
The reward

"No, no dad, I can’t get married to her." He yelled and dashed away.


In the hotel room, Raymond was sleeping comfortably on the bed when his phone rang. Mr. Josh was sleeping on the couch covered with a  blue blanket.

The phone continued ringing, and Mr. Josh opened his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

Raymond opened his eyes and sat up on the bed. He took his phone from the drawer and looked at the caller. It was Sofia.

"What does this freak want from me, and who gave her my number." He muttered, asking no one, in particular. He cut the call, and she called back. He looked at the phone, and threw it out the window, smashing through the glass of the window and some glass particles landed on the floor.

"Sir, aren’t you planning to go back home?" Mr. Josh asks

"Do I look like I am planning to go back?" he inquired, and Mr. Josh nods negatively.

"There you have it," Raymond said, getting up from the bed.

"But sir, they will still find you sooner or later. You can stay away from home and your company." He stated.

"Who says I can’t stay away from my company?" Raymond asked, raising eyebrows in question.

"You can, but, what will you be doing, living in this five-star hotel your entire life." Mr. Josh said, avoiding his gaze.  

Raymond opened his mouth to say something when the TV came on. And they both turn their eyes to the TV

On TV, Mr. Kingston was being interviewed by the press.

"Mr. Kingston, what would you like to say made your son run away from home?" the reporter inquired.

"I don’t know, but I have a message to pass across, Raymond, where ever you are, if you are watching this, come back home, or I will find you, and if I find you, you know that’s deadly." He stated, with his eyes burning with fury.

"What is this old man saying," Raymond asked, trying to take the remote from the table when they saw a big bag of money on the TV screen.

"Anyone who finds my son will be awarded 30 million dollars and a Lamborghini." Mr. Kingston said, and Raymond's eyes widened. He switched off the TV immediately and looked at Mr. Josh.

"This is fucked up. Why does my dad have to go to extreme measures for me to get married to Sofia," Raymond stated.

"Sir, we can’t stay here any longer. People will be trying to find you and, since we are at a hotel, we can’t save here…. Mr. Josh didn’t complete his sentence when they heard a knock on the door.

"You see? People are already on to us. " Mr. Josh added, and he moved slowly to the door. He snooped through the spy hole on the door and turned to Raymond. He twisted the doorknob and opened the door. Raymond buried his head in the pillow quickly.

A waitress walked-in