
Drug dealers 2

"So you are here." The man said, and his men stepped forward and stood beside him.


"Yes, and where can I find my son? Tell me and I will give you the money." Mr. Kingston said, frightened with his leg wobbling. The man noticed it and smiled evilly.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to tell you where your son is, did I?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and reaching out a hand to Mr. Kingston.

Mr. Kingston stared at his hand and looked at him.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"The briefcase dummy." One of the men said, flaunting his gun, Mr. Kingston gulped and gave him the briefcase.

He opened the briefcase and a smile curved on his face. He closed the briefcase and handed it to one of his men.

"So-so, where is my son?" Mr. Kingston stutters, with his lips trembling as he looked at their guns.

"Give me the package?" The man said, extending his hands to one of his men, and they handed him an envelope.  

He handed the envelope to Mr. Kingston. Mr. Kingston was about to open the envelope when he fired his gun into the air.

"I am sorry you can’t open it here." He muttered, and Mr. Kingston narrowed his eyes at him and started looking around for his driver.

"What are you looking for? Go, or don’t tell me you brought the police." The man said, with a rumbling voice.

"No, I was just looking for my driver." He replied by looking around.

"Get going, old hag." The man said while pointing a gun at his head. Mr. Kingston becomes frightened with sweat forming on his forehead and lifted his hand in the air.

Mr. Kingston quickly opened his car and walked in. He started the engine and started driving away as the driver called out to him, running after the car.

"Sir! Sir, wait up! He yelled running after Mr. Kingston, and he stopped the car and waited for the driver to catch up to him.

The driver walked to the car and smiled nervously at Mr. Kingston, Mr. Kingston slapped him across the face.

"So you know how the people are and you still allowed me to come here!!" he snapped at the driver.

"I tried to warn you, but you still insisted on coming." He replied, holding his face.

"Get in the car." Mr. Kingston commanded and drive away at great speed.

He arrived home and bumped into Richard at the door. He was wearing a bad boy outfit.  He was chewing gum while wearing a stylish leather jacket, leather pants, and knee-high boots, and his hair was styled in a bad boy way. Seeing his outfit reminded Mr. Kingston of the gangster he had just encountered.

"Where the heck are you going?" he asked bluntly.

"I am going out." He muttered, chewing gum so loudly. Mr. Kingston glared at him and slapped him hard across the face, and the chewing gum fell out of his mouth and landed on the floor.