
The house

"Who told you I was booked? He assured me that he would get married to me," Gwen said, and Daisy started laughing annoyingly. 

"Married when?" Daisy asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Very soon," she replied.                          

"Very soon, I thought you guys had already chosen the day of the wedding." Mrs. Louis remarked, and Gwen's face flushed. 

"You see, you aren’t sure about your wedding yet, so you have no right to judge me. You are not God," Daisy said, glaring at her, and Gwen clenched her fist and started walking out of the house. 

"Yes, go, no one needs you here!!" Daisy snapped.

"Daisy, that was too harsh." Mrs. Louis added. 

"It’s not harsh. She said she is my friend, but she is not acting like one," Daisy stated with pouted lips. 

Raymond and Mr. Josh walked into the house, and Mrs. Josh stopped in front of a door, bringing out his key. Raymond was looking around. 

"All this poor people suffer, just look at the way this place is," Raymond muttered as he looked around and noticed a spider on the wall. 

"Spider!!! He yelled at the top of his lungs and jumped on Mr. Josh's back. 

"Sir, you need to get a grip on yourself. This is just the beginning." Mr. Josh muttered with an evil grin while Raymond was still hanging on his back. 

"What do you mean by that?" Raymond inquired, looking around, frightened with sweat forming on his forehead. 

"The spider is gone." Mr. Josh assured Raymond looked around and jumped down. He started looking around the place. There were patches of damp mold creeping up the walls, and the floorboards were uneven and creaky. 

"I can’t believe I will be living here." He muttered, and Mr. Josh opened the door.

The door opened with a resounding echo that seemed to fill the house. Cobwebs once attached flowed freely in the air as the open door brought light to a well-worn floor. The light gave notice to the peeling paint on the walls and the silhouettes once covered by pictures. The new air gave a lift to the stuffiness that entrapped the room.

Faded and torn white sheets covered the furniture; now dusting is the only solution. 

Raymond started coughing continuously. Mr. Josh gave him a handkerchief to close his nose with. 

"I have ordered some furniture, but they will deliver it tomorrow since it’s already late." Mr. Josh stated. 

"So what do we do now? We need a place to sleep," Raymond stated, struggling to talk while holding the handkerchief to his nose.

"We clean up and sleep here, I already bought a mat." Mr. Josh declared, and Raymond opened his eyes wide. 

"What? You want me to sleep on the floor with my million dollar body in this small apartment that my bathroom back at home is times three of?" he asked bluntly. 

"Yes sir, what choice do we have?" Mr. Josh asked and put his hand in his pocket and brought out two pairs of hand gloves. He handed one to Raymond. 

Raymond frowned and took the gloves from him.