

She dropped the fork into the pasta. 

"Who could that be? I hope it’s not that broken boyfriend of yours." Mrs. Louis muttered, and Daisy glared at her.

"Why do you guys keep calling Chris broke." She lamented and walked to the door. She opened the door and her gaze landed on Gwen.

"Hi," Gwen beamed with a toothy smile, and Daisy let go of the door and started walking into the house, Gwen followed behind her.

"Good evening, ma'am." Mrs. Louise was greeted by Gwen.

Daisy rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch and started eating the pasta like a hungry lion. 

"No wonder you acted that way, I forgot that you are a foodie." Gwen teased.

Sitting next to Mrs. Louis on the couch. 

"Adjust," Gwen said, forcing her way into the couch.

"So Daisy" How was your Christmas? " Gwen inquired, and Daisy didn’t answer. She was busy eating her food without looking in her direction. 

"Her Christmas was fun. She went out with Chris." Mr. Louis said, rolling her eyes. 

"My Christmas was so good, my boyfriend proposed to me on Christmas Day," Gwen said flaunting the diamond ring in her hand and Daisy and Mrs. Louis's jaw dropped as they sighted the diamond it was big and sparkling. 

"Your boyfriend must be rich." Mrs. Louis remarks, looking at Daisy with side eyes, Daisy quickly avoided her gaze and continued eating her food. 

"Look at the video It was magical, " Gwen said, bringing out her phone from her pocket. She put a video on her phone, and Mrs. Louis lent her phone to watch the video.

"We know your boyfriend proposed to you. You don’t have to rub it in my face," Daisy said, glaring at her. 

"I am just happy. Aren’t you happy for me?" Gwen inquired. 

"Happy, yes I am happy for you," Daisy mumbled with her eyebrows lowered and pulled together. She finished eating and carried her plate from the table and started walking away. 

"You see, this is what I call a boyfriend, I am so happy for you, my dear. I have told Daisy to start taking care of herself and look for another man, but she refused to listen." Mrs. Louis commented. 

"I thought I was the only one seeing that Chris is just using her to pass time," Gwen remarked 

"I want you to talk to Daisy for me so she will think of her future from now on." Mrs. Louis muttered. 

"Who told you guys that I am not thinking about my future?" Daisy said, standing in front of them with her hand on her waist. 

"We didn’t say you weren’t thinking about your future, but….Gwen was about to complete her sentence when Daisy interrupted her. 

"Just because you are engaged that doesn’t mean you can think of your future with him, you are just booked he can break up with you anytime he wants," Daisy stated coldly and Gwen's face flushed as she was taken aback by what Daisy had just said: she hadn't considered it.

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