

"I hate men chewing gum." He said and walked away.  Richard wanted to ask about Chelsea’s boyfriend. But he pulled back and started walking out of the house when Dave approached him

"Sir, you are not supposed to be going out late, you have photos to shoot early tomorrow." He informed.

Richard glared at him.

"Get out!!" he yelled, and he walked away. and bump into Mrs. Kingston.

Richard stared at his mother and walked out of the house, ignoring her call.

"Where is he going so late?" she asked, looking at Dave.

"I don’t know, ever since his girlfriend broke his heart, he has been treating me like cow shit." He muttered, staring at her.

"Don’t mind him," she muttered, and started walking to the dining table.

Raymond was waiting for Daisy to finish taking pictures of the model because it was getting quite late. He didn’t know he would have to work so late into the night.

He glanced at his wrist watch and yawned. And Daisy dropped the camera on the table.

The model walked up to her and handed her a bunch of dollars. Daisy took it from her and smiled widely at her, walking to her desk as Raymond watched the model go.

"So how much is my salary?" Raymond inquired, staring at her.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that it’s 2,000 dollars a month." She replied.

"What! That’s too small, am I doing charity work?" he asked bluntly.

"Calm down, I promise you the money is more than any other company can pay you in this area." She muttered, and he screwed up his face.

"So can I go home?" he inquired.

"Wait, let me write the sells." She said this while writing on a note on the desk and Raymond began walking outside.

Daisy put the note in her drawer and walked after him. She stared at his trousers.

"So you have brought a new trouser?" she inquired.

closing the door of the shop.

"Yes, do you expect me to wear that all day?" he asked bluntly.

"No," she smirked as she shut the door.And lock the key when her phone rang.

Raymond looked around and stopped a taxi.

"Hello." she muttered.

"Babe, I am in nightclub 101. Come, I am expecting you." Chris beamed.

"I can’t come. My work is just closed for today. Do you expect me to come? My mum will kill me if I don’t go back home today. " Daisy muttered.

"Don’t worry babe, you will go back home. We are not spending the whole night in the club." He assured.

"But…he cut in.                                                 

"Come, I will be waiting." He said and hung up.

Daisy looked at Raymond. He was already in a taxi, waiting for her.

"Aren’t you going?" he asked, staring at her.

"We are not going in the same direction." She muttered, staring at him.

"Okay." He shrugged and closed the door of the taxi. The taxi drove off.

Daisy stood in front of the shop looking for a taxi.

Club madness coming right up stay tuned.