
New boyfriend

"Richard, I hope you are feeling better." Mrs. Kingston said that as she walked down the stairs, she was wearing a purple strapless gown.

"I am trying, mum." He lamented sitting on the couch while Mrs. Kingston sat beside him and turned on the TV. They were interrupted by the news.

"Chelsea Miller, the daughter of a business tycoon and the girlfriend of Richard Kingston, the famous model, was seen on the street with a famous rapper." The reporter said, that while showing a picture of Chelsea kissing a rapper, he was extremely close to her and they were hugging.

Seeing this, Richard was devastated. He didn’t know how to react. He stood up from the couch and grabbed the vase from the table and threw it at the TV screen, and the TV screen fell to the ground with a loud thud. Boom! Mrs. Kingston put her hand in her mouth in surprise.

"Richard, why did you do that?" she inquired, acting dumb.

"Stop acting like you don’t know the reason, so Chelsea dumped me for a rapper." He said, clenching his fists, he was extremely angry, with his eyes burning with fury.


"Rich, calm down. Let’s talk things out." She pleaded, trying to put her hand on his back. And he turned to her.

"She just broke up with me yesterday and now she already has someone else. I don’t have a reason to leave anymore." He said with his lips pursed tightly together.

 He started walking heavily towards the door, and Mrs. Kingston ran after him.

"Honey, stop this is madness." She pleaded, tears falling down her soft pale cheeks. But he didn’t stop.

"Don’t let him leave the house!!" she yelled to the bodyguards, and they all blocked him at the entrance. He raised his head and looked at them with his eyes extremely red.

"Get out of my way!!" he yelled angrily, and they paved way for him.

He walked to the garage, got into his car, and drove away.

"What are you guys waiting for? Go after him!!" Mrs. Kingston declared, and they all ran into a black van and drove off.

Mrs. Kingston put her hand on her head.

"What do I do?" she said, asking no one in particular, as she ran to her room to call Mr. Kingston. with her hands trembling. 

Raymond arrived home and walked into the house. He saw two men wearing white clothes. They were both painting the house. And Mr. Josh approached him.

"I need a curriculum vitae." He said as he sighted Mr. Josh.

"Oh, I totally forgot about that," Mr. Josh muttered.

"My new name is Ray Bard." He said it in a low tone.

"I will get a curriculum vitae made," he assured.

Daisy finished taking the picture of a model, who was the last one in the shop.

"So when should I come for the picture?" she inquired.

"I will send it through your assistant tomorrow," Daisy replied, smiling widely.

"Alright, the model reached into her bag and brought a bunch of dollars and handed it to Daisy.