

"I like your service." She praised and walked out of the shop. Daisy watched the model go and stared at the money.

"Wow, so much money just for a few pictures," Daisy whined and took a paper from the table. It seemed to be the register. She wrote the name of the model and the number of pictures and put the money in the drawer when Mrs. Jennifer walked into the shop.

"You are still here?" she asked, walking to Daisy.

Daisy muttered, "I just finished photographing a model; I was just living."

"You can go. I will lock up." Mrs. Jennifer beamed and Daisy walked to her desk and carried her bag. She walked out of the shop and brought out her phone, and dialed Chris's number, but he wasn’t picking up her call.

"I have to go see him then." She stated under her breath and stopped a taxi.

Rich was driving on the highway when he looked at his side mirror and sighted the van with the bodyguards.

"Why are those idiots after me." He mumbled to himself and stopped the car on the side of the road.

The bodyguard drove past him and drove back. As they were approaching him with their car, Richard stepped out of his car and stood in front of their car.

He put his hand in the air. They try their best to stop the car before him. They managed to stop the car just before his feet and run out of the car.

Richard narrowed his eyes at them and they look down avoiding his gaze

"Why are you guys following me?" he asked, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"The lady asked us to follow you." One of the bodyguards stated, bowing  slightly

"You guys should go back home." He declared walking towards his car and looking back at them, they were still standing staring at him.

"I say go!!" he yelled and they hurried into their van.                                                                              

Richard got into his car and started driving to the outskirts of the city.

He stopped at the front of a bridge, parked his car on the side of the road, and jumped out.

He slammed the door of his car and walked to the bridge. He stood at the narrow end of the bridge and looked into the water. Fear gripped him. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he felt like trying to kill himself would draw Chelsea’s attention. 

People started stopping their cars and running to him.

"Young man, why do you want to kill yourself." A woman inquired, walking closer to him.

"Don’t come any closer, I will jump." He said, lifting his right leg.

 "Oh my gosh, he is Richard Kingston." A girl said, smiling from ear to ear, she put her hand in her pocket and brought out her phone and started filming him.

Mrs. Kingston was in the mansion pacing and waiting for Richard. She was worried.

And the bodyguards park their car in front of the mansion and ran into the house.

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