
Struggling to leave in a new house

"Alright, I will do it." Mr. Kingston assured and he hung up. 

"People are just strange. He is demanding money and giving me conditions, I will surely get Raymond to pay me back my money when I find him." He whispered underneath his breath and walked into the bathroom. 

At Raymond’s house.

After they both finish cleaning the house, Mr. Josh carried all the shopping bags from the car into the house. resting them on a wall in the living room. 

Raymond yawned and put his hand on his mouth.

"I am so sleepy, but I don’t know if I can sleep on a mat." He observes Mr. Josh and made a remark.

They both walk into the bedroom. Mr. Josh opened the window and spread the mat on the floor.

Mr. Josh put a set of blue pillows on the mat and the lights went off.

"Am blind! I am blind! Raymond screams, running around the room. It was extremely dark.

"Calm down sir, this happens all the time. It’s either they didn’t pay their electricity bill or it’s a technical issue." Mr. Josh stated. 

Mr. Josh turned on the touch on his phone and pointed it to Raymond's face, where he was breathing like a scared cat, his hair messed up, and sweat was forming on his forehead.

"How am I going to sleep without electricity? That’s death," Raymond whined, biting his fingers.

"If it’s death, then many poor people would have died a long time ago." Mr. Josh shrugged.

"I am swallowing my pride by standing in this house, and now I have to sleep without electricity. Call me the owner of this house," Raymond stated coldly. 

"He must be asleep by now. it’s late. They will solve the light issue tomorrow." Mr. Josh assured and lay on the mat, creating a space for Raymond to sleep. Raymond looked at him on the floor and lifted his upper lip in disgust. 

"I should have married Sofia." He lamented and put his head out the window of the room, sniffing the fresh air as the breeze blew into the house.

"Ain’t you sleeping?" Mr. Josh inquired. 

"Don’t worry about me, you can go to bed," Raymond mumbled, and continued looking out the window. Staring at the beautiful stars in the night sky. He rested at the window for some time. His eyes started to get heavy. His eyes closed. He forced them open, trying to fight with nature. His eyes closed again. He forced them open, widening his eyes.

His eyes were extremely red. His eyelids started to drop and he looked at the mat. He lay down beside Mr. Josh on the mat and curled his legs on the mat, hugging his legs as he drifted to sleep, resting his head on the pillow.

The next day.

At the break of dawn, the birds in the sky started whistling, and the light in the sky forced its way into the room, 

Author's note

Guys, bear with me, I drop two chapters daily. Sometimes I post three. chapters, from next month, I promise I will be posting four chapters a day. Just bear with me. Thank you, my lovely readers, Rate and review. Remember 5 stars.