
Mad parents

A waitress walked in carrying a food cart. She walked inside and started arranging the food on the table while stealing a glance at Raymond, who buried his head on the pillow.

"What’s wrong with him." She asked, looking at Mr. Josh.

"That’s none of your business, just drop the food and get out!" He stated coldly, and she dropped the different varieties of food on the table and walked out.

"Sir, we need to leave real quick, before the hotel snitches on us for the money." Mr. Josh muttered, and Raymond lifted his head and looked at him.

"I can’t go out looking like this. People will recognize me easily." He declared.

"Sir, what should I go get you something to disguise yourself with." Mr. Josh stated and walked outside the room.

                                                                              Raymond's Point of View

I walked to the door and close it quickly. I can’t believe my dad can be this mad. He wants me to get married to Sofia, as if he will be the one living with her. Why doesn’t he marry her, I will just have to disguise myself to be free in this city. Maybe I can find true love and not those gold diggers who are lurking around me all day. I will miss my mum though, but this is a step to planning my future myself, I know as a matter of fact that if I get married to Sofia, our marriage won’t last.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped naked, I switch on the shower and start bathing. How I miss the fresh scent of my bathroom.

                                                                                Richard's Point of View

My parents have gone nuts, They are forcing Raymond to get married to that stupid Sofia. I wonder which magic spell she has cast on them, or if this is just one of my dad’s business deals. I hope Chelsea has come back from her Christmas holiday. I miss her so much, especially her warm kisses on my face. She just knows how to handle me.

I try to take my phone from the drawer to call her when my assistant walked in.

"Sir, you have three appointments today. You have to take a picture for Awesome magazine and see the other clients for the theme of the photoshoot," he stated 

I was about to answer him when my phone rang. I looked at the caller and it was Chelsea. It seems she is back. I smiled widely and pick up the call immediately.

"Hello baby, How are you? Are you back?" I ask

"Baby chill, one question at a time." She beamed.

"Alright, are you back?" I inquired.

"Yes, I am back and I need you right now." She muttered in a sweet tone.

"I am sorry baby, I have appointments, I will see you later in the evening," I muttered.

"I was going to say, let's have sex, but since you are busy, it’s okay." She said in a soft voice. Hearing this, my heart struggled to come out of my chest. I know how much I miss her touch.


                                                                           Note from the Author

Guys, please chill. Bear with me, I am posting two chapters a day. It's for the competition. I promise I will post daily and complete the story.

Rate and review remember five stars to make me happy. Thanks to my lovely readers.