
No groom

Sofia ran to Richard.


"Where is your brother? The wedding is about to begin," she exclaimed.


"I don’t think he will come back," Richard shrugged.


Sofia grabbed his suit and looked into his eyes.


"Why won’t he come back?" She snapped, looking into his eyes.


"Maybe because he doesn’t like you." Richard replied, and their eyes drifted to the announcer.


"We are sorry to inform you that the wedding has been canceled." He declared, and Sofia let go of Richard’s suit, and screwed up her face.


All the guests started murmuring .


"Why did I come to this wedding, in the first place, I should have gone to a birthday party instead." One of the guests stated.


"I should have gone to the cinema." Another one added.


And the guests started walking out of the house one after the other.


Sofia started crying and shattering all the tables in the hall. She fell on the ground crying with hot tears falling down her pale cheeks and ruining her make-up.


Mr. Kingston walked down the stairs and started yelling at the bodyguards.


"All of you are useless!! How can you let Raymond leave like that," he snapped with his eyes burning with fury, and they started running outside the house, and a body guard stood beside him looking at him.


"What are you still doing here? Get out!!" he yelled, giving the bodyguard a resounding slap on the back, and he ran outside the house.


"Honey, calm down, Raymond will come back." Mrs. Kingston assured.


"Did he tell you he would come back? You better go look for your son." He said coldly.


"Maybe he wanted to go get something," she added.


"Then why isn’t he picking up his call." Richard added, holding his phone to his ear.


                                                                    Daisy’s POV


Wow, I was right, it is indeed a wedding disaster. Rich people just do whatever they please, I guess I have to go now, wedding or no wedding, they will still pay my boss for her service.


I carry my bag from the table and try to walk outside the house, when different reporters ran into the house. I halted and looked back at them. Some of them were putting their microphone in Mr. Kingston’s mouth, while some were taking pictures of the bride on the floor.


All those beautiful decorations and arrangements have gone to waste, as I walk outside the mansion and look back at the house. I took a taxi to work.


I opened the door and walked into the shop and eyed my boss. She was taking a picture of a model. I approached her.


I looked at her and faced the model, taking a picture of her as she was displaying her beautiful figure.


"You are back early." she remarked.


"The wedding was a….I didn’t finish my sentence, I was interrupted by the TV.


"The famous billionaire Raymond Kingston’s Christmas wedding was ruined today by him. He ran away from home and left Sofia Marcus at the altar." The reporter on the TV said that when they displayed a picture of Sofia on the screen, her face was a mess, and her make-up had been ruined. 


My boss saw this and held her camera as everyone ran to watch the news.