hung up. That was rude. He didn’t even return the kisses.


I choose the pictures, I will print them from the millions of pictures I took at the wedding and walk to assist my boss with the models.


                                                              Raymond’s POV


Who does my dad think he is, he thinks he can control my life. I am 30 years old for Christ's sake, I stepped out of my car as the snowflakes started landing on my body. It was cold. Mr. Josh walked out of the car and stood behind me. Christmas was supposed to be the most beautiful time of the year. But my parents ruined it, by arranging my marriage to Sofia on Christmas Day. Who gave them the right to do such things? Is it because I am still leaving with them.


I walked into my villa with Mr. Josh and he shut the door behind me. Let me rest here for the next few hours before they find me, I have no intentions of going back home, because they will want to blackmail me into getting married to Sofia, the one person I will never think of getting married to.


I walked into my villa and fell on my bed like an anvil, I am never going to marry that bitch, I have to hide my identity to stay away from home. I drifted to sleep.


                                                                    Author’s POV


Suddenly, Raymond started hearing the sound of the door. The person at the other end was banging it so hard, his eyebrows were rising and falling. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Mr. Josh looking through the spy hole of the door.

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