

"When has my life come to this, that I have to clean up for the first time in my life." Raymond lamented, and Mr. Josh handed him a duster and put on a blue face mask, hanging it in his ear. 

Raymond looked at him and stretched his hand towards him. 

"What?" Mr. Josh inquired, staring at his hand.      

"Give me a face mask, will you." He commanded.

"Sir, this is the last one." He complained, and Raymond snatched the face mask from his face and put it on. 

"I am your boss." He stated, and Mr. Josh looked at him and started removing the cobwebs while Raymond mirrored his actions. Cleaning with him. 

At Kingston's residence,

Mrs. Kingston sat with Richard, waiting for him to talk to her.

He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and turned to her.

"Mum Chelsea broke up with me." He said amidst tears.

"Is this why you are crying like a baby? Breakups are part of life." She muttered

"I can’t accept it, mum, I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." He muttered.

"Son, some things are not meant to be, I want you to get yourself together and look for another girl who will make you happy. Chelsea doesn’t deserve your love," she assured. 

"I can’t think of going to see someone else. She is the one I love and I can’t live without her." He stated and Mr. Kingston rushed into the room, catching their attention. They both stared at him.

"What did you just say?" Mr. Kingston asked with his voice slightly raised.

"I can’t live without her dad. I love her." He muttered and Mr. Kingston gave him a resounding slap across the face, Richard was shocked. He held his face and looked at his dad with tears in his eyes threatening to come out.

"When there are a lot of beautiful girls around the world, you want to kill yourself for a useless girl." He stated, and Richard stood up from the bed and glared at him.

"Chelsea is not useless, dad." He defended with his lips pursed tightly together. 

"If I hear Chelsea in your mouth one more time, I will cut off your lips." Mr. Kingston said, clenching his fist. 

"Dad, I love Chelsea." He said, and Mr. Kingston slapped him hard across the face. 

"What do you know about love, I was getting worried that my son nearly died and here you are talking about a girl. You are better than this." Mr. Kingston said, his eyes burning with fury. 

 Richard opened his mouth to say something when Mrs. Kingston grabbed his hand and shook her head, telling him not to say anything. 

"Dad I don’t care if I am acting selfish, but Chelsea is the girl of….. Mr. Kingston raised his hand to him without letting him complete his sentence. And Mrs. Kingston held his hand.

"Darling, please, it’s enough. You have hit him more than enough now." Mrs. Kingston begged.