
24 hours

"I am here to ask you, why you can’t control your son. He made us lose a lot of money yesterday and in business deals." Mr. Marcus stated. 

"I am sorry for the inconvenience, and I can assure you that I will get Raymond back home and he will get married to your daughter." Mr. Kingston said calmly 

"What do you mean by inconvenience, I want your son to get his ass back here now and rectify his mistake." Mr. Marcus stated, with a rumbling voice.

"I assure you that I will get him back home." Mr. Kingston is certain.

"I give you 24 hours to bring your son back home, or else I will take the matter into my hand." Mr. Marcus declared.

"24 hours is too soon. What about till tomorrow."

"No, I want him to come back tomorrow. Do you know the humiliation my daughter has to go through because of him?" He asked, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"I know and I am sorry." Mr. Kingston said

"You are sorry. Sorry is not going to solve his problem. Bring your son back home before today comes to an end." Mr. Marcus said, standing behind the chair.

"I will take my leave now, I don’t want excuses." He shrugged and started walking outside the house, and Sofia ran after him.

Mr. Kingston put his head down and put his hand on his face and felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He looked up and it was Mrs. Kingston.

"Darling, calm down. I am pretty sure, Raymond will come back home." She assured.

"Isn't this what you said to me yesterday, and he's still not here?" he exclaimed.

"I have tried calling him, but he is not picking up his calls. Maybe he just needs to clear his head. I know he can’t go against us." She made a muttered remark.

"He can’t go against us? Isn’t that what he is doing?"  he asked, and a huge bodyguard runs to him and bows his head.

"Call a press conference, I have something I need to announce." He declared, and the bodyguard ran away swiftly.

Richard walked down the stairs wearing a white t-shirt and sports tracks.          

"I was hearing a lot of noise. Who was that yelling this early in the morning." He inquired, and Mrs. Kingston turned to him.

"It was Mr. Marcus. He was furious. You see the mess your brother has put us in?" She stated he walked over to her and looked keenly at her.

"Don’t you guys think he is right? He has the right to choose who he wants to marry. This is the twenty-first-century people, not the time you people do arrange marriages." He stated, and Mr. Kingston stood up from the couch and glared at him. He gulped and stepped back briefly.

"Seeing the way you speak, I think you should be the one getting married to Sofia." Mr. Kingston declared, and Richard and Mrs. Kingston's jaws dropped. They were shocked by what he had just said.

What do you guys think Mr. Kingston has to tell the press?

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