
Night club 101

She started walking down the road when she spotted a taxi parked on the roadside.

She ran and entered the taxi, the taxi driver was smoking in the front seat. Daisy put a handkerchief in her nose and stared at him.

"Take me to nightclub 101." She declared.

"Madam, can’t you see I am off duty." He stated.

"I will pay you any amount, just go and please stop smoking." She remarked, and he threw the cigarette out, ignited the engine, and drove away.


The beat is vibrating off the walls as Richard entered the admission doors; the crowd is out in force and ready to party. The drinks are flowing across the tables just as fast as the bartenders can make them, the conversation is loud, and patriots are struggling to hear over the thumping music, and the dance floor is filled with sweaty bodies swaying to the beat. To the naked eye, this has the makings of success.

   Richard’s POV

There was a live band on stage playing upbeat music.

I personally find excitement in dance clubs and dance music. I find dance clubs, with large crowds of young people, usually eighteen years of age or older, can be a place to let loose of the weekday pressures and just have fun. With the large crowds, clubs usually sell out and have long lines of people waiting to get into the "crazy environment of the club." Clubs are usually very well prepared for this scenario, of handling large crowds, by having an increased amount of security at the entrance.

Everyone is so excited about getting inside. Some people are dancing around outside like little toy robots, to the beat of the fast music. As the line continues to grow outside, you find excitement through the massive doors that everyone is waiting to walk through. Two steps inside, and you’re in a magical world of disco lights, laser beams, and the irreplaceable glow of black lights shining on people. Everyone is smiling and having such a good time.


Mace walked up to me with two girls by his side. They were clinging to him.

"I am glad you made it." He muttered, smiling widely at me.

"Yea." I sighed.

"What is wrong, handsome? you are looking down." One of the girls in Mace's arms said, moving over to me, she reeked of alcohol.

"Yes, you look sad what’s the matter?" Mace inquired.

I was about to talk when Mace cuts in.

"Is the thing that is making you sad related to the reason you want to end your life?" Mace inquired.

"Yes, probably." I mumbled, putting my hand in my pocket, and one of the girls dragged me by the hand, and we all settled down in a chair on the side of the club.

A girl with red hair joined us. She sat beside me, staring lustfully at me. All these sluts can’t just let rich guys like me rest.

"You are Richard Kingston, right?" she asked, moving her fingers up my chest. All this whores I wrinkle my nose.