
New lifestyle

Blowing a cold breeze into the room. Raymond’s pores raised as he slowly opened his eyes. 

He opened his eyes and looked up at Mr. Josh, who was sleeping with saliva dripping out of his mouth and landing on the pillow. He screwed up his face in disgust and got up from the mat. 

He stood up and started stretching his muscles as the cold breeze blew through his hair. He walked to the window and looked out the window. 

"My first day, sleeping at an abandoned house." He muttered as he put his head out the window and bird poop landed on his hair.

"Ahhh!!" he screamed and removed his head from the window, putting his hand on the bird poop in his hair." His screams woke up Mr. Josh, Mr. Josh stood up from the mat and looked at him.

"Sir, why are you panicking?" he asked, looking at him. And spotting the bird poop in his hair, he burst into laughter. 

"It’s not funny. Help me get this thing out of my hair." Raymond lamented using his hand to rub the bird poop. 

"Stop, you are making it worse. It’s bird poop." Mr. Josh declared 

Raymond screwed up his face and looked at his hand.

"Eww, I touched it." He grumbled, looking at the bird poop in his hand. 

"Let’s go wash it in the bathroom." Mr. Josh said, leading him to the bathroom. 

Mr. Josh opened the bathroom door and walked inside, Raymond stood at the entrance of the bathroom and started scrutinizing it. The bathroom was too small. If they both entered the bathroom, it would be too crowded and too stuffy. 

"Is this what you people call a bathroom, a place that you take care of yourself?" Raymond asked, looking keenly at Mr. Josh, and he nodded. Raymond frowned.

"This is not happening. Why did you choose such an apartment?" Raymond asked bluntly. 

"It was the only available one and it was cheap." He replied.

"Cheap is that why you got me into this house Did I ask you to look for a cheap house? Get out of my way and wash his bird poop out of my hair." Raymond commanded and forced his way into the bathroom. He put his head on the sink.

Mr. Josh switched on the tap above his head and waited for the water to wash off the bird poop from his hair.

Raymond put his hand on the tap and started using it to scrub his hair. 

He finished washing his hair and was strolling out of the bathroom when he heard a knock on the door.

"Maybe they have brought the furniture." Mr. Josh suggested and ran to open the door. He grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Two muscular men walked in, carrying a bed. 

"Come and put it here." Mr. Josh declared, leading them to the bedroom, where he removed the mat from the floor and guided them to place it on the floor.

They got to their feet and walked out.