
Going to a job interview

"Call someone to paint this house," Raymond stated, cleaning his hair with a towel.

"I am way ahead of you." Mr. Josh said, pressing his phone.

"So what about the job you talked about the other day?" Raymond inquired.

"What job?" he asked, simply-minded.

"The photography job?" Raymond muttered.

"Oh yes, the interview is today. Get ready and go. I will give you the address. " Mr. Josh said, pushing him into the bathroom.

The men finish bringing the furniture and arranging it in the house. As Mr. Josh sat on the grey couch, he started bouncing on it with his butt.

"It’s soft, just the way I like it." He mumbled, "Raymond, walk out of the bathroom." With a towel tied around his waist, his biceps and triceps were exposed with water dripping off his body. 

"Take this, you are late for the interview." Mr. Josh said he was giving him a pair of black t-shirts and plain trousers. 

Raymond walked to the bedroom and started putting on the clothes. He finished putting on the clothes. As he took out the makeup box from his bag, Mr. Josh walked in and handed him a small mirror.

He put on the eyeglasses and brought out a black brush, trying to put a mole on his face. He put on the mole and turned to Mr. Josh. 

"Do you recognize me?" He asked, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"No, I don't," Mr. Josh said, slipping his hand into his pocket.

"These clothes are uncomfortable, so cheap, and too simple." Raymond lamented while adjusting his eyeglasses.

"You need to go now if you want to secure this job." Mr. Josh said

"Don’t forget to buy me a new pair of glasses; I can’t wear these all day." Raymond lamented and attempted to wear a Rolex wristwatch. He was about to close the buckle when Mr. Josh snatched it from him.

"You can’t wear that." He declared in a polite tone.

"What but it's part of me." He whined.

"Have you ever seen a poor man wearing this?" Mr. Josh inquired.

"No," Raymond replied, with a pout. 

"Take this is the address, and don’t use the car. Someone has already priced it." Mr. Josh stated handling Raymond a paper and he took it from him.

"Give me my other credit card," Raymond said, stretching his hand towards him.

"Take." He said, giving him a silver card, Raymond took it from him and started walking out of the house.

He walked out of the apartment and walked down the road, trying to call a taxi. 

He started waving his hand in the air, and a taxi stopped. He was about to enter the taxi when a lady rushed into the taxi, pushing him away.

"Sorry!" she muttered and waved at him. 

"Gosh! How I wish I could use my car and all this wouldn’t be happening. " He lamented, and a taxi stopped in front of him. 

"Where are you going?" the taxi driver inquired, and a smile curved on his face. He quickly opened the door of the taxi and sat inside. 


                                                           Authors' note

For your information, I have edited all the chapters and started using past tense to describe and I think I like it more, Rate and review my lovely readers.